Don Platt, Ph.D.

Associate Professor | Director of the Spaceport Education Center · Florida Tech

Dr. Platt's work has involved developing, testing and flying different types of avionics, communications and rocket propulsion systems.

Space Systems Rocket Propulsion Systems Deep Space Exploration Satellite Design Astrodynamics

Tanya Harrison

Fellow · Outer Space Institute

Professional Martian who has worked on rocks and robots on the Red Planet.

Space and Astrophysics Climate Change Satellite Based Remote Sensing of the Earth/atmosphere System Earth Science Women in STEM Careers

Dr. PANKAJ DHUSSA (- Ph.D. & Sc.D. -)


Research Scientist & iNaturalist

Astronomy iNaturalist Futuristic Thinking Research & Development Technology & Innovation

Heidi Jo Newberg

Professor, Physics, Applied Physics, and Astronomy · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Studies the formation and structure of the Milky Way and other galaxies

Physics Color Selection of QSOs Supernova Phenomenology Astronomy Galaxy Photometry

Dr. Marianne Mader

Managing Director, Earth & Space/Fossils & Evolution, Royal Ontario Museum · Co-Founder & Board Member, STEAMLabs Community Makerspace

Cultivating curiosity. Inspiring passion for exploration. Empowering people to engage with science & tech.

Space Exploration Planetary Science Science Communication Maker Culture STEAM Education

Jessica M. Hayden

Assistant Professor · Western Carolina University

Jessica M. Hayden's teaching and research interests include Congress, representation, gender and political communication.

Congressional Communication Women's Representation Gender and Politics Political Participation Political Communication

Andrew Palmer, Ph.D.

Associate Professor | Ocean Engineering and Marine Sciences · Florida Tech

Dr. Palmer's research interests include eavesdropping on bacterial 'conversations', Martian farming, and cell wall fragment-based signaling.

Astrobiology Ocean Engineering Biomedical Molecular Biology Biochemistry

Paul Sutter

Professor of Astrophysics | Center for Cosmology and AstroParticle Physics · The Ohio State University

Astrophysics expert, specializing in the emptiest regions of the universe

Astrophysics Big Bang Theory Space Exploration Intersections of Science and Art

Eric Baumgartner, Ph.D.

Executive Vice President of Academics · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Prior to joining academia, Dr. Eric Baumgartner spent 10 years at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. He is an expert in higher ed leadership.

Space Exploration Higher Education Robotics and Automation Manufacturing

Gustavo Vejarano

Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering · Loyola Marymount University

Seaver College of Science and Engineering

Multimedia Communications

Alexander MacDonald

Director - Emerging Space Office · NASA

Alexander MacDonald is recognized as an expert on the economic history of American space exploration.

Commercial Spaceflight Future of Space Exploration Space Policy

Rachael Seidler

Professor · University of Florida

Rachael Seidler researches the neural control of movement in health and disease, with a specific focus on motor learning.

Space Parkinson's Cognitive Ageing Neuroscience and the Brain Neuroplasticity

David Wettergreen

Research Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

David Wettergreen is well known for deploying robots in locations that compel scientific investigation without human presence.

Human-Robot Interaction Underwater Robotics Space Robots and Systems Robotics for Scientific Discovery AI Reasoning for Robotics

Zachary Manchester

Assistant Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Zachary Manchester is a researcher and aerospace engineer with broad interests in dynamics, control, estimation and optimization.

Legged Robots Robotics Commercial Aerospace Simulation Software Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Aerospace Engineering

Gary M. Atkinson, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering · VCU College of Engineering

Professor Atkinson specializes in microelectromechanical systems

Microelectromechanical Systems Biochip Smart materials Micro and Nanofabrication Energy Conversion Devices

Manasvi Lingam, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor | Aerospace, Physics and Space Sciences · Florida Tech

Dr. Lingam's research interests are primarily within the transdisciplinary areas of astrobiology.

Planetary Science Plasma Physics Astrobiology Astrophysics

Adam Frank

Professor of astrophysics, science commentator, and popular author · University of Rochester

Frank is a leading expert on how stars form and how they die, as well as civilizations before humans

Extraterrestrial Life Space Discoveries Life on Other Planets Civilizations and climate change Theoretical Astrophysics

William Whittaker

Founders University Research Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

A field robotics pioneer, William "Red" Whittaker's research interests centers on mobile robots in unpredictable environments.

Multisensor Data Fusion Robotics in Hazerdous Application Industrial Robotics Field & Service Robotics Outdoor Mobile Robots

Henry J. Donahue, Ph.D.

Alice T. and William H. Goodwin, Jr. Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering; BS, San Diego State University; Ph.D. UC Santa Barbara · VCU College of Engineering

Bone, mechanobiology, regenerative medicine, effects of space travel on bone and muscle, gap junctions, osteoblast, osteocyte, osteoclast

Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering Musculoskeletal Mechanobiology Space Biology and Bioengineering

Peter Platzer

CEO · Nanosatisfi

CEO at Nanosatisfi, a visionary space exploration company

The Coming Revolution in the Satellite Industry Entrepreneurship in Europe and the Us Disruptive Innovation On the Example of the Space Industry