Jim Wellehan
Professor · University of Florida
Jim Wellehan's research focuses on comparative infectious disease, pathogen evolution, molecular diagnostics and pathogen discovery.
Mycology Virology Wildlife Medicine Infectious Disease Bacteriology
Idalis Villanueva Alarcón
Associate Professor/Associate Chair · University of Florida
Idalis Villanueva uses qualitative, quantitative, and multi-modal approaches to understand challenges affecting education and STEM training.
Multi-Modal Methods Hidden Curriculum Science and Engineering Education Mentoring
Cathleen McGrath, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Management, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University
Associate Chair, Department of Management
Social Network Analysis Organization Theory Managing Innovation Higher Education Research
Simon Garnier
Assistant Professor, College of Science and Liberal Arts · New Jersey Institute of Technology
Professor Garnier focuses on the study of collective behaviors and swarm intelligence in natural and artificial systems
Biological Sciences Swarm Robotics Interdisciplinary Education Collective Behavior Swarm Intelligence
Thomas Covington, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Finance, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University
Corporate Finance Sustainable Finance
stef shuster
Associate Professor of Sociology of Medicine and Gender · Michigan State University
stef shuster's research explores how evidence is a social artifact that is constituted through social, cultural, and historical contexts.
Inequality Gender Gender Affirmative Care Medical Sociology Social Movements
Gonzalo Garcia, PhD AE, MSc EE, BSc EE
Postdoctoral Fellow · VCU College of Engineering
Conduct experimental, theoretical, modeling and simulation research in the area of autonomous vehicles and robots.
Artifical Intelligence Autonomous and Connected Vehicles Nonlinear Controls Optimal Control Reinforcement Learning
Julie Brown
Associate Professor · University of Florida
Julie Brown's scholarship is rooted in the science of broadening participation in STEM in secondary and higher education contexts.
Qualitative Methods Undergraduate Science and STEM Education Curriculum Design Educational Equity Science Education
Laura Huffman
Senior Instructor of Modern Languages and Literatures - French · Loyola Marymount University
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
Paige C. Pullen
Research Professor · University of Florida
Paige C. Pullen is a expert in the field of special education and learning disabilities, specifically in the area of reading.
External Funding Special Education Reading Disabilities Early Learning Reading Instruction
Glen Duerr, Ph.D.
Professor of International Studies · Cedarville University
Dr. Deurr's research interests include nationalism and secession, comparative politics, and international relations theory
International Terrorism Domestic Terrorism International Relations Brexit
Allan Figueroa Deck, SJ
Distinguished Scholar in Pastoral Theology and Latino Studies · Loyola Marymount University
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
Chaya Crowder
Assistant Professor of Political Science & International Relations · Loyola Marymount University
Chaya Crowder is an expert in political behavior, race and ethnicity politics, social media and American politics.
American Politics Race and Politics Political Science Political Behavior Social Media
Manoj Viswanathan
Associate Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law
Contacts: viswanathanm@uchastings.edu / 415-565-4694 / Office 314-200
Tax Policy Economic Development The Regulation of Tax Exempt Organizations Community Development
Rebecca Sherwood
Lecturer of Production · Loyola Marymount University
School of Film and Television
Unreal Engine Encoding Premiere Avid Reolve
Shawn Thompson
Professor · Thompson Rivers University
Journalist, university professor and book author who explores our moral obligations in the crisis of extinction facing orangutans
The Intimate Ape: Orangutans and the Secret Life If A Vanishing Species
Devorah Heitner
Assistant Professor of Communication · Lake Forest College
Raising Digital Kids How to help kids survive and thrive in our digital world...
Digital Preschoolers Rewriting Princess Culture: Moving Beyond Disney
Teri Yohn
Professor & Rebecca Cheney McGreevy Endowed Chair of Accounting · Emory University, Goizueta Business School
Nancy Coster
Clinical Professor of Accounting, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University
Assistant Chair, Department of Accounting
Financial Accounting
Tatiana Kuzmenko
Instructor of Biology · Loyola Marymount university
Seaver College of Science and Engineering
Medicinal Plants Educational Research Evolutionary Biology Molecular Biology Neurobiology