Jacob T. Fisher
Assistant Professor · Michigan State University
Dr. Jacob T. Fisher's research is positioned at the intersection of digital technology, attention, and decision making.
Network Analysis Neuroscience Media Psychology Attention Multitasking
Ashok Iyer, Ph.D., PE
Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering · VCU College of Engineering
Professor Iyer's research interests include GPS applications and neural networks
GPS Applications Neural Networks Linear and Nonlinear Control Theory Robotics for Nuclear Waste Handling
Joan Moran
Keynote Speaker · eSpeakers, Women Speakers Association, Toastmasters
Joan offers an innovative platform that builds healthy mental habits by stretching the mind at any age.
Work/Life Balance Power of Mental Stretching Decision Making/Leadersnip
Doina Oncel
Founder | Licenced Financial Advisor/Broker · WolfPACK
Building communities and helping families with access to financial literacy.
Nonprofit Management Women in STEM Women & Leadership Women & Nonprofit
Jason Parks
Motivational Speaker | CEO | Pastor · Professional Speaker
2000+ professional workshops, motivational keynotes, and faith-based sermons
Marketing Communications Leadership Spiritual Formation
Mark Thompson, PhD
Dean of Hull College of Business, Professor of Economics · Augusta University
Mark Thompson, PhD, dean of the Hull College of Business, is an economist in business conditions, risk analysis, energy and health care.
Economics Energy Healthcare Industry Risk Analysis
Teddy Rodriguez-Velez
Lecturer of Theatre Arts · Loyola Marymount University
Lecturer of Theatre Arts
Sheng Dai
Assistant Professor, Geosystems Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE
Sheng Dai develops innovative testing techniques to study properties and processes in soils and rocks at elevated pressure and temperatures.
Reservoir Geomechanics Geomaterials Characteriztion Energy Geotechnics Flow in Porous and Fractured Media
Raj Melville
Executive Director · Deshpande Foundation
Raj Melville is an expert in creating sustainable, scalable social and economic impact through innovation and entrepreneurship.
Product Management Marketing Business Planning and Strategy
Lance Hunter, PhD
Professor of Political Science · Augusta University
Dr. Lance Hunter studies the connection between terrorism and political stability in democracies.
Politics Terrorism International Relations Voting Civil Liberties
Gina Jarman Hill
Professor & Department Chair · Texas Christian University
Dr. Hill's interests include food security, sustainability, urban agriculture and community nutrition education.
Urban Agriculture Food Waste Hunger Food Security Sustainability
Ann Mirabito, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Marketing · Baylor University
Dr. Ann Mirabito's research focuses on stigma, healthcare service experience, consumer health and workplace wellness.
Stigmas of Mental Illness Stigma Economics Workplace Wellness Health Policy
Scott Yates
Founder · Blogmutt
Founder, CEO at Blogmutt. Author and Speaker
Startups Brain Pr and Marketing Today Patents and Ip Management of Different Generations
Youyou Tao, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Information Systems and Business Analytics, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University
Healthcare Analytics and Informatics Econometrics Latent Growth Modeling Bayesian Modeling
Christina Motley
CMO-On-Demand, Author, Speaker, CEO & Founder · Christina Motley, llc
On Point Marketing Strategy for Business Growth
Thought Leadership Dealing With Change Creating Compelling Content Integrated Marketing Solutions Fostering Customer Engagement
Eric T. Tung
Social Media Strategy + Content + Training · Eric T. Tung
Social Media Strategy Consultant, Trainer, Speaker and Doer
Online Marketing Digital Marketing Twitter Facebook Social Media
Tim Washer
Sr Marketing Manager, Social Media · Ridiculous Media, LLC
Actor. Writer. Presbyterian.
Corporate Storytelling Humanizing the Brand With Social Video and Humor
Anthonette Klinkerman
Chief Etiquette Officer (CEO) · Courtesy Bootcamp(TM)
Lack of courtesy costs billions in the workplace!
Courtesy Civility Humor Staff Development
Rip Gerber
Best-Selling Author, Musician and Innovationsist · Secret Equations, LLC
Founder, CEO, and Chief Location Officer
Mobile Leadership Creativity
Michael Slotkin, Ph.D.
Professor | Nathan M. Bisk College of Business · Florida Tech
Dr. Slotkin's research interests include sustainability and ecotourism, economic impact assessments, and pedagogical issues.
Pedagogy Economic Impact Assessments Sustainability Ecotourism Feasibility Studies