Yi Chen

Henry J. Leir Chair in Healthcare and Associate Professor · New Jersey Institute of Technology

Professor Chen focuses on cutting-edge database, data mining and machine learning techniques with applications in business and health care

Information Integration Big Data Machine Learning Management Healthcare

Sherry Pagoto, Ph.D.

Professor of Allied Health Sciences · University of Connecticut

Leveraging technology for health promotion and disease prevention

Health Behavior Sun Safety Skin Cancer Prevention Digital Health Social Media

Professor Sue Backhouse

Professor of Sport Psychology and Behavioural Nutrition · Leeds Beckett University

Her particular expertise is in athlete welfare, drug use in sport, why athletes dope, what makes athletes vulnerable to doping and more.

Doping Drug Use in Sport Sports Integrity Athlete Welfare Clean Sport

Mark D. Morelli

Professor Emeritus of Philosophy · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Lonergan Hegel Plato Philosophy's Cultural Role

Jagdish N. Sheth

Charles H. Kellstadt Chaired Professor of Business · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Globally known for his scholarly contributions in consumer psychology, competitive strategy, and geopolitical analysis

Consumer Psychology Global Competitive Strategy Marketing Theory Geopolitical Analysis Emerging Markets

John L. Diamond

The Honorable Raymond L. Sullivan Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contact: diamondj@uchastings.edu / 415-565-4628 / Office M202-198

Tort Law Criminal Law Mass Media Law Defamation Law

Kathryn Libal, Ph.D.

Director, Human Rights Institute and Professor, Social Work & Human Rights · University of Connecticut

Professor Libal researches human rights norms and practices, including the ability to secure adequate food and housing.

U.S. Resettlement of Refugees Asylum Seekers Women's Rights Children's Rights Migrant Children

Alan J. Singer

Professor of Teaching, Learning and Technology · Hofstra University

Alan Singer specializes in social studies education and United States history.

Social Studies Education United States History History of Slavery Teaching race. ethnicity and class

David Ortega

Professor and Noel W. Stuckman Chair in Food Economics and Policy · Michigan State University

David Ortega researches the decision making processes of consumers to better inform food policies and marketing strategies.

Experimental Economics Agricultural Development Economics Food Supply Inflation

Romona Foster

Social Media Trainer · Social Media How To's with Romona

Highly endorsed social media trainer teaching professionals how to leverage and brand their businesses through the use of social media!

Branding Social Media & Content Marketing for Business and Non-Profits Social Media eMail and Content Marketing Facebook Linkedin Consulting

Amanda J. Crawford

Assistant Professor · University of Connecticut

Professor Crawford is a veteran political reporter, literary journalist, and expert in journalism ethics and misinformation.

Literary Journalism Media News Literacy Misinformation Journalism Ethics

David Primo

Ani and Mark Gabrellian Professor, Professor of Political Science and Business Administration · University of Rochester

An expert in American politics; campaign finance; corporate political strategy, social responsibility & fiscal policy; & airline industry.

Airline Industry Airline Business Election Law Federal Tax Policy Political Gridlock

Steve Przymus

Associate Professor of Educational Linguistics & Bilingual Education · Texas Christian University

Dr. Przymus uses applied linguistics to influence positive language ideologies about culturally and linguistically diverse youth.

Language Planning & Policy Assessment in Bilingual Special Education Bilingual Education Models Sociolinguistics Identity

Paula Winke

Inaugural Arts & Letters Professor · Michigan State University

Paula Winke's primary research is on foreign and second language assessment.

Second Language Assessment Task-based Materials Design Second Language Acquisition Language Test Reliability Task-based Language Assessment

Sarah Emanuel

Assistant Professor of Theological Studies · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Biblical Studies New Testament Christian Origins First Century Judaism Bible and Theory

Thomas Kostigen

Bestselling author · Thomas Kostigen

Celebrity Collaboration / Climate / Sustainable Food

Collaboration and New Ways of Working Journalism Environment Climate Business

Margie Thomas

CEO/President · M.A.T. Consulting, Inc.

Taming the Chaos in Your Organization to improve productivity and employee moral.

How to Work With Angry People Myers Briggs Type Indicator Personal Listening Profile Team Development Disc Profile

Matthew Kerbel, PhD

Professor of Political Science | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Matthew Kerbel, PhD, is the go-to source for stories about political communication.

Political Science Political Parties Presidency and Governorship American Government Media and Politics

Steve Kurylo

Chief Financial Officer · GrandBanks Capital

Steve Kurylo is the Chief Financial Officer at GrandBanks Capital and an expert in venture capital, private equity and valuation.

Debt & Equity Financing Value Investing Valuation Venture Capital Private Equity

Nina Caputo

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Nina Caputo is a scholar of medieval Jewish history and interfaith relations in medieval Europe.

Jewish-Christian Relations in the Middle Ages Medieval History Medieval Jewish History Medieval Spain