Megan Mickley, M.D., MBA, FAAP

Interim Chair of the Department of Pediatrics and Co-Physician Executive of the Women’s & Children’s Service Line · ChristianaCare

Dr. Megan Mickley is the Interim Chair of the Department of Pediatrics and Co-Physician Executive of the Women’s & Children’s Service Line

Healthcare Management Pediatric Emergency Medicine Emergency Ultrasound Pediatrics

Howie Choset

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Howie Choset's research reduces complicated high-dimensional problems found in robotics to low-dimensional simpler ones.

Field & Service Robotics Applied Mathematics Robotics and Autonomous Vehicles Computer Science Mechanical Systems

Harvey Chim

Professor · University of Florida

Dr. Harvey Chim is an expert in upper and lower extremity limb salvage, brachial plexus, and complex peripheral nerve reconstruction.

Wrist Surgery Hand Surgery Brachial Plexus Reconstruction Peripheral Nerve Limb Salvage

Zvi Schwartz, D.M.D., Ph.D.

Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering · VCU College of Engineering

Doctor of dental medicine and periodontal expert; skilled program developer

Bone Cartilage and mineralization and their relation to Vitamin D sex hormones and local factors. Implant and bone substitute mechanism of action and clinical use Steroid hormone Periodontal diseases etiology and treatment The Effect of Vitamin D on Cartilage Cells in Vitro

Bruce Compas

Patricia and Rodes Hart Professor of Psychology and Human Development, Professor of Pediatrics, Co-Director of Clinical Psychology Training, and Director of Psychology at the Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center · Vanderbilt University

An expert on how stress affects the physical and mental health of children and families, and the power of coping and preventative measures.

Neurocognitive Deficits Depression Stress Coping and Resilience Huntington Disease Childhood Cancer Survivorship

Kimberly Gannon, M.D., Ph.D, F.A.H.A

Medical Director of Comprehensive Stroke Program, Physician Executive of Neurosciences Service Line · ChristianaCare

Dr. Gannon combines the expertise of clinician with doctorate research to improve both patient and population health in neurological care.

Stroke Care Vascular Neurology Neurology Physiology Neurological Diseases

Karin Gravare Silbernagel

Professor, Physical Therapy · University of Delaware

Prof. Silbernagel's research aims to advance the understanding of tendon and ligament injuries and repair.

Achilles Tendinopathy Patellar Tendinopathy Achilles Tendon Rupture Tendon Rupture Knee Injuries

John E. Speich, Ph.D.

Interim Chair and Professor, Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering · VCU College of Engineering

Engineering and program development expert with research focused on bladder biomechanics and robotics

Cooperative Education Engineering Education Mechanical Engineering Robotics Medical Devices

Kevin Vincent

M.D./Chair · University of Florida

Dr. Kevin Vincent is the director of the UF Running Medicine Clinic and medical director of the UF Sports Performance Center.

Exercise for Older Adults Adaptations to Excercise Resistance Exercise Sports Medicine Running

Amir Kazory

Professor/Chief · University of Florida

Dr. Amir Kazory has published extensively on topics related to kidney disease and heart failure.

Hypertension Fluid overload Hemodialysis access Dialysis Acute kidney failure

Sanjeev Kumar

Associate Professor/Director/M.D. · University of Florida

Dr. Sanjeev Kumar's goal is to help people who suffer from chronic pain and strives to get to the bottom of why they are hurting.

Cancer Related Pain Nerve Pain Intervertebral Disc Herniation Cervical Spinal Stenosis Pudendal Neuralgia

Martha Terris, MD

Witherington Distinguished Chair, Urology · Georgia Cancer Center at Augusta University

Dr. Terris specializes in urologic cancers, including prostate cancer, kidney cancer, adrenal masses, bladder cancer and testicular cancer.

Oncology Cancer Prostate Cancer Kidney Cancer Bladder Cancer

Giles Peek

Clinical Professor/M.D. · University of Florida

Dr. Giles Peek is a congenital heart surgeon and ECMOlogist with experience in neonates, children, and adults.

ECMO Extra-Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation

Chaney Stewman, M.D.

Director of Sports Medicine · ChristianaCare

Chaney Stewman, M.D. specializes in sports medicine at ChristianaCare.

Sports Medicine Sports Medicine Acupuncture Acupuncture Integrative Health

Justin Martello, M.D.

Parkinson's and Movement Disorders Director · ChristianaCare

Dr. Martello, Delaware's only Parkinson's and movement disorders specialist, has established a comprehensive Parkinson's disease program.

Quality Improvement Parkinson's Disease Neurology Movement Disorders

Vinay Gheyi, MBBS, M.D.

Chair of Department of Radiology · ChristianaCare

Dr. Vinay Gheyi is the chair of the Department of Radiology at ChristianaCare.

Body Imaging Musculoskeletal Imaging

Krzysztof Matyjaszewski

University Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Krzysztof Matyjaszewski is is one of the leading educators of polymer chemistry.

Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization (ATRP) Polymer Chemistry Polymer Synthesis Macromolecules Responsive Polymeric Material Development

Claire Davies

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Mechanical and Materials Engineering · Queen's University

My primary research goal focuses on increasing independence of people with disabilities

Biomaterials Motion Analysis Assistive Technology Increasing Independence of People with Disabilities Universal Design

John Baumann

National Speakers Association Inspirational Speaker · JK Success Enterprises, LLC

Embrace Adversity & Reclaim Positive Perspective Inspirational Speaker

Reclaiming Posi-Spective (Positive Perspective)

Thanh Nguyen, Ph.D.

Associate Professor · University of Connecticut

Professor Nguyen focuses on biointegrated materials and devices at nano- and micro-scales for applications in biomedicine

Vaccinations Drug Delivery Nano