Andrew Lover
Associate Professor of Epidemiology and Deputy Director, New England Center of Excellence in Vector-Borne Disease · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Andrew Lover is an infectious disease epidemiologist whose work focuses on malaria and other vector-borne diseases.
Tick-borne Diseases Infectious Disease Vector-Borne Diseases Drug Development Malaria
Marina Eremeeva
Professor, Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Environmental Health Sciences · Georgia Southern University
Expert in health sciences
Public Heath Laboratories Zoonotic and Emerging Diseases Epidemiology Biostatistics Environmental Health Sciences
Michael von Fricken
Associate Professor/Director · University of Florida
Michael von Fricken focuses on vector-borne disease surveillance, control, and pathogen discovery.
Global Health Security Emerging Infectious Diseases Vector-Borne Diseases One Health Epidemiology
Sadie Ryan
Associate Professor · University of Florida
Sadie Ryan is a medical geographer and disease ecologist.
Climate-health Dengue Global change and disease Malaria Ticks
Rhoel Dinglasan
Professor · University of Florida
Rhoel Dinglasan is an expert in vector-borne diseases, malaria, arbovirus, mosquito/tick biology, and OMICS analytical platforms.
OMICS Analytical Platforms Arbovirus Vector-Borne Diseases Systems Biology Malaria
Stephen Rich
Professor of Microbiology and Director of the New England Center of Excellence in Vector-Borne Diseases (NEWVEC) · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Stephen Rich studies zoonotic diseases, with a focus on tick-borne diseases and human malaria. He is the director TickReport.
Powassan Vector-Borne Diseases Ticks and Tick Borne Diseases Parasitic diseases Malaria Research
Edward Walker
Professor of Entomology · Michigan State University
Edward Walker is an expert in emerging infectious diseases, landscape ecology and landscape risk analysis.
Landscape Risk Analysis Mosquitos Emerging Infectious Diseases Ladnscape Ecology