Zachary Neal

Associate Professor · Michigan State University

Zachary Neal is an expert in cities & neighborhoods, political & transportation networks, and measurement & analysis of social networks.

Public schools Social Networks Transportation Networks Networks Cities

Crystal Koenig

Assistant Professor of Anthropology · Southern Utah University

Assistant Professor of Anthropology, History, & Sociology; Specializing in biological anthropology and primatology

Forensic Anthropology Wildlife Ecology Behavioral Ecology Wildlife Documentaries Biological Anthropology

Laura Reese

Director and Professor · Michigan State University

Laura Reese is an expert in animal welfare policy, animals in the city, animal sheltering, local economic development

Local Economic Development Animals in the City Animal Welfare Policy Animal Sheltering

Colin Polsky, Ph.D.

Director of the Florida Center for Environmental Studies · Florida Atlantic University

Colin Polsky is trained as a geographer, specializing in the human dimensions of global environmental change.

U.S. Climate Vulnerabilities Geography Humanities Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Mathematics

Sarah Igo

Andrew Jackson Chair in American History; Professor of Law; Professor of Political Science; Professor of Sociology; Director, American Studies Program · Vanderbilt University

Expert in the history of American privacy, social security, big data, survey data and the public sphere.

Modern U.S. History History of the Public Sphere History of the Human Sciences History of Survey Research Opinion Poll

Igor Vojnovic

Professor · Michigan State University

Expert on urban development, infrastructure investment, urban design, regional governance, taxation, and municipal issues

Municipal Issues Regional Governance Infrastructure Investment Urban Development Urban Design

Marieke Van Willigen

Department Chair, Sociology and Anthropology · Georgia Southern University

Marieke Van Willigen writes about the mental and physical health of adolescents, women and disaster survivors.

Natural Disaster Assessment Social Statistics Gender and Society Mental Health

Marybeth Shinn

Cornelius Vanderbilt Chair, Department of Human and Organizational Development · Vanderbilt University

Expert in how to prevent and end homelessness

Affordable Housing Social Exclusion Homelessness Poverty

Chenfeng Xiong, PhD

Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering · Villanova University

Dr. Xiong conducts AI and big-data research on human mobility, and its relations with policies, environment, & public health.

Transportation Engineering Transportation Planning Transportation Economics Transportation and Environment Big Data

Jennifer Biddle

Professor, Marine Science and Policy · University of Delaware

Prof. Biddle's research interests include microbial ecology of marine systems, deep biosphere life, benthic archaea and bacteria.

Geobiology Deep Biosphere Life Microbial Ecology Marine Systems Benthic Archaea and Bacteria

Marne L. Campbell

Associate Professor and Chair of African American Studies · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

African American History The American West 19th and 20th Century US History Gender and Women's HIstory Urban History

Gregory DeFreitas

Professor of Economics, Director of the Center for the Study of Labor and Democracy · Hofstra University

Prof. DeFreitas is an expert on labor studies.

Labor Economics Research Methods Urban Economics Microeconomics African Economic Development

Evan Kropp

Executive Director/Affiliate Faculty · University of Florida

Evan Kropp, a leader in online education and strategic communication, has 30 years of experience in academia, marketing, and administration.

Teaching Social Media Strategic Communication Graduate Education Online Education

Sacha Klein

Associate Professor · Michigan State University

Sacha Klein is an expert on child welfare, child maltreatment prevention, effects of early care and education on parenting.

Educational Services Child Maltreatment Public Policy Analysis and Advocacy Racial Disparities in the Child Welfare System Child Abuse Prevention

Peter J. Bergerson, Ph.D.

Expert in national and Florida politics and public policy · Florida Gulf Coast University

Peter Bergerson focuses on U.S. campaigns and elections, the presidency and congress.

U.S. Census Florida Politics Florida Elections Florida's role in national elections U.S. Politics

Victor Perez

Associate Professor, Sociology and Criminal Justice; Core Faculty, Disaster Research Center · University of Delaware

Prof. Perez focuses on environmental racism and health disparities in historically marginalized communities.

Health Disparities Marginalized Communities Environmental Racism

Scott Imberman

Professor · Michigan State University

Education expert and economist, focusing on policy issues in K-12 and higher education

Autism Spectrum Disorder Teacher Incentives Education Policy Economics of Education School Choice

Catherine Murray

Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs and Enrolment Management, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences · Simon Fraser University

Dr. Murray is a professor in Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies and member of the Centre for Policy Studies on Culture and Communities.

Communication Rights and Global Trade Broadcast Policy Cultural Infrastructure and Creative Cities Cultural Participation Cultural Practices

Angela Hattery

Professor, Women and Gender Studies; Co-Director, Center for Study & Prevention of GBV · University of Delaware

Prof. Hattery teaches courses on race and gender inequality, families, and methods.

Mass Incarceration Solitary Confinement Gender Inequalities Racial Inequality Domestic Violence

Tatishe M. Nteta

Provost Professor of Political Science / Director of UMass Poll · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Tatishe Nteta's research lies at the intersection of the politics of race and ethnicity, public opinion, and political behavior.

Political Polls American Politics Politics and Political Analysis Race Culture and Ethnicity Polling