Laura Coristine
Liber Ero Fellow, postdoctoral researcher · University of Calgary
Researching solutions for climate change
macroecology climate change mitigation for biodiversity science communication and outreach GIS and spatial analysis
Debra Hydorn
Professor of Mathematics · University of Mary Washington
Debra Hydorn is a professor at the University of Mary Washington with interests in math and statistics education and mathematical art.
Statistics Mathematics Education Mathematics and Art Global Positioning Systems (Gps) Geographic Information Systems (Gis)
Li Dai, Ph.D.
Professor of Management, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University
Political Violence Emerging Markets Multinational Corporations Institutional Theory Firm Strategy in Hostile Contexts
Katie Peek
Coastal Research Scientist · Western Carolina University
Katie Peek researches coastal vulnerability, climate change impacts, and natural hazard resilience using GIS.
Hazard Mapping Climate Change Adaptation Sea-Level Rise Coastal Processes Natural Hazard Vulnerability Assessments
Paul Fischbeck
Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Paul Fischbeck's research focuses on the quantification and communication of uncertainty.
Decision Analysis Industrial Engineering Energy Uncertainty Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Gisela O'Brien
Affiliate Faculty · Loyola Marymount University
Department of Educational Leadership and Administration
Second Language and Curriculum Development Beginning Reading Content Literacy
Gisli Olafsson
Emergency Response Director · NetHope
Leading expert in the use of technology in disaster response. Expert and author in the area of crisis leadership.
Technology Use in Disasters Digital Volunteers Crisis Leadership
Corene Matyas
Professor · University of Florida
Corene Matyas researches the spatial analysis of rainfall from tropical cyclones.
Rainfall Severe Weather Tropical Cyclones
Ken Foote, Ph.D.
Professor of Geography · University of Connecticut
Ken Foote has studied sites associated with individual murders, as well as those associated mass murder and many other events.
Genocide Individual Murders Memorials Violence and Tragedy Natural Disasters
Christine Hladik
Assistant Professor · Georgia Southern University
Professor Hladik specializes in the application of geospatial data to address a range of ecological and management goals
Coastal Wetlands Geography Remote Sensing Geospatial Data Mapping Remote Sensing and Data Assimilation
Dr Lucy Bastin
Reader, Computer Science · Aston University
Dr. Bastin specializes in spatio-temporal environmental analysis and semantic interoperability for data, models & metadata
Data Analytics Software Engineering Engineering Applied Sciences
Cathy Nadjiwon
President · UnderCover Innovations Inc.
Cathy is a surveyor and a geomatics professional specializing in the mineral exploration and mining sectors
Mineral Exploration Geological Mapping Spatial Analysis Remote Sensing
Bridgette M. Rice, PhD, MDiv, APRN, FAAN
The Richard and Marianne Kreider Endowed Professor in Nursing for Vulnerable Populations · M. Louise Fitzpatrick College of Nursing | Villanova University
Dr. Rice is an expert in community-based practice with a focus on gun violence, youth mental health, and health equity.
Adolescent Mental Health Social Justice and Equity HIV & AIDS and Mental Health Sexually Transmitted Infection Prevention Gun Violence
Tammy Anderson
Professor, Sociology and Criminal Justice · University of Delaware
Professor Anderson's work focuses on the sociology of deviance, substance abuse, criminology and social problems.
Substance Abuse Opioid Epidemic Criminology Social Problems Deviance