Tomeka Robinson
Senior Associate Dean, Professor of Writing Studies and Rhetoric · Hofstra University
Dr. Robinson is an expert on effective public debate as well as health communication. She directs Hofstra's award-winning forensics team.
Public/Social Advocacy Rhetoric Health Communications Argumentation and Debate Intercultural Communication
Aashish Kumar
Professor of Radio, Television, Film · Hofstra University
Prof. Kumar is a social action scholar and a documentary filmmaker.
Filmmaking democratic discourse Civic Engagement grassroots advocacy
Betsy Candler
Lecturer in Law · UC Hastings College of the Law
Legal Writing Fundamentals of US Law Mediation Legal Research Advocacy
Jeffrey Wasserstrom
Chancellor's Professor · UC Irvine
Jeffrey specializes in modern Chinese cultural history & world history, who has written on many contemporary as well as historical issues
Urban Globalization China Protest Gender
Richard Fox
Dean of the Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts and Professor of Political Science · Loyola Marymount University
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
Media and Politics Introduction to American Government Courts, Law, and Society
Antonis Rokas
Cornelius Vanderbilt Chair in Biological Sciences · Vanderbilt University
Expert on patterns of evolution, with a focus on the earliest forms of life.
Tree of Life Mosquito Functional Genomics Evolution of Fungal Metabolism Molecular Evolution Evolutionary Development
Lawrence Levy
Associate Vice President and Executive Dean of the National Center for Surburban · Hofstra University
Dean Levy works close with Hofstra’s academic community to shape an innovative agenda for suburban study
Suburban Spaces and Development Suburbs Education Taxation Politics of the Suburbs
Scott Roniger
Associate Professor of Philosophy · Loyola Marymount University
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
Metaphysics and Husserlian Phenomenology Natural Law and Catholic social teaching Catholic Philosophy Philosophy of Religion Ethics and Political Philosophy
Mary Bennett
Director of the Micheal O. Leavitt Center for Politics and Public Service · Southern Utah University
Specializing in U.S. campaigns and elections, government relations, and public policy and advocacy
Utah Political Candidates Utah Legislative Body Political Communication Congressional Campaigns Regulatory Policy for Financial Industries
Robert Talisse
W. Alton Jones Professor of Philosophy; Chair of the Philosophy Department · Vanderbilt University
Expert in contemporary political philosophy, with a focus in democratic theory and political epistemology.
Political Philosophy Philosophy Political Allegiances in Society Pragmatism Contemporary Political Philosophy
Jeremy Everett, D.Min.
Founder and Executive Director, Baylor Collaborative on Hunger and Poverty · Baylor University
National voice on scalable solutions to end hunger through partnerships, research, innovative models and collaboration
Poverty Hunger Policy National Hunger Issues Food Insecurity Food Policy
Steven Bonorris
Lecturer in Law · UC Hastings College of the Law
Public Law and Policy Climate Change and the Law State and Local Government Law
Ratanjit Sondhe
CEO · Discoverhelp, Inc.
Transforming Business Through Mindful Leadership, Conscious Capitalism and the Oneness Paradigm
Empowering Business Through 9 Universal Laws Developing A Passionate Creative Workforce Developing Mindful Leaders A Platform for Conscious Capitalism
Tom Mitchell
Founders University Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Tom Mitchell is a longtime researcher in AI, including new systems that can improve healthcare, education, climate and more.
Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence Computational Neuroscience
Sandra M. Chafouleas
Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor of Educational Psychology · University of Connecticut
Professor Chafouleas is an expert on whole child, school mental health, behavioral assessment, and K12 tiered systems of support.
Multi-Tiered Frameworks Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Model Social-Emotional-Behavioral Assessment School Mental Health Trauma-Informed Schools
Sharon Austin
Professor · University of Florida
Sharon Wright Austin’s teaching and research interests are in American government, urban politics and African American politics.
Southern Politics African American Politics Urban Politics
Tammy Clifford
Chief Scientist and Vice President, Evidence Standards · Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH)
Supporting evidence-informed decisions in Canadian health care as CADTH's Chief Scientist and Vice President, Evidence Standards.
Epidemiology Evidence-Based Medicine Health Health & Healthcare Law and Policy health technology assessment
Jeremy Pressman, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Political Science, Director of Middle East Studies · University of Connecticut
Dr. Pressman specializes in the Arab-Israeli peace process, US foreign policy, and the scope of political protests in the United States.
Political Protests Middle East Peace Process Arab-Israeli Conflict
Angela Bradbery
Chair · University of Florida
Angela Bradbery has over 30 years experience practicing and studying activism, advocacy and public interest communications.
Public Interest Communications Advocacy Activism Nonprofits
Nabil Al-Tikriti
Associate Professor of History & American Studies · University of Mary Washington
Dr. Al-Tikriti has firsthand experience with Middle Eastern affairs, as a researcher, humanitarian and election monitor.
Forced Migration (Refugees, Internally Displaced Persons) Genocide Higher Education Humanitarian Affairs History of the Ottoman Empire