Laura Chomiuk

Astronomer · Michigan State University

Laura Chomiuk is an expert of novae and gamma rays.

Astronomy Supernovae Novae Gamma Rays

Tammy Clifford

Chief Scientist and Vice President, Evidence Standards · Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH)

Supporting evidence-informed decisions in Canadian health care as CADTH's Chief Scientist and Vice President, Evidence Standards.

Epidemiology Evidence-Based Medicine Health Health & Healthcare Law and Policy health technology assessment

Jeremy Everett, D.Min.

Founder and Executive Director, Baylor Collaborative on Hunger and Poverty · Baylor University

National voice on scalable solutions to end hunger through partnerships, research, innovative models and collaboration

Poverty Hunger Policy National Hunger Issues Food Insecurity Food Policy

Nabil Al-Tikriti

Associate Professor of History & American Studies · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Al-Tikriti has firsthand experience with Middle Eastern affairs, as a researcher, humanitarian and election monitor.

Forced Migration (Refugees, Internally Displaced Persons) Genocide Higher Education Humanitarian Affairs History of the Ottoman Empire

Mark Skidmore

Professor · Michigan State University

Expert in Public finance and budgeting, regional economics, economics of natural disasters

Economics of Natural Disasters Public Finance and Budgeting Regional Economics

Akshaya Jha

Assistant Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Akshaya Jha’s research interests lie at the intersection of energy and environmental economics and industrial organization.

Energy Solar Energy Wholesale Electricity Supply Environmental Economics Industrial Organization

Vincent Conitzer

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Vincent Conitzer is an expert in ethics and AI.

Ethics in AI Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence Computer Science

Massimo Faggioli, PhD

Professor of Theology and Religious Studies | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Massimo Faggioli, PhD, is an expert on the history and administrative inner workings of the Catholic Church and of the papacy.

Pope Francis Religion Catholicism and World/European Politics Historical Theology and Ecclesiology American Catholicism

Rebecca Puhl, Ph.D.

Deputy Director, Rudd Center for Food Policy and Health; Professor, Human Development and Family Studies · University of Connecticut

Clinical psychology expert, specializing in the study of bullying and weight stigmatization

Weight Discrimination Weight Stigma Weight-based bullying

Sunny G. Hallowell, PhD

Associate Professor | M. Louise Fitzpatrick College of Nursing · Villanova University

Sunny G. Hallowell, PhD, APRN, PPCNP-BC is an expert in human milk and lactation, neonatal care, and children’s health policy.

Healthcare Simulation/VR Lactation Consultation Perinatal Outcomes Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing Workforce Issues

Rebel Cole, Ph.D.

Lynn Eminent Scholar Endowed Professor of Finance · Florida Atlantic University

Rebel Cole, Ph.D., is a former fed staff economist and an expert in financial institutions, real estate, and small-businesses.

Small Business Finance Financial Institutions Commercial Banking Corporate Governance Real Estate

Michael Dennin

Vice Provost of Teaching and Learning; Dean of Undergraduate Education; Professor of Physics · UC Irvine

Prof. Dennin is leading the evolution of teaching and learning on the college campus, and he is a top communicator of all issues of physics.

Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Condensed Matter Physics Undergraduate Education Physics Biophysics

Preston Green, J.D., Ed.D.

John and Maria Neag Professor of Urban Education · University of Connecticut

Professor focused on charter school regulation and industry oversight.

School Choice Educational Equity Industry Oversight Charter School Regulation Educational Leadership

Rebecca Hanson

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Rebecca Hanson conducts research on participatory democratic neighborhood experiments and police militarization.

Venezuelan Politics Socialism Political Theory Latin American Studies Citizen Security and Policing

Rachel A. Volberg

Research Professor of Epidemiology · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Rachel Volberg is one of the world's leading experts on the social and economic aspects of gambling, sports betting and problem gambling.

sports betting Economic Impact of Gambling Gambling Problem Gambling Societal Impacts of Gambling

Kara Dixon Vuic

LCpl. Benjamin W. Schmidt Professor of War, Conflict, and Society in 20th-Century America · Texas Christian University

Prof. Vuic writes about women, gender, and the US military.

War, Gender and the U.S. Military 20th Century United States Social, Cultural, and Gender History World Wars Women and the Military War and Society

Brian Gendreau

Clinical Professor · University of Florida

Brian Gendreau is a specialist in emerging markets, international economics, and finance.

Finance, Insurance & Real Estate International Finance Investment Strategy Corporate Finance Emerging Markets

Welson Tremura

Professor/Director · University of Florida

Welson Tremura specializes in musicology-ethnomusicology and is a professor at the School of Music & Center for Latin American Studies.

Folia de Reis Brazilian Studies Music and Religion (Folk Catholicism), Samba, and Bossa-Nova Portuguese Language (Culture, Politics, and Identity) Musicology

Elizabeth McRae

Associate Professor · Western Carolina University

Elizabeth McRae’s teaching and research interests include the intersection of race, gender and politics in America and in the modern South.

American History American South Race and Politics Gender and Politics Modern South

Lori Foroozandeh

Author · Author

Speaker for WOMENS rights EVERYWHERE: Domestic Violence, Childhood sexual abuse, fighting for Womens Rights in IRAN!!!

Childhood Sexual Abuse Prevention Laws and Culture in Iran (What to Avoid) Domestic Violence (Sharing and Motivation) Islam Muslim