Sudhakar Satti, M.D., FAHA
Neurointerventionalist · ChristianaCare
Dr. Sudhakar R. Satti is a neurointerventional surgeon at ChristianaCare.
Interventional Neuroradiology Neuroradiology Neurology Radiology Patient Care
Amanda L. (Glaze) Townley
Associate Professor · Georgia Southern University
Dr. Amanda Townley's research centers on the intersections of science and society, specifically the acceptance and rejection of evolution.
Pre-Service Teacher Education Intersections of Science and Society Worldview Theory Evolution Education Conceptual Change
Irene Estores
Associate Professor/M.D. · University of Florida
Dr. Irene M. Estores research interests lie in integrative medicine in both musculoskeletal and neuropathic pain.
Clinical Hypnosis Mind-body Medicine Integrative Medicine Medical Acupuncture
Dr Mirjam Röder
Associate Professorial Research Fellow, Energy and Bioproducts Research Institute (EBRI) · Aston University
Dr Röder's research interests focus on bioenergy and related sustainability implications.
Sustainability Negative Emissions Bioenergy and Bioeconomy Climate Change Bioenergy and Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS)
Donna Lister
Professor of nursing/Advanced Practice Registered Nurse · Southern Utah University
Specializing in nursing education and educational processes, rural health and current issues in nursing and health care.
Leadership Teaching and Learning Nursing and Health Care Long Term Health Care Historical Evolution of Nursing
Wanli Xing
Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Wanli Xing aims to push the fundamental limits of learning analytics and AI to revolutionize STEM and online education.
STEM Education Data Science Education Learning Analytics Artificial Intelligence in Education AI Education
Donald Tomaskovic-Devey
Professor of Sociology and Executive Director of Center for Employment Equity · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Donald Tomaskovic-Devey is an expert in understanding the processes that generate workplace inequality.
Employment Equity Labor Markets Income Distributions Economic Sociology Organizations and Inequality
Bree E. Holtz, PhD
Assistant Professor of Advertising and Public Relations · Michigan State University
Expert in information communication technologies (EMRs, telehealth, mobile health, etc.) and public relations
Mobile Health (mhealth) Telemedicine Public Relations Telehealth Electrical Medical Records
Lee Branstetter
Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Lee Branstetter's research interests include the economics of technological innovation, and economic growth in East Asia.
East Asia and the Global Economy International Economics Business and Economics Economics Technological Innovation
Casey Call
Associate Director of the KPICD and Associate Professor of Professional Practice · Texas Christian University
Dr. Casey Call is the Assistant Director at the Karyn Purvis Institute of Child Development
Therapeutic Family Camps Trauma-Informed Classrooms & Schools Caregiver & Child Attachment Developmental Trauma & Intervention Trust-Based Relational Intervention® (TBRI®)
Michael Mayberry
Associate Professor · University of Florida
Michael Mayberry is an expert in how taxes affect corporate behavior, the tax system and how firms minimize taxes.
Tax System Effects on Large and Small Companies Non-GAAP Reporting of Income Taxes Federal Accounting Standards Board Taxes and Corporate Behavior Accounting for Income Taxes
Joseph A. Hamm
Assistant Professor · Michigan State University
Expert in: Public trust in legal and regulatory governmental entities
Public Opinion Trust/Confidence/Legitimacy Natural Resource Management State Courts Performance Measurement
Eric Kirby
Assistant Professor of Management and Business Law · Southern Utah University
Specializing in student success strategies, civil litigation, and student retention and first year experience in higher education
Non Traditional Students in Higher Education Second Year Retention in HIgher Education Student Success Strategies Student Retention in Higher Education Political Science
John Hatem
Professor · Georgia Southern University
Renowned Financial Expert
Security Analysis Finance Investments Global Finance
Sariya Cheruvallil-Contractor
Assistant Professor in faith and peaceful relations · Coventry University
Dr Sariya Cheruvallil-Contractor specialises in how people engage with religion and with religious beliefs.
Diversity Muslim Women Inter-faith relations Religion Islam
Sara Smith
Associate Professor · University of Florida
Sara Smith is an expert on emerging technologies for language learning, including digital environments and immersive virtual environments.
Virtual Reality (VR) Augmented Reality Learning Differences Language EMI
Christina Bogdanou
Clinical Associate Professor and Director of the Basil P. Caloyeras Center for Modern Greek Studies · Loyola Marymount University
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts, The Basil P. Caloyeras Center for Modern Greek Studies
Greek Language Comparative European Literature Critical Theory Gender Studies Modern Greek Studies
Alan Franck
Collections Manager · University of Florida
Alan Franck manages the Herbarium at the Florida Museum, which has around 500,000 specimens of plants, lichens and algae from worldwide.
Herbarium Medical Botany Nomenclature Plants Plant Diversity
Kimberly Wiley
Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Kimberly Wiley's work strengthens the nonprofit sector’s role in society through public management and public policy solutions.
Public Policy Volunteer Qualitative Methodology Nonprofit Management Public Administration
Russell Johnson
MSU Foundation Professorship · Michigan State University
Russell Johnson's research examines the roles of leadership-based processes that underlie work attitudes and behaviors.
Organizational Behavior Consumer Behavior Human Resource Management Attitudes, Emotions & Personality Leadership & Motivation