Eric Feron

Professor, Aerospace Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE

Eric Feron uses fundamental concepts of control systems, optimization and computer science to address problems in aerospace engineering.

Flight Mechanics & Controls Air Traffic Control Systems Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Aerospace Software Systems

Dustin Haisler

President · e.Republic

President of e.Republic | GovTech GTM & PE-Backed Executive | GovTech M&A Advisor | Former Government CIO/ACM | TEDx Speaker (2x)

Crowdsourcing Innovation Management Local Government Emerging Technology Innovation

Di Yang

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Di Yang is an expert in remote sensing and geospatial AI, integrating citizen science and Earth observation for environmental monitoring.

Forest Management Geospatial Artificial Intelligence (GeoAI) Cloud-based Geospatial Computing Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for Geospatial Applications Remote Sensing

Meera Sitharam

Professor · University of Florida

Meera Sitharam's expertise is in computational geometry with research in algorithms, bioinformatics and machine learning.

Artificial Intelligence Combinatorial and Geometric Rigidity Discrete Geometry Softmatter and Microstructure Mathematical and Computational Modeling

Lukasz Kurgan, Ph.D.

Robert J. Mattauch Endowed Professor and Vice Chair of Computer Science · VCU College of Engineering

Data scientist specializing in high-throughput structural bioinformatics of proteins & small RNAs.

Structural Bioinformatics Intrinsically Disordered Proteins Protein-ligand(drug) interactions Computer-aided molecular modeling Big Data Analysis

Rachel Davidson

Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering; Core Faculty, Disaster Research Center · University of Delaware

Prof. Davidson conducts research on natural disaster risk modeling and civil infrastructure systems.

Disaster Research Natural Disaster Risk Modeling Civil Infrastructure Systems​ Lifelines

Hongwu Wang

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Hongwu Wang is a biomedical engineer merging AI, wearables, rehab robotics, and assistive tech into real-world aging/disability solutions.

User Participatory Design, Machine Learning & Sensor-Based Outcome Measures Assitive Technology & Rehabilitation Robotics Biomedical Engineering Rehabilitation Science Wearable/mHealth Technology

Francine Berman

Stuart Rice Honorary Chair and Research Professor, Manning College of Information and Computer Sciences · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Francine Berman is a data scientist whose work focuses on the social and environmental impacts of information technology.

Gender and whistleblowing Social impacts of Technology Internet of Things Data Stewardship and Cyberinfrastructure Public Interest Technology

Michael Mattarock

Executive Director, National Security Research · Carnegie Mellon University

Michael Mattarock develops and implements strategies to enhance the national security research portfolio.

Data Security and Privacy Security of AI and ML AI Engineering Cybersecurity National Security

Fei Fang

Assistant Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Fei Fang's research lies in the field of artificial intelligence and multi-agent systems, focusing on computational game theory.

Multi-Agent Systems Optimization Artificial Intelligence Game Theory Computer Science

Gokila Dorai, PhD

Assistant Professor · Augusta University

Dr. Dorai’s area of expertise is mobile/IoT forensics research and developing a targeted data extraction system for digital forensics.

System Security Artifical Intelligence Digital Crimes Software Development Mobile Computing

Wolfgang Messner

Clinical Professor of International Business · University of South Carolina

International Business, Marketing, and Management | Management Consulting | Data Analysis

Data Analysis Statistics Marketing Managing Global Teams Selling & Marketing

Audrey Bowden

Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering · Vanderbilt University

Expert in light-based tools for applications to medicine and biology, including early detection, diagnosis and therapy.

Biomedical imaging Medical Device Design Biophotonics Biomedical Engineering Engineering

Tae Wan Kim

Associate Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Tae Wan Kim's research is focused on AI ethics, cross-cultural business ethics, future of the workplace and corporate social responsibility.

Corporate Social Responsibility Artificial Intelligence Ethics Artificial Intelligence Ethics Future of Work

David Bader

Distinguished Professor, Data Science · New Jersey Institute of Technology

Interests lie at the intersection of data science & high-performance computing, with applications in cybersecurity

Graph Analytics Massive-Scale Analytics High-Performance Computing Data Science Applications in Cybersecurity

Ryan Unger

Co-Founder & CTO · Punchkick Interactive

Co-Founder & Chief Technology Officer, Punchkick Interactive

Mobile Marketing Mobile Strategy Recruiting Mobile Social Media

Prasad Tetali

Professor and Department Head · Carnegie Mellon University

Prasad Tetali's research interests are in the areas of discrete math, probability and theory of computing.

Probability and Theory of Computing Isoperimetry and Functional Analysis Computational Number Theory Discrete Math Markov Chains

Nikolas Martelaro

Assistant Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Nikolas Martelaro's lab focuses on augmenting designer's capabilities through the use of new technology and design methods

Interaction with Autonomous Systems Mechatronics Design Tools Interaction Design

Dan Stanhope

Director, Development · ExpertFile

I'm a seasoned software developer with over 15 years of professional experience working in both online media and software.

Devops Javascript Software Architecture Node.Js

Selmer Bringsjord

Director, Rensselaer AI & Reasoning Lab; Professor, Cognitive Science and Computer Science · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Expert in logic and philosophy, specializing in AI and reasoning

Artifical Intelligence Philosophical Foundations of AI Computational Economics AI Systems Formal Logic