Aaditya Ramdas
Assistant Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Aaditya Ramdas' research is aimed at solving basic problems in science and technology.
Elections Game-Theoretic Statistics Machine Learning Statistics Data Science
Dr Haris Alexakis
Lecturer, Civil Engineering · Aston University
Dr Alexakis conducts research on smart/digital infrastructure for sustainable civil engineering systems.
Ageing Infrastructure Smart Bridges Structural Health Monitoring Structural Analysis of Masonry/Historic Structures Signal Processing and Data Analytics
Prabhat Mishra
Professor · University of Florida
Prabhat Mishra's research focuses on design and verification of energy-efficient and trustworthy electronic systems.
Computer Architecture Hardware Verification Artificial Intelligence Cybersecurity Quantum Computing
David Wettergreen
Research Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
David Wettergreen is well known for deploying robots in locations that compel scientific investigation without human presence.
Human-Robot Interaction Underwater Robotics Space Robots and Systems Robotics for Scientific Discovery AI Reasoning for Robotics
Juan Perilla
Assistant Professor · University of Delaware
Juan Perilla develops physical and chemical based methodologies for the understanding of biological process related to life and disease
Computational Physics Computational Chemistry Data Science Machine Learning Molecular Virology
Andrew Pearson
President · Intelligencia Limited
President at Intelligencia Limited
eSports prescriptive analytics Social Media Healthcare Analytics Caisno Marketing
Tiziana Di Matteo
Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Tiziana Di Matteo's research focuses on the study of black holes, encompassing a wide range of topics in high energy astrophysics.
High Energy Astrophysics Cosmology Space Astrophysics Black Holes
James Randerson
Chancellor's Professor Earth System Science · UC Irvine
James Randerson studies the global carbon cycle using remote sensing and in-situ measurements and different types of models.
Climate-Carbon Cycle Feedbacks Forests Wildfires Climate Plants
Yuan Sun
Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Yuan Sun studies AI in strategic communication expert, focusing on user trust, digital health, and social media's psychological effects.
Trust Media Psychology and Media Effects Gaming AI Artificial Intelligence
Rodrigo Vargas
Professor, Ecosystem Ecology and Environmental Change · University of Delaware
Prof. Vargas’ work focuses on global environmental change, nature-based solutions, and environmental data science.
Climate Change Environmental Data Science Blue Carbon Nature-based Solutions Soil-Water-Plant-Atmosphere
Pascal Van Hentenryck
Professor, Russel Chandler III Chair, industrial and systems engineering · Georgia Tech - COE
Pascal Van Hentenryck is an expert in Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and Operations Research.
Data Engineering Analytics and Machine Learning Energy Systems Data Science Artifical Intelligence
Dayane Oliveira
Clinical Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Dayane Oliveira has expertise in dentistry with a focus on biomaterials, including color science and chemistry applied to biomaterials.
Biomaterials Chemistry Color Science Dentistry
Stephan Kudyba
Associate Professor of Business Analytics and MIS · New Jersey Institute of Technology
Stephan Kudyba examines organizational efficiency and innovation through analytics, MIS and strategic management.
Artifical Intelligence Healthcare Analytics Digital Marketing Strategic Information Systems Business Analytics
Karla Saldaña Ochoa
Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Karla Saldaña Ochoa investigates the interplay of artificial and human intelligence to empower creativity and social good.
AI Architectural Design Data Analysis Disaster Response Human-Centered AI
Yang Feng
Associate Professor · University of Florida
Yang Feng's research focuses on the role of AI as an information delivery agent as well as a powerful research tool.
Consumer Psychology AI Artificial Intelligence Advertising Campaign Advertising Research and Strategy
Patricia Pereira
Professor/Associate Dean · University of Florida
Patricia Pereira has been the associate dean for Academic Affairs for the UF College of Dentistry since Fall 2019.
Operative and Esthetics Dentistry Prosthodontics Dental Education Dentistry Advanced Dental Education
Lindita Camaj
Associate Professor · University of Florida
Lindita Camaj is interested in global perspectives on digital news, politics, and data and information access.
Information and Data Access Global Media and Democratization Global Media and Social Change Journalism and Technology
Vivian Loftness
University Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Vivian Loftness is an internationally renowned researcher, author and educator with 30+ years in environmental design and sustainability.
Changing Nature of Work Environmental Quality Environmental Design Sustainability Energy
Jinnie Shin
Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Jinnie Shin is an assistant professor of research and evaluation methodology.
Learning Analytics Educational Assessment Artificial Intelligence Natural Language Processing
Martha Terris, MD
Witherington Distinguished Chair, Urology · Georgia Cancer Center at Augusta University
Dr. Terris specializes in urologic cancers, including prostate cancer, kidney cancer, adrenal masses, bladder cancer and testicular cancer.
Oncology Cancer Prostate Cancer Kidney Cancer Bladder Cancer