Stephan Kudyba

Associate Professor of Business Analytics and MIS · New Jersey Institute of Technology

Stephan Kudyba examines organizational efficiency and innovation through analytics, MIS and strategic management.

Artifical Intelligence Healthcare Analytics Digital Marketing Strategic Information Systems Business Analytics

Jinnie Shin

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Jinnie Shin is an assistant professor of research and evaluation methodology.

Learning Analytics Educational Assessment Artificial Intelligence Natural Language Processing

Vivian Loftness

University Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Vivian Loftness is an internationally renowned researcher, author and educator with 30+ years in environmental design and sustainability.

Changing Nature of Work Environmental Quality Environmental Design Sustainability Energy

Thomas Powers

Associate Professor, Philosophy · University of Delaware

Prof. Powers specializes in ethics in information technology (including AI), ethics in science and engineering and research ethics.

Scientific Ethics Biomedical Ethics Environmental Ethics Research Ethics Computer Ethics

Martha Terris, MD

Witherington Distinguished Chair, Urology · Georgia Cancer Center at Augusta University

Dr. Terris specializes in urologic cancers, including prostate cancer, kidney cancer, adrenal masses, bladder cancer and testicular cancer.

Oncology Cancer Prostate Cancer Kidney Cancer Bladder Cancer

Philip Koopman

Associate Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Philip Koopman is actively involved with AV policy and standards as well as more general embedded system design and software quality.

Software Engineering Autonomous Vehicle Safety Embedded Systems Safety-Critical Computer Systems Automotive Computing

Kyla McMullen

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Kyla McMullen studies the application and development of 3D audio technologies for use in virtual and augmented reality contexts.

Human-Computer Interaction Psychoacoustic Augmented Reality Spatial Audio 3D Audio

Miriam Capretz

Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering · Western University

Professor of Software Engineering at Western University who conducts research in energy management, smart buildings and online advertising.

Software Engineering – Architecture & Design Methodologies. Software Development Lifecycle. Software Research Graduate Education Teaching in Software Engineering Software Development

Sarah Fox

Assistant Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Sarah Fox's research examines how technological artifacts challenge or propagate social exclusions.

Human Centered Design Fairness, Accountability, Transparency, and Ethics (FATE) Design Research Future of Work Social Exclusions

Young Anna Argyris

Associate Professor · Michigan State University

Young Anna Argyris’s research centers on the design, development, and use of Information Technology to aid users’ decision-making.

Social Media Health Misinformation Media and Information Decision-Making Social Media Influencers

Matthew Johnson-Roberson

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Matthew Johnson-Roberson's research goal is to develop robotic systems capable of operating in complex dynamic environments.

Folding Space Structures Robotic Vision 3D Reconstruction Artifical Intelligence Robotics/Autonomous Vehicles

Xiaobo Tan

MSU Research Foundation Professor and Richard M. Hong Endowed Chair in Electrical and Computer Engineering · Michigan State University

Expert in robotic fish, mobile sensing in aquatic environments

Soft Robotics Underwater Robotics Underwater Sensing

Tony Ulwick

Founder & CEO · Strategyn

Tony is the pioneer of Jobs-to-be-Done Theory and the inventor of Outcome-Driven Innovation® (ODI).

Outcome-Driven Innovation Marketing Strategy Innovation Management Strategy Innovation Consulting

Vicki Szabo

Associate Professor, Darth Vader Chair of Ancient and Medieval History · Western Carolina University

Vicki Szabo's research focuses on medieval environmental history, the medieval North Atlantic and the history of whaling.

Medieval History Viking Age Environmental History Medieval North Atlantic World Ancient History

Christopher McCarty

Professor · University of Florida

Christopher McCarty has expertise in social network analysis with an emphasis on personal networks.

Social Networks Survey Research Methods

Johannes DeYoung

Assistant Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Johannes DeYoung is an internationally recognized artist and filmmaker who works at the intersection of computational & material processes.

Animation Art Future of Work Design Cinema

Milos Manic, Ph.D.

Professor of Computer Science · VCU College of Engineering

Milos Manic, Ph.D., FIEEE., is director of VCU's Cybersecurity Center and an expert in cybersecurity and critical infrastructure protection.

Computational Intelligence Techniques (Machine Learning) with Applications in Energy Cybersecurity and Human Machine Interfaces Software Defined Networks Fuzzy Neural Data Mining Techniques Energy Security Human-machine Interfaces

Jonathan Gilligan

Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences · Vanderbilt University

Expert on the impact of human behavior and public policy on climate, with a focus on how small changes add up to make big differences.

Atmospheric Science Environmental Policy Climate Change Water Conservation Risk Management

Sheila Ross, Ph.D.

Associate Vice President Academic Retention, Department Chair, Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. Sheila Ross is an expert in the areas of universal design and engineering education.

Huajin Wang

Senior Librarian · Carnegie Mellon University

Huajin Wang leads innovative initiatives that help to create a culture change towards a more open and reproducible research landscape.

Data Collaboration Open Science Biomedical Data AI-Readiness of Research Data