David L. Faigman
Chancellor & Dean | John F. Digardi Distinguished Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law
Contact: faigmand@uchastings.edu / 415-565-4700 Office 300-200
Constitutional Law Scientific Methods for Lawyers Science Policy Scientific Evidence Peer Review; Expert Testimony
Annie T. Ginty, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Psychology & Neuroscience · Baylor University
An expert in neuroimaging, psychophysiological, neuroendocrine, and epidemiological methods.
Health Psychology Psychological Stress The Nervous System Epidemiological Methods Neuroimaging
Deborah O'Dell
Professor of Biology · University of Mary Washington
Dr. O'Dell performs research into how bees use magnetic fields to orient themselves.
Biology Neuroscience Magnetic Orientation in Animals Developmental Neurobiology Alzheimer's Disease
Gerard Costa, Ph.D.
Associate Faculty - Infant & Early Childhood Development - School of Psychology · Fielding Graduate University
Committed to professional "formation" in student development, with emphasis on "ways of knowing", "ways of doing" and "ways of being."
Infant Mental Health Developmental Approaches to Autism Impact of Exposure to Trauma and Violence on Children Interpersonal Neurobiology Professional Formation (Development/Education)
Joshua Grill
Director of the Institute for Memory Impairments and Nerological Disorders at UCI · UC Irvine
Joshua Grill directs a major Alzheimer's disease research institute helps lead the national strategy for AD clinical trial recruitment.
Neuroscience Clinical Trials Alzheimer’s Disease Neurodegenerative disorders Recruitment and Retention
Marti B. Kranzberg, Ph.D., ABPP, FAGPA, CGP
Associate Faculty - Clinical Psychology · Fielding Graduate University
Training clinicians in the art and science of psychotherapy
Redecision Therapy Group Therapy Psychotherapy Training Work With Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Clients Interpersonal Neurobiology and Humanistic/Systems Psychotherapy
Jerome Schultz
Clinical Neuropsychologist · Harvard Medical School
Experienced clinician and teacher. Captivating, informative speaker who makes the stress/learning connection with humor and wisdom.
The Connection Between Stress and Learning in Kids With Ld Adhd and Asperger Syndrome Understanding and Meeting the Needs of Children With Fragile Emotions and Challenging Behaviors. The De-Stress Model of Intervention for Children With Ld and Adhd The Myths and Realities of Inclusion
Hanne M. Hoffmann
Assistant Professor of Animal Science; Expert in Neuroendocrinology · Michigan State University
Dr. Hoffmann’s research program is focused on how light changes your well being, motivation, fertility and pregnancy success.
Light Contamination Impact of Light on Physiology Development Molecular Biology Preterm Labor
Kate Hong
Associate Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Kate Hong's research is in understanding the organization and function of neural circuits that underlie sensory-guided behaviors.
Behavioral Methods Characterization of Neural Circuits Computational, Mathematical & Statistical Methods Diseases & Disorders Physiological & Anatomical Methods
Annabelle Singer
Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE
Annabelle Singer researches to understand how neural activity produces memories and spurs the brain’s immune system.
Alzheimer's Disease Virtual Reality Optogenetics Learning & Memory Neural Coding & Decoding
Aileen Anderson
Director of the Sue and Bill Gross Stem Cell Research Center · UC Irvine
Dr. Anderson is an expert on stem cell research, with a focus on spinal cord and traumatic brain injury.
Glioblastoma Stem Cell Biology Stem Cell Research Spinal Cord Injury
Stephane Gaskin PhD, ACC, PPCC
Coaching, Speaking and Workshops · CoachingSG
Professor: Dawson College and Concordia University; Personal, Professional Coaching.
Research Teaching Public Speaking Life Coach
Maria Pizzano
Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology | Psychological Science · Loyola Marymount University
Maria Pizzano is a Postdoctoral Researcher at UCLA Center for Autism Research and Treatment and a Lecturer at Loyola Marymount University.
Autism Research and Treatment Psychology Human Development Molecular and Cell Biology
Christopher Cappelli
Assistant Professor of Health and Human Sciences · Loyola Marymount University
Seaver College of Science and Engineering
Diet and Cognition Substance Use in At-Risk Populations Neurocognitive Processes Appetitive Health Behaviors Neurobiological Processes
Joseph Toscano, PhD
Assistant Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences; Director, Cognitive Science Program | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University
Joseph Toscano, PhD, is an expert in human speech recognition and language comprehension through the study of brain and behavior.
Psychology Cognitive Psychology Perception and Language Speech Communication Language Development
Adrian Newman-Tancredi
Neuropharmacology Consulting · NeuroAct Communication
Experienced public speaker and neuropharmacologist with proven expertise in study of antipsychotics, antidepressants and analgesics.
Antipsychotics Neuropharmacology Serotonin Depression
Linda Pescatello, Ph.D., FACSM, FAHA
Distinguished Professor of Kinesiology · University of Connecticut
Dr. Pescatello specializes in exercise prescription for health benefit
Blood Pressure Cardiovascular Disease Complementary and Alternative Exercise Exercise Genomics Exercise Prescription