Ruomeng Cui

Goizueta Foundation Term Associate Professor of Information Systems & Operations Management · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Cui's research focuses on how operations strategies create and deliver value in companies' digital transformation

Digital Retail Platform Markets Operations Strategy Supply Chain Data-driven Decision

Tianxin Zou

Assistant Professor of Marketing · University of Florida

Tianxin Zou's research focuses on platform designs, uprising business models and technologies and platform regulations.

New technologies in marketing Platform design Platform regulation

Jane Bambauer

Director · University of Florida

Jane Bambauer's research analyzes how regulation of new technologies will affect free speech, privacy, and government accountability.

Policing and Technology Social Media and Law Free Speech First Amendment Fourth Amendment

Woochoel Shin

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Woochoel Shin is an expert in online advertising, media platforms, online reviews, as well as distribution channels and store brands.

Distribution Channels Media Platforms Competitive Product Policy Internet Advertising Advertising Strategy

Steven Meredith

Steven Meredith Associate VP, Enrollment Management for Graduate and Online · Southern Utah University

Specializing in graduate programs, online education, music technology, performing arts career preparation, & innovation in higher education.

Conducting Academic innovation Choral Music Higher Education Recruitment Interdisciplinary Higher Education Dual Enrollment in Higher Education

Bryan Segal

Senior Vice President · comScore

Segal brings over 20 years of business development, operational acumen, and client relationship expertise to his role at comScore.

Strategic Planning Market Research Business Development Media and Technology Digital Media

Weiai (Wayne) Xu

Associate Professor of Communication and Affiliated Faculty at Computational Social Science Institute · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Wayne Xu studies what he calls the "three Ds" on internet platforms: discord, distrust and dishonesty.

Disinformation on social media plaforms China’s Digital Public Diplomacy Operations during the COVID-19 Crisis. Disinformation Dishonesty on internet platforms Computational communication

Dawn Raquel Jensen, EBMA

Founder · Virtual Options Coaching & Training

Social Media Speaker |Fractional CXO/CMO | Professor | Entrepreneurial Marketing Coach & Trainer for High-Performers & Leadership Teams

Vip Social Media Social Media Branding - Creating Platforms Social Curation & Content Creation Creating Social Media Presence Platforms

David Schweidel

Professor of Marketing & Goizueta Chair in Business Technology · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Marketing analytics expert focused on the opportunities at the intersection of marketing and technology

Marketing Technology AI Social Media Political Marketing Customer Analytics

Michael D. Smith

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Michael D. Smith's research uses economic and statistical techniques to analyze firm and consumer behavior in online markets.

Higher Education Policy Consumer Behavior Digital Media Products

Mia Moody-Ramirez, Ph.D.

Department Chair and Professor · Baylor University

Dr. Moody-Ramirez is a nationally known expert on mass media representations of minorities, women and other underrepresented groups

Race, Class, and Culture Pop Culture New Media Writing for Media Markets Historical Stereotypes in Social Media

Vilma Todri

Associate Professor of Information Systems & Operations Management · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Economics and Machine Learning Digital Advertising Digital Strategy Online Consumer Behavior Social Media

Ethan Zuckerman

Associate Professor of Public Policy, Communication and Information · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Ethan Zuckerman's work focuses on building alternatives to the commercial internet.

Social Media Governance Technology and Social Change Digital Public Infrastructure Online Community Governance Social Media

T. (Ravi) Ravichandran

Irene and Robert Bozzone '55 Distinguished Chair, Professor of Information Systems, Associate Dean for Research · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Leading expert in digitization and transformation, digital platforms, supply chain management, and innovation in business.

Strategic Alliances Outsourcing Software Development Innovation Supply Chain Management

Molly Land, J.D.

Catherine Roraback Professor of Law and Human Rights; Associate Director, Human Rights Institute · University of Connecticut

Molly Land specializes in human rights and technology.

Digital Rights Intellectual Property Law Technology and the Law Human Rights International Law

Don Power

Speaker, Author, Social Media Consultant & Editor of Sprout Insights · Sprout Social, Inc. & Don Power.COM

Social Media Is the Best Opportunity Engine the World Has Ever Known! Are You Using It to Its Full Potential? I Show You How!

Social Media Twitter Social Media Marketing The Secret to Social Media Success How to Use Social Media for Business

Kimberly Wiley

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Kimberly Wiley's work strengthens the nonprofit sector’s role in society through public management and public policy solutions.

Public Policy Volunteer Qualitative Methodology Nonprofit Management Public Administration

Seungahn Nah

Chair/Research Director · University of Florida

Seungahn Nah’s research centers on the interrelationships among communication, community, digital technology and democracy.

Trust Political Communication Disinformation and Misinformation Artificial Intelligence Emerging Media

Xianjun Geng

Norman Mayer Professor of Business & Management Science Area Coordinator · Tulane University

Geng's research interests include pricing, information security, business analytics, supply chain management and behavioral economics

Supply Chain Management Pricing Business Analytics Information Technology Management Information Security

Mitchell Hamilton, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Marketing, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University

Chair, Department of Marketing and Business Law

Qualitative Research Branding Digital Marketing Consumer Self-Image Higher Education