Jessica Vapnek

Lecturer, Global Programs Advisor, and Director of the M.S.L. Program · UC Hastings College of the Law


Agriculture and Natural Resource Law Legislative Drafting Rule of Law

Daniel J. Meara, M.D., DMD, FACS

Chair, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery & Hospital Dentistry · ChristianaCare

Dr. Dan Meara leads ChristianaCare’s Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Hospital Dentistry.

Jaw and Mouth Pathology Facial Injury / Trauma Obstructive Sleep Apnea Oral Surgery Maxillofacial Surgery

James Butkiewicz

Professor, Economics · University of Delaware

Prof. Butkiewicz specializes in policy analysis, financial crises, the Great Depression, and determinants of economic growth.

Economic Growth Economics Policy Analysis Monetary Theory History

Alen Docef, Ph.D.

Associate Professor and Associate Chair, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering · VCU College of Engineering

Professor Docef's research interests lie in medical image processing

Medical Image Processing Signal Processor Architectures Document Compression for Archiving Efficient Error-Resilient Network-Optimized Image and Video Coding

John Jaeger

Associate Professor · University of Florida

John Jaeger researches the ways in which hurricanes have impacted Florida’s coastline.

Coastal Erosion Biodiversity and the Environment Sea Level Rise

Elizabeth McRae

Associate Professor · Western Carolina University

Elizabeth McRae’s teaching and research interests include the intersection of race, gender and politics in America and in the modern South.

American History American South Race and Politics Gender and Politics Modern South

Saleem Ali

Professor of Energy and the Environment Geography and Spatial Sciences; Biden School of Public Policy and Administration · University of Delaware

Prof. Ali's research examines the causes and consequences of environmental conflicts.

Environmental Health Environmental Policy Environmental Planning Health and Safety

Judith Giesberg, PhD

Professor of History; Robert M. Birmingham Chair in the Humanities | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Judith Giesberg, PhD, is an expert on the history of women and gender in the U.S. Civil War.

Caroline LeCount Census Slavery U.S. Civil War Women's History

Barry Waldman MD

Orthopedic Surgeon · OrthoMaryland

DR Barry Waldman is an internationally known orthopedic surgeon specializing in care for the hip, knee, and shoulder at OrthoMaryland.

Orthopedic Surgery Orthopedic Rehabilitation Orthopedics

Lindsay Distefano, Ph.D

Professor, Department of Kinesiology, and Associate Vice President for Research Development · University of Connecticut

Lindsay DiStefano works to promote safe physical activity in children through physical literacy development and sport-injury prevention.

ACL Youth Athletes Injury Prevention Motor Development Physical Literacy

Ronald Hall

Professor of Social Work · Michigan State University

An expert in racism and diversity.

Colorism Bleaching Syndrome Racism Discrimination Black/White Racial Conflict

Joseph S. Tiedemann

Professor Emeritus of History · Loyola Marymount University

Joseph S. Tiedemann is Professor of History at Loyola Marymount University.

Cory Prust, Ph.D.

Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. Cory Prust’s areas of expertise include statistical signal and image processing, adaptive array processing and radar systems.

Stastical Image Processing Adaptive Array Processing Statistical Signal Processing Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering

Brendan D Saltaformaggio

Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE

Dr. Brendan Saltaformaggio's lab investigates advanced cyber crimes and the analysis and prevention of next-generation malware attacks.

Mobile/IoT Security Binary Analysis and Instrumentation Cyber Forensics Computer Systems Security Memory Forensics

Howie Choset

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Howie Choset's research reduces complicated high-dimensional problems found in robotics to low-dimensional simpler ones.

Field & Service Robotics Applied Mathematics Robotics and Autonomous Vehicles Computer Science Mechanical Systems

Matthew Hughey, Ph.D.

Professor of Sociology · University of Connecticut

A scholar of racism and racial inequality in identity formation, organizations, media, politics, science, religion, and public advocacy.

Religion Fraternities and Sororities Organizations Whiteness Media

Tristan Tayag

Professor · Texas Christian University

Professor Tayag focuses on biotechnology optical metrology, digital signal and image processing, and computed tomography

Fluorescene Microscopy Digital Signal and Image Processing Biotechnology Optical Metrology Computed Tomography

Wendy Taylor

Professor of Physics, Department of Physics and Astronomy · York University

I search for exotic particles with the ATLAS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider.

Particle Physics Physics Magnetic monopoles Stable massive particles Antimatter

Steffanie Scott

Professor, Department of Geography & Environmental Management · University of Waterloo

Leading international scholar on food security, food system change, and COVID-19 impacts on the food suppy.

Food Agriculture & Environment COVID-19 (Coronavirus) China Food Policy Local Food Systems

Dr John McGarry

Senior Lecturer · Leeds Beckett

John McGarry's research interests include all aspects of public law and legal theory and he has published extensively in these areas.

Legal Theory Law Government Policies Justice Public Law