Golan Levin
Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Golan Levin is an artist, engineer, researcher and educator interested in intersections of machine code, visual culture and critical making.
Digital Technologies Visual Culture Human-Machine Interaction Human Action Critical Inquiry
Richard Cozzens
Director of CAD & Professor of Engineering & Technology · Southern Utah University
Specializing in CATIA, civil engineering design, and aerospace manufacturing research and technology
Concurrent Enrollment Residential Building Design Aerospace Technology Curriculum Design, Delivery & Assessment 3D Solid Modeling
Milos Manic, Ph.D.
Professor of Computer Science · VCU College of Engineering
Milos Manic, Ph.D., FIEEE., is director of VCU's Cybersecurity Center and an expert in cybersecurity and critical infrastructure protection.
Computational Intelligence Techniques (Machine Learning) with Applications in Energy Cybersecurity and Human Machine Interfaces Software Defined Networks Fuzzy Neural Data Mining Techniques Energy Security Human-machine Interfaces
June Ahn
Professor · UC Irvine
June Ahn is a Professor of Learning Sciences and Research-Practice Partnerships at the UC Irvine (UCI) School of Education.
Data Use and Analytics Human-Computer Interaction Learning Technologies Research-Practice Partnerships Educational Technology
Joy Lu
Assistant Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Joy Lu's research utilizes mathematical models to examine consumer behavior and psychology.
Media Consumption Consumer Behavior Consumer Psychology Information Processing Bounded Rationality
Russell Schwartz
Professor and Department Head · Carnegie Mellon University
Russell Schwartz works in computational biology and the use of algorithms, AI, machine learning, and simulation in biomedical science.
Cancer Biology Biophysics Population Genetics Computational Genomics Machine Learning
Huajin Wang
Senior Librarian · Carnegie Mellon University
Huajin Wang leads innovative initiatives that help to create a culture change towards a more open and reproducible research landscape.
Data Collaboration Open Science Biomedical Data AI-Readiness of Research Data
Eric Nyberg
Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Eric Nyberg builds software applications that can understand and process human language.
Automatic Text Translation Processing Human Language Automated Qustion Answering IBM Watson Information Retrieval
Hoda Heidari
Assistant Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Hoda Heidari is broadly interested in the Ethical and Societal Aspects of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
Elections Fairness and Accountability Artificial Intelligence Ethics Machine Learning
Alex John London
Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Alex John London’s work focuses on ethical and policy issues surrounding novel technologies in medicine.
Elections Responsible AI Bioethics AI Ethics
Michael Mattarock
Executive Director, National Security Research · Carnegie Mellon University
Michael Mattarock develops and implements strategies to enhance the national security research portfolio.
Data Security and Privacy Security of AI and ML AI Engineering Cybersecurity National Security
Salvatore Iaconesi
President · AOS
Founder at AOS
Augmented Reality Ubiquitous Publishing Citizen Science
Scott Fahlman
Research Faculty Emeritus - Contingent · Carnegie Mellon University
Scott Fahlman has worked in many areas of Artificial Intelligence, including the use of massively parallel machines to solve AI problems.
Artificial Neural Networks Computer Science Artificial Intelligence Knowledge Representation Machine Learning
Sarah Fox
Assistant Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Sarah Fox's research examines how technological artifacts challenge or propagate social exclusions.
Human Centered Design Fairness, Accountability, Transparency, and Ethics (FATE) Design Research Future of Work Social Exclusions
Olexandr Isayev
Assistant Professor, Chemistry · Carnegie Mellon University
Olexandr Isayev's research focuses on solving fundamental chemical problems with machine learning, molecular modeling and quantum mechanics.
Theoretical Chemistry Computational Chemistry Machine Learning Cheminformatics Drug Discovery
Carolyn Penstein Rosé
Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Carolyn Penstein Rosé's research looks to understand and improve human conversation through computer systems.
Language Technologies Human Conversation Text Mining Human-Computer Interaction Computational Discourse Analysis
Simon DeDeo
Associate Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Simon DeDeo conducts empirical investigations, and builds mathematical theories, of both historical and contemporary phenomena.
Theoretical Physics Social and Decision Sciences Artificial Intelligence Astrophysics Applied Mathematics
Ken Holstein
Assistant Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Ken Holstein's research focuses broadly on AI-augmented work and improving how we design and evaluate AI systems for real-world use.
Elections Intelligence Augmentation Applied Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence Human-Computer Interaction
Valerie Karplus
Associate Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Valerie Karplus studies resource and environmental management in organizations operating in diverse national and industry contexts.
Strategy Political Economy Globalization Energy Economic Development