Carolyn Penstein Rosé

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Carolyn Penstein Rosé's research looks to understand and improve human conversation through computer systems.

Language Technologies Human Conversation Text Mining Human-Computer Interaction Computational Discourse Analysis

Simon DeDeo

Associate Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Simon DeDeo conducts empirical investigations, and builds mathematical theories, of both historical and contemporary phenomena.

Theoretical Physics Social and Decision Sciences Artificial Intelligence Astrophysics Applied Mathematics

Ken Holstein

Assistant Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Ken Holstein's research focuses broadly on AI-augmented work and improving how we design and evaluate AI systems for real-world use.

Elections Intelligence Augmentation Applied Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence Human-Computer Interaction

Valerie Karplus

Associate Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Valerie Karplus studies resource and environmental management in organizations operating in diverse national and industry contexts.

Strategy Political Economy Globalization Energy Economic Development

Kai Gutschow

Associate Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Kai Gutschow’s primary field of research has been the complex and controversial history of modern German architectural culture.

Expressionism Architectural Criticism Ethics Modern German Architecture Art and Science

Vincent Conitzer

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Vincent Conitzer is an expert in ethics and AI.

Ethics in AI Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence Computer Science

Fei Fang

Assistant Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Fei Fang's research lies in the field of artificial intelligence and multi-agent systems, focusing on computational game theory.

Multi-Agent Systems Optimization Artificial Intelligence Game Theory Computer Science

Lukasz Kurgan, Ph.D.

Robert J. Mattauch Endowed Professor and Vice Chair of Computer Science · VCU College of Engineering

Data scientist specializing in high-throughput structural bioinformatics of proteins & small RNAs.

Structural Bioinformatics Intrinsically Disordered Proteins Protein-ligand(drug) interactions Computer-aided molecular modeling Big Data Analysis

Bernard Lupien

General Partner · Rhapsody Venture Partners

Bernard Lupien is an expert in commercializing technologies from breakthrough science innovation.

Start Ups Commercialization Entrepeneurship Business Development Product Development

Yonah Welker

Explorer, Public Evaluator, Board Member · /. org

Entrepreneur Women & Entrepreneurship Startups Venture Capital Accelerators and Venture Labour

Audrey Kurth Cronin

Trustees Professor of Security and Technology Director, Carnegie Mellon Institute for Security and Technology · Carnegie Mellon University

Audrey Kurth Cronin's research explores how governments and private actors use accessible technologies.

National and International Security Technology and Security Innovation Terrorism

Rajiv Ranganathan

Assistant Professor of Kinesiology · Michigan State University

Rajiv Ranganathan's research interests are in the area of motor learning and bio-mechanics.

Neurorehabilitation Bio-Mechanics Motor Learning Movement Disorders

Colin Brenan

CEO and Founder · 1CellBiO Inc.

Colin Brenan is a serial entrepreneur with expertise in research, project management, and financing of early-stage life science companies.

Business Development Commercialization of Life Science Technologies Product Development Lifesciences Start-Ups

Anna Erickson

Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE

Dr. Erickson's research focuses on advanced nuclear reactor design and nuclear security and nonproliferation.

Non-Prolilferation Radiation Detection Nuclear Security

Omar Khan

Head, School of Architecture · Carnegie Mellon University

Advanced Manufacturing Artificial Intelligence

Moshe Cohen

President · The Negotiating Table

Engaging, exciting, informative speaker with a fun and pragmatic approach to Negotiation, Conflict Management, and Leadership.

Negotiation Conflict Management and Mediation Leadership and Change Management

Robert (B.J.) Johnson

Clinical Associate Professor of Computer Science · Loyola Marymount University

Seaver College of Science and Engineering

Computer Systems Organization Software Engineering Computer Science Database Systems Agile Development

Imogen Coe

Dean, Faculty of Science · Ryerson University

Dr Imogen R. Coe is a scientist who is internationally recognized for her advocacy in promoting equity & diversity in science in Canada

Science Education Women in STEM Membrane Protein Cell Biology Membrane Protein Cell Biochemistry Clinical Research

Mujib Rahman

Professor in Civil Engineering · Aston University

Professor Rahman is a Chartered Engineer with more than twenty years’ experience in academics and industry.

Bridge Engineering Highway Engineering Engineering Civil Engineering Roads and Pavements

Azim Eskandarian, D.Sc.

Alice T. and William H. Goodwin Jr. Dean · VCU College of Engineering

Dr. Eskandarian serves as the Alice T. and William H. Goodwin Jr. Dean of the VCU College of Engineering.