Christopher Westley, Ph.D.

Expert in regional economic trends · Florida Gulf Coast University

Dr. Westley studies and researches the economics of the free society.

Finance Economics Public Economics Austrian Economics Political Economy

Ellen Brown

Founder and chairman · Public Banking Institute

Author, Attorney, Public Speaker

Public Speaking Monetary Reform Public Banking

Soma Chaudhuri

Associate Professor · Michigan State University

Expert on: Development, Gender and Social Movements

South Asia Social Movements Development Violence Against Women Empowerment Programs

Susan A. Leys M.Ed.

Clinical Navigator - Patient Experience · University Healthcare: Jefferson Medical Center

Healthcare Consulting, Coaching and Debriefing at http://www.MDRN.Consulting

Healthcare Hospitals Stress and Stress Management Communicating Effectively Team Building & Leadership

Klaus Ley, MD

Founding Director · Immunology Center of Georgia

Klaus Ley is exploring the role our immune response plays in atherosclerosis and other autoimmune diseases.

T lymphocytes Immunology Vaccines atherosclerosis Integrins

Jeff Levin, Ph.D.

University Professor of Epidemiology and Population Health · Baylor University

Dr. Levin’s current research and writing are focused on the historical and contemporary intersections of faith and medicine.

Coronavirus Social and Epidemiologic Research on Judaism and Population health Theories of Healing and the Work of Healers Role of Faith-Based Initiatives in Public Health and Healthcare Policy Religion and Health

Joe Brown

Assistant Professor, Environmental Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE

Joe Brown’s research interests include water infrastructure sustainability and detection methods for pathogens in the environment.

Water and Wastewater Microbiology Antimicrobial Resistance in the Environment Engineering Applications in Underserved Communities Bioaerosols

William D. Parham

Professor of Counseling · Loyola Marymount University

Department of Specialized Programs in Professional Psychology

Sport Psychology Multicultural Counseling Foundations of Counseling Trauma Counseling: Theories and Interventions Interplay Between Sports Psychology

John Naples


John Naples brings infectious energy, customized content & practical techniques. Your audience will be challenged, equipped and empowered!

Sales Strategy Coaching for High Performance Building A Leadership Culture Empowerment & Motivation Negotiating

Bill Crawford, Ph.D.

Psychologist, Speaker, Corporate Trainer · Crawford Performance Solutions

Psychologist, Author of Four Books, Host of Two PBS Specials

Stress Difficult People Brain Productivity Leadership

Matt Quade, Ph.D.

Kimberly and Aaron P. Graft Professor in Christian Leadership in Business; Associate Professor of Management; Director, Christian Leadership and Ethics · Baylor University

Dr. Quade’s research focuses on behavioral ethics in the workplace, both ethical and unethical behavior, as well as ethical leadership.

Teaching Social Undermining Customer Unethical Behavior Ethical Leadership Data Analysis

Carol Bishop Mills, Ph.D.

Professor and Director, School of Communication and Multimedia Studies · Florida Atlantic University

Carol Bishop Mills' research covers the lifespan from teasing and bullying in childhood through workplace bullying and sexual harassment.

Relational and Interpersonal Communication Health Communication

Francis Galgano, PhD

Associate Professor, Geography and the Environment | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Francis A. Galgano, PhD, specializes in coastal geography and military geography.

Piracy Environmental security Environmental Change Geophysical Processes Military Geography

William Chopik

Assistant Professor · Michigan State University

Expert in social behaviors and individual differences and relationships.

Optimism Romantic Relationships Lifespan Development Personality Close Relationships

Michael Pagano, PhD

The Robert J. and Mary Ellen Darretta Endowed Chair in Finance, Professor, Finance & Real Estate | Villanova School of Business · Villanova University

Michael Pagano, PhD, is an expert on financial institutions, financial markets, risk management, investments, and international finance.

Business Financial Markets Valuation Risk Management Mutual Funds

Rattan Lal

Associate Professor, Soil Science | Environment and Natural Resources · The Ohio State University

Rattan Lal is a Professor of Soil Physics in the School of Environment and Natural Resources at The Ohio State University .

Soil Science Environment Natural Resources

Charlene Senn

Professor of Psychology and Women's and Gender Studies · University of Windsor

Dr. Charlene Senn's research centres primarily on male violence against women with a focus on sexual violence interventions.

Women's and Gender Studies Violence Against Women Sexual Violence and Campus Interventions Male Violence Against Women Applied Social Psychology

Harsh Bais

Associate Professor, Plant and Soil Sciences · University of Delaware

Prof. Bais conducts research in plant signaling – how plants recognize and communicate with one another.

Plant-Microbe Interactions Plant Biology Plant Signaling Root Exudation Plant and Soil Sciences and Horticulture

George Loewenstein

University Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

George Loewenstein helped to found the fields of behavioral economics and neuroeconomics.

Neuroeconomics Behavioral Economics

Russell Johnson

MSU Foundation Professorship · Michigan State University

Russell Johnson's research examines the roles of leadership-based processes that underlie work attitudes and behaviors.

Organizational Behavior Consumer Behavior Human Resource Management Attitudes, Emotions & Personality Leadership & Motivation