Joseph G Dreiss
Professor of Art and Art History · University of Mary Washington
Dr. Dreiss is the founder of the digital media lab.
Art History Art Criticism Contemporary Art Digital Imaging Web Production
Michele Baggio, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor · University of Connecticut
Michele Baggio is an expert in environmental and resource economics, ecological economics, and health economics.
Ecological Economics Health Economics Environmental and Resource Economics Applied Microeconomics
Lawrence Levy
Associate Vice President and Executive Dean of the National Center for Surburban · Hofstra University
Dean Levy works close with Hofstra’s academic community to shape an innovative agenda for suburban study
Suburban Spaces and Development Suburbs Education Taxation Politics of the Suburbs
Robert Taylor, Ph.D.
Dean | College of Psychology and Liberal Arts · Florida Tech
Dr. Taylor's research focuses on 19th- and 20th-century America, the American South, U.S. military history, and 20th-century Europe.
History of the Space Age Florida's Governors D-Day American Military Leadership Civil War
Jack Downey
John Henry Newman Professor of Roman Catholic Studies, Professor of Religion and Classics · University of Rochester
Downey studies self-immolation as reistance, forms of protest, Roman Catholicism
Civil Disobedience Social Justice Christianity Roman Catholicism self-immolation
Richard Fox
Dean of the Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts and Professor of Political Science · Loyola Marymount University
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
Media and Politics Introduction to American Government Courts, Law, and Society
Deborah O'Dell
Professor of Biology · University of Mary Washington
Dr. O'Dell performs research into how bees use magnetic fields to orient themselves.
Biology Neuroscience Magnetic Orientation in Animals Developmental Neurobiology Alzheimer's Disease
Ronald Schurin, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus · University of Connecticut
Expert in the politics of presidential campaigns
American Politics and Elections Connecticut Politics Electoral Politics American Politics Education Policy
Marc Gallicchio, PhD
Professor and Mary M. Birle Chair in History | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University
Marc Gallicchio, PhD, is an expert on World War II, U.S. foreign relations, East Asia, modern military history and modern U.S. history.
History Modern Military History U.S. Foreign Policy Modern U.S. History World War II
Professor and Canada Research Chair in Bioethics and Philosophy · Dalhousie University
Dr. Baylis researches matters related to ethics, health law and policy of assisted human reproduction and novel genetic technologies.
Bioethics Assisted Human Reproduction Genetic Technologies & Ethics Genetics and the Law Policy & Regulation Identity
Mark Lukasiewicz
Dean, The Lawrence Herbert School of Communication · Hofstra University
Dean Lukasiewicz is a veteran producer, journalist, and media executive. Before joining Hofstra, he was SVP of specials at NBC News.
news platforms news industry Broadcast News Digital Media Media Ethics
Ruth McDermott-Levy, PhD
Professor; Co-Director, Mid-Atlantic Center for Children's Health and the Environment | M. Louise Fitzpatrick College of Nursing · Villanova University
Dr. McDermott-Levy, PhD, MPH, RN, FAAN is an expert in environmental health, global health, and public health nursing
Lead Exposure Climate Change Fracking and Health Immigrant Health Public Health
Tyler Frankel
Assistant Professor of Environmental Science · University of Mary Washington
He is an expert on ecotoxicology, specifically the impact of pharmaceutical, industrial waste products, & pesticides on aquatic wildlife.
Impact of Pharmaceutical, Industrial Waste Products and Pesticides on Aquatic Wildlife Ecotoxicology Aquatic Toxicology
Patricia Crenny
Accounting Instructor | Villanova School of Business · Villanova University
Patricia Crenny is an expert in financial and tax accounting.
Business Financial Services Financial Accounting Tax Accounting Retirement
Kevin Dougherty, Ph.D.
Professor of Sociology · Baylor University
Dr. Dougherty focuses on the impact of religion on other realms of social life such as community involvement, politics, and work
Religious Education Religion Sociology of Religion Religion Politics & Culture Facebook in Education
David Schweidel
Professor of Marketing & Goizueta Chair in Business Technology · Emory University, Goizueta Business School
Marketing analytics expert focused on the opportunities at the intersection of marketing and technology
Marketing Technology AI Social Media Political Marketing Customer Analytics
Sharon Austin
Professor · University of Florida
Sharon Wright Austin’s teaching and research interests are in American government, urban politics and African American politics.
Southern Politics African American Politics Urban Politics
Timothy J. Shaffer
Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) Chair of Civil Discourse · University of Delaware
Prof. Shaffer studies the advancement of democratic practices by focusing on the role of civic professionals in institutional settings.
Civic Engagement Public Policy Civil Discourse Communication Deliberative Democracy
Sarah Mendelson
Distinguished Service Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Sarah Mendelson's current work is on creating a community of practice dedicated to growing the next generation of human rights experts.
Elections Human Trafficking Humanitarian Affairs Russian Politics Ukrainian Politics
Chenfeng Xiong, PhD
Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering · Villanova University
Dr. Xiong conducts AI and big-data research on human mobility, and its relations with policies, environment, & public health.
Transportation Engineering Transportation Planning Transportation Economics Transportation and Environment Big Data