Rick Eckstein, PhD

Professor of Sociology | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Rick Eckstein, PhD, is an expert on sports and society, intercollegiate spending, stadium financing and labor and unions.

Title IX College Athletics Reform Sociology of Sport Stadium Financing Labor and Unions

Kirstin Braithwaite

Associate Professor of International Relations · Michigan State University

Kirstin Braithwaite specializes in international relations and is interested in questions of nationalism, identity and military conflict.

Civil-military Relations Nationalism and Identity Military Conflict Conflict Processes & War Civil War

Elissa Madden

Associate Professor · Baylor University

Research: child welfare, foster care, adoption (public & private), child & family mental health, service learning in social work education

Service Learning Adoption Research Child and Family Services Foster Care and Adoptions Child Welfare

Erica Scharrer

Professor of Communication · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Erica Scharrer is an expert in the study of media content, opinions of media, media effects and media literacy.

Media and Children Media Literacy Media Effects Opinions of Media Media Content

Rachel O'Neill, Ph.D.

Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor, Molecular & Cell Biology and Institute for Systems Genomics · University of Connecticut

Dr. O'Neill's research projects use molecular genetic approaches to study centromere function and evolution

Cancer Susceptibility Genomics Genome Stability

Cliff Schecter

Principal & President · Libertas, LLC

Enter Stage Left: Liberate your perspective with Libertas's progressive PR guy, columnist, We Act Radio co-founder, and bestselling author

Progressive Journalism Public Relations & Earned Media Strategy New Media Strategy & Execution Polling & Message Development Media Training

Angelia L. Seyfferth

Professor, Soil Biogeochemistry and Plant-Soil Interactions · University of Delaware

Prof. Seyfferth focuses on soil biogeochemical processes that dictate contaminant and nutrient cycling and uptake by plants.

Chemical Sciences Soil Science Soil Biogeochemical Processes Plant Science Ecosystems

Kelly Salchow MacArthur

Professor of Graphic Design · Michigan State University

Kelly Salchow MacArthur explores environmental issues through integration of materiality, production technology, format and volume.

Graphic Design Environmental Issues Typography Design

Rebecca Shenkman

Director of the MacDonald Center for Nutrition Education and Research | M. Louise Fitzpatrick College of Nursing · Villanova University

Rebecca Shenkman, MPH, RD, LDN, is an expert in nutrition, weight management, and using food to help prevent and control disease

Weight Management Nutrition & Lifestyle Changes Nutrition Nutrition & Disease Prevention Childhood Obesity

Rebecca Nugent

Teaching Professor and Department Head · Carnegie Mellon University

Rebecca Nugent's research interests lie in clustering, record linkage, educational data mining/psychometrics and public health.

Future of Education Public Health Clustering Semantic Organization Educational Data Mining/Psychometric

Bryan Wisda, CFP®

President · Almega Wealth Management LLC

Wealth Manager to Successful Families & Driven Entrepreneurs

Investment Management Financial Planning Business Ownership and Succession Mergers & Acquisitinos Passive Investment Management

Bill Reichenstein, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus of Investments · Baylor University

Dr. Reichenstein researches Social Security benefits, how retirees can lengthen the longevity of financial portfolios and other tax issues

Social Security Financial Planning Retirement Investing Tax-based Investment Strategies Finance

Maggie Braun

Teaching Professor and Associate Dean · Carnegie Mellon University

Maggie Braun has had a profound impact on undergraduate education and advising during her 13-year tenure at the Mellon College of Science.

Molecular Cloning Molecular Biology Future of Education Biological Sciences Biochemistry

Tracy Repchuk, CMA (10000+)

Bestselling author · InnerSurf International

Internet Marketing Speaker / Business / Social Media / Keynote / Bestselling Author

Internet Marketing Speakers Internet Entrepreneur

Cathey Armillas

Non-Traditional Marketing Strategist · PURA Marketing

Non-Traditional Marketing Expert

Marketing Viral Marketing Business/Marketing Strategy

Eric Holtzclaw

Columnist, Lean Forward on Inc.com

CEO of Laddering Works, LLC | Columnist, Lean Forward on Inc.com | Co-Host The "Better You" Project Radio Show

Strategic Planning Entrepreneurship Project Planning Social Media Marketing

Stephanie Limoncelli

Professor of Sociology · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Work and Labor International Organizations Nonprofit Organizations Theory

Daniel Cornfield

Professor of Sociology · Vanderbilt University

Expert in the American labor movement, the creative class, and work and occupation issues generally.

labor & employment Creative Class Unionization Labor Unions Musicians

Brad Bushman

Rinehart Chair | Department of Mass Communication · The Ohio State University

Media and social psychology expert, focusing on the problem of human aggression and violence

Violence in Society and Media Social Psychology Advanced Research Methods in Communication Communication in Society

Aimée Eubanks Davis

Founder and CEO · Braven.org

Speaks to higher education outcomes, particularly related to job attainment and quality among first-generation and low-income students.

Social and Economic Mobility Higher Education Future of Work Employer/Employee Relations Labor Market