Anne Oeldorf-Hirsch, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor · University of Connecticut

Dr. Oeldorf-Hirsch's research focuses on information sharing on social media, particularly in the areas of news, science, and well-being.

Science Communication News Engagement Computer-mediated communication Communication Technology Social Media

Laurel Ofstein

Faculty Director, Burgess Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation · Michigan State University

Laurel Ofstein's research examines creativity, innovation and strategy within ecosystems, specifically entrepreneurial teams and incubators.

Management Innovation Entrepreneurship

Marie Shanahan

Associate Professor · University of Connecticut

Professor Shanahan is an expert in the intersection of journalism and digital communication technology, online news and digital discourse.

News Literacy Digital Discourse Journalism Local news Media

John Girton

Owner · John Girton

Where Passion Meets Purpose

Entrepreneurship (Vsb) Marriage and Relationships High School/College Student Motivation

Michael Deaver

Coach, Recruiter, Trainer, Speaker · Michael Deaver Talent Management Coaching & Consulting

Coaching Healthy High Performing Leaders

Communication Technology Executive Recruiting Talent Development Sales Training and Sales Effectiveness Communication Technology and Evaluation

Marc Smith

Chief Social Scientist · Connected Action

Internet sociologist, using social network analysis and visualization to map and understand social media

Social Media Social Networks Business Collaboration Information Visualization

Sylvie Grosjean

Professeur Agrégée · Université d'Ottawa

Communication organisationnelle. Travaille sur l'implantation des systèmes d'information médicaux, la télémédecine et télésanté.

Organizational Communication Information and communication technology (ICT) Medical Information Systems Organizational Learning Collective decision-making

Andrew Ellis

Professor of Optical Communications/Deputy Director of the Aston Institute of Photonics Technology (AIPT) · Aston University

Professor Ellis researches optical superchannels and advanced passive optical networks for the delivery of Tbit/s class broadband.

5G Broadband Optical communications Photonics Signal Processing

Christen Buckley

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Christen Buckley's research areas include advocacy, communication technology, the ethics of technology, and public interest communication.

Strategic Communication Crisis Communication Communication Technology Corporate Social Responsbility Social Advocacy and Social Change

Mindy McAdams

Chair/Professor · University of Florida

Mindy McAdams studies communication technologies, online journalism, interactivity and multimedia, the Internet and changes in societies.

Artificial Intelligence Data Journalism Numeracy and Coding Communication Technology

T.S. Harvey

Associate Professor of Anthropology · Vanderbilt University

Expert in cross-cultural doctor-patient interactions, public health communications, disaster relief and crisis management.

North America Medical Anthropology Sanitation Environmental Protection Global Public Health

Andrew Ledbetter

Professor & Chair of Communication Studies · Texas Christian University

Andrew Ledbetter investigates how people use communication technology to maintain close ties with friends, family, and romantic partners.

Quantitative Research Methods Psychological Health Friendships Communication Technology Social Media

Dr. David Bensoussan

Professor · École de Technologie Supérieure - ÉTS

He has published extensively in the telecommunications and energy fields and has filed a large number of patents.

Control Theory Communications Technology Digital Telecommunications Optical Fiber Aerospace

Yu-Hao Lee

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Yu-Hao Lee’s research focuses on the cognitive and emotional effects of immersive/interactive media, e.g. video games and virtual reality.

Social Media Media Psychology and Media Effects Communication Technology Emerging Media Social Advocacy and Social Change

Jasmine McNealy

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Jasmine McNealy studies information, communication and technology with a view toward influencing law and policy.

Ethical AI Communication Technology Media Law and Policy Newsroom Policy Communications

Patricia Mokhtarian

Professor, Civil Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE

Patricia Mokhtarian has specialized in the application of quantitative methods to the study of travel behavior for more than 30 years.

Commuters' Responses to Congestion or to System Disruptions The Need to Travel for Its Own Sake Impacts of Land Use on Travel Impacts of Telecommunication on Travel Multitasking Attitudes and Behavior During Travel

Devon Greyson

Postdoctoral Fellow · BC Children's Hospital

How do people use health information, and when does this matter for health and social equity?

Vaccine Hesitancy Teen Mothers Parent Education and Empowerment Health Information Technology Public Health and Health Services

Daniel Silke

Director · Political Futures Consultancy

Acclaimed presenter of outstanding keynotes on Global Future Trends for corporates, conferences & conventions around the world.

Global Future Trends Consumer of the Future Emerging Brics Economies Africa South Africa

Don Dingee

Chief Story Officer · Left2MyOwnDevices

Explorer on the IoT

Internet of Things Microcontrollers Mems Sensors Embedded Computing Wireless Sensor Networks

Julia Kryuchkova

Conference Chair · i-Help

ProfsoUX'13 Chair

Usability Conference Design Events Coordination