Sudip Bhattacharjee, Ph.D.

Professor, University of Connecticut; Senior Research Fellow, US Census Bureau · University of Connecticut

Extensive research consulting experience with Fortune 100 and US govt on “Big Data” driven decision making in IT and operations.

Energy INformatics Operations Research Information Systems Economics Machine Learning Big Data

Leslie Parker

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Leslie Parker’s research focuses on the nutrition of premature infants, with an emphasis on providing breast milk to infants in the NICU.

Breast Milk Premature Infants Lactation NICU

Stephen Farnsworth

Professor of Political Science and International Affairs · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Farnsworth has spent decades researching how media and politics intersect. Check out his website at

American Elections American Government The American Presidency Internet Politics Mass Media and Politics

Irit Eizips

CEO · CSM Practice

Customer Success strategy and technology services

Customer Success Business Intelligence Salesforce

Cynthia Wesley-Esquimaux

Chair on Truth and Reconciliation · Lakehead University

Dr. Wesley-Esquimaux's research addresses unresolved intergenerational trauma and grief primarily within the Canadian Indigenous community.

Community Development Government Community Outreach Leadership Teaching

Eric Lowitt

Managing Director · Nexus Global Advisors

Sought-after Future of Business, Innovation, Leadership, and Collaboration Speaker and Expert; Harvard Business Review author

Competitive Strategy Sustainability Management Stakeholder Management Collaboration and Competition How to Outperform Your Rivals

Kevin Dougherty, Ph.D.

Professor of Sociology, Graduate Program Director · Baylor University

Dr. Dougherty focuses on the impact of religion on other realms of social life such as community involvement, politics, and work

Religious Education Religion Sociology of Religion Religion Politics & Culture Facebook in Education

Aman Yadav

Lappan-Phillips Professor of Computing Education · Michigan State University

An expert in STEM education, with a specific focus on computer science and engineering education

Teacher Professional Development Case-based Instruction Computer Science Education STEM Education Engineering Education

Amanda Bullough (Workman)

Professor of Management & Global Leadership, Co-Founder & Research Director of Women’s Leadership Initiative, GLOBE 2020 Principal Co-Investigator · University of Delaware

Prof. Bullough's expertise spans global and women’s leadership and entrepreneurship, societal culture, and organizational behavior.

Adverse Environments International Business Women's Leadership Societal Culture Global Leadership

Jessica Borelli

Associate Professor of Psychological Science · UC Irvine

Jessie Borelli's research focuses on the links between close relationships and mental health

Attachment Parenting Developmental Mental Health Health

Kristen Mills

Assistant Professor, Mechanical Aerospace and Nuclear Engineering · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Biomechanics of tumor growth, tumor cell-matrix interactions

Development of in vitro models Cell and tissue biomechanics Experimental mechanics of materials

David E. White

Consultant · Synergy Solutions

Business Development Strategist

Resilience Managing Change Conflict Resolution Corporate Financial Mangement Corporate Sustainability

Mollye Demosthenidy

Clinical Associate Professor · Tulane University

Mollye Demosthenidy is an expert in The Affordable Care Act, Medicaid, and healthcare reform

Healthcare Reform Affordable Care Act Obamacare Health Insurance Health Policy

Ali Sarkhosh

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Ali Sarkhosh is a fruit crop applied physiologist and extension specialist with more than 15 years of experience with fruit production.

Fruit Crop Management Fruit Crop Production PGRs Pruning Rootstock and Scion Evaluation

Yixuan Li

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Yixuan Li's research agenda focuses on how to enhance workplace diversity and inclusion and promote organizational learning and innovation.

Diversity and Inclusion Learning and Innovation Strategic Human Resource Management Work Groups and Teams

Brian Fitzpatrick

Professor of Law · Vanderbilt University

Expert on class action litigation, federal courts, judicial selection, constitutional law and the Supreme Court.

campaign contributions Class action law suits women's reproductive rights Class Actions Class Action Lawsuits

Dr Jill Johnson

Senior Lecturer, School of Biosciences · Aston University

Dr Johnson’s current research interests focus on the role of pericytes in chronic lung disease.

Allergic Asthma Pulmonary Fibrosis Pericytes Chronic Lung Disease Leukocyte Biology

Michael L. Parsons, Ph.D.

Expert in coastal water health · Florida Gulf Coast University

Michael Parsons studies the causes of harmful algal blooms and how their toxins can impact marine and human lives.

Phytoplankton Ecology Coral Reef Ecology Ciguatera Outbreaks Coastal Water Health Plankton Ecosystems



Research Scientist & iNaturalist

Astronomy iNaturalist Futuristic Thinking Research & Development Technology & Innovation

Laura Hauser, Ph.D., MCC

Associate Faculty - Evidence Based Coaching · Fielding Graduate University

Executive and team coach, strategic change consultant, and graduate-level educator

Evidence-Based Coaching Team and Group Behavior Executive Coaching Team Coaching Team Innovation