Brent Reynolds

Professor · University of Florida

Brent Reynolds has been working with regenerative medicine for more than 30 years, with a focus on neural and cancer stem cells.

Cell Replacement Strategies Neural Stem Cells Cancer Stem Cells Cannabinoids Traditional Chinese Medicine

Sehoon Kim

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Sehoon Kim researches corporate finance and financial markets.

Competition Corporate Finance Corporate Governance Financial Markets Public Policy

Stacy Drury, MD

Remigio Gonzalez MD Endowed Professorship of Child Psychiatry, Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Vice Chair of Research, Department of Pediatrics · Tulane University

Drury explores how early life adversity interacts with genetic and epigenetic factors to shape child health and neurodevelopmental outcomes.

Telomeres Health Disparities Pediatric Medicine Child Psychiatry Genetics

David Newman

Marketing Speaker, Marketing Consultant, Marketing Coach · Doit!Marketing

Helping professionals market smarter and experts speak more profitably!

Marketing Entrepreneurship Business Growth

Dr Neha Prashar

Research Fellow · Aston University

Dr Prashar has worked in the areas of development, entrepreneurship, SMEs and productivity since joining the ERC in 2017.

Job Destruction Labour SMEs Productivity Development

Joel Paul

Albert Abramson '54 Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: / 415-565-4638 / Office 312-200

International Economic Law and Policy Presidential Powers in Foreign Affairs International Business Transactions National Security Law Foreign Relations Law

Nicole Peritore, PhD

Assistant Professor · Augusta University

Nicole Peritore is an assistant professor of kinesiology in the College of Education and Human Development at Augusta University.

Food Insecurity Health Promotion Healthy Living Community Health

Lisa May Simpson

CEO · LMS Coaching & Consulting

Engaging, interactive speaker and facilitator who links core values to creativity and productivity

Recognizing and Treating Burnout Internal Communications Identifying Your Core Values

Wolfgang Banzhaf

Entomologist and Osteopathic Medical Specialist · Michigan State University

Expert in genetic programming and evolutionary computation

Computer Science Evolutionary Computation Machine Learning Algorithms Theoretical Physics

Verena Seufert

Postdoctoral Fellow · University of British Columbia, Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability

Scientist interested in all things food and nature. Studying how we can do agriculture better.

Sustainability organic agriculture Sustainable Agriculture Biodiversity Climate Change

Jason von Meding

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Jason von Meding is an expert in how disaster affects people.

Disaster and Public Health Preparedness Natural Disaster Assessment Disaster Risk Reduction Disaster Management Sustainability

David Kaplan

Professor · University of Florida

David Kaplan studies connecting ecosystems, the hydrologic cycle, and humans with the goal of advancing natural resources conservation.

Groundwater Rivers Springs Hydrology Wetlands

Victor Assad

CEO · Victor Assad Strategic HR Consulting

I consult, speak, and write about improving recruiting, HR operations, leaders, teams, and cultures. My new book is, "Hack Recruiting."

Executive Search Recruiting and Hiring Executive Coaching Strategy Execution Human Resource

Dianne Durkin

President & CEO · Loyalty Factor

National expert on building loyalty, enhancing employee and customer relationships and increasing brand loyalty to experience profit growth!

Core Drivers for Generational Integration Leveraging Change: Making It Manageable and Profitable Energizing Your Brand Invest in Trust and Increase Profits Relational Capital: Building Rapport Respect Trust and Credibility

Ilia Delio, OSF, PhD

Josephine C. Connelly Endowed Chair in Theology| College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Sister Ilia Delio, OSF, PhD, works to find a new unity and synthesis in science and religion.

Theology Neuroscience Artificial Intelligence and Becoming Culture and Religion Catholicity

Babak Baban, PhD

Associate Dean for Research, Dental College of Georgia · Augusta University

Babak Baban, PhD, is a professor, immunologist and associate dean for research at the Dental College of Georgia at Augusta University.

Cannabidiol (CBD) Oral Biology Lung Cancer

Amy Iezzoni

Professor · Michigan State University

Amy Iezzoni leads a sour cherry breeding and genetics program, and also a cherry rootstock breeding program.

Cherry Genetics Plant Breeding

Omowunmi "Wunmi" Sadik

Distinguished Professor · New Jersey Institute of Technology

Omowunmi Sadik applies her knowledge of surface chemistry, chemical and biological sensors in healthcare, food safety and the environment.

Nanostructured Conducting Polymers Chemical and Biological Sensors Surface Chemistry Electrochemistry Biosensors

Syed A. Hashsham

Professor · Michigan State University

I am an environmental engineer engaged in addressing environmental and health issues using molecular biology, genomics, and microfluidics.

Bioremediation Antimicrobial Resistance Microbial Ecology Environmental Biotechnology Molecular Biology

Henny Admoni

Assistant Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Henny Admoni directs the Human And Robot Partners (HARP) Lab, which develops assistive and collaborative robots and AI.

Cognitive Psychology Robotics Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) Healthcare Human Assistance