David Julian McClements

Distinguished Professor of Food Science · University of Massachusetts Amherst

D. Julian McClements is the most highly cited food scientist in the world, known for his leading research on plant-based food.

Plant-based Food Food Science Food Nanotechnology Food Architecture

Mark Thompson, PhD

Dean of Hull College of Business, Professor of Economics · Augusta University

Mark Thompson, PhD, dean of the Hull College of Business, is an economist in business conditions, risk analysis, energy and health care.

Economics Energy Healthcare Industry Risk Analysis

Tony Ulwick

Founder & CEO · Strategyn

Tony is the pioneer of Jobs-to-be-Done Theory and the inventor of Outcome-Driven Innovation® (ODI).

Outcome-Driven Innovation Marketing Strategy Innovation Management Strategy Innovation Consulting

Jeffrey Bennett

Associate Professor of Communication Studies · Vanderbilt University

Medical humanities expert who specializes in health, citizenship, LGBT/queer studies, cultural studies and rhetorical theory and criticism.

Queer Healthcare Queer vernacular LGBTQ Health HIV Prevention HIV & AIDS

Sylvia Chan-Olmsted

Professor/Director · University of Florida

Sylvia Chan-Olmsted researches cross-platform media consumption and AI applications in media and marketing communications.

Media Management and Economics Communication Technology Brand Relationships Artificial Intelligence Media Competition

Walter Schilling, Jr., Ph.D.

Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. Walter Schilling is an expert in software verification, software reliability, software security and embedded systems software.

Static Analysis Embedded Systems Software Engineering Software Reliability Cybersecurity

Narayanan Palani

Engineering Lead · Lloyds Banking Group

Technically sound and dynamic speaker in Software Test Management

Test Tools Test Plan Emerging Methods in Testing Test Management Psychological Leadership and Decision Making

Susan Moffatt-Bruce

President: Lahey Hospital and Medical Center · Beth Israel Lahey Health

Susan Moffatt-Bruce leads LHMC, known for its innovative technology, pioneering medical treatment, and leading-edge research.

Thoracic Surgery Cardiac Surgery Transplantation Surgery Quality and Patient Safety

Gene Hoyt, M.S.

Expert in mobile applications and information systems · Florida Gulf Coast University

Gene Hoyt has managed organizational technology domestically and internationally.

Veteran Entrepreneurs Software and Development Computer / Network Security Database Management Passenger Analysis

Niall Wallace

CEO · Infonaut

CEO at Infonaut Inc. - Evidence-based Hospital Infection Control

Infection Control Infectious Diseases Concept to Commercialization Hospital Hand Hygiene Compliance Disease Surveillance

Hermann Fritz

Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE

Hermann Fritz's research centers on fluid dynamic aspects of natural hazards such as tsunamis, hurricane storm surges and landslides.

Fluid Dynamic of Natural Hazards Hurricane Storm Surges and Landslides Tsunamis Coastal Systems

Christine Greenhow

Associate Professor of Educational Technology and Educational Psychology · Michigan State University

Education expert, focusing on the impact of social media and new technologies in teaching and learning, digital scholarship

New Digital Forms of Scholarship Teaching and Learning Educational Technology Social Media and Education Educational Psychology

Joe Brown

Assistant Professor, Environmental Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE

Joe Brown’s research interests include water infrastructure sustainability and detection methods for pathogens in the environment.

Water and Wastewater Microbiology Antimicrobial Resistance in the Environment Engineering Applications in Underserved Communities Bioaerosols

Bern Grush

Strategy | Vice President Innovation · Grush Niles Strategic | PayBySky

Transportation innovator, writer, speaker. Deployment and social policy: automated vehicles, parking, mobility as a service, & road tolling.

Autonomous Vehicles Self-driving cars Driverless cars Parking Reform Road Tolling

Trisha Andrew

Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Trisha Andrew's lab creates smart garments and wearable textiles that lets people monitor their health data using their clothing

Smart Garments Wearable Technologies Garment-Integrated Technologies Solar Textiles Textile Electronics

Jennifer Lundquist

Professor of Sociology / Senior Associate Dean of Research & Faculty Development · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Jennifer Lundquist examines the pathways through which racial, ethnic and gender inequalities are perpetuated in institutional settings.

Workplace Inequality Online Dating Behaviors Race and Ethnicity Inequality

Ted Spence

Chief Information Officer · Ted Spence

Data and Technology Consultant

E-Commerce Business Intelligence Programming

Mike Whitmore

President · Fresh Consulting

Professional & motivational speaker, Never Eat Alone Affiliate bringing together enhancing offline relationships with online & social media

Business Strategy Digital Marketing Social Media Meaningful Networking Top Web-Tools for Entrepreneurs

Marcus Crews, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship and Strategy, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University

Microfoundations Entrepreneurial Cognition Strategic Cognition

Julie Ancis

Professor, Informatics · New Jersey Institute of Technology

Dr. Julie Ancis explores cyberpsychology, the relationship between technology and human behavior, diversity and gender.

Technology and Human Behavior Counseling Psychology Cyberpsychology Multicultural Competence Mental Health of Women