Paulina Jaramillo

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Paulina Jaramillo is currently involved in research to understand the social, economic and environmental implications of energy consumption.

Sustainable Engineering Engineering and Public Policy Electric Power Systems Green Design Energy

Wang Feng

Professor of Sociology · UC Irvine

Wang Feng is a leading expert on demography, aging, and inequality - particularly in China.

China Post-Communist Societies Social Inequality Social Demography Contemporary Chinese Society

Elizabeth (Libby) Sharrow

Associate Professor of History and Public Policy and Director of Faculty Research, Institute for Social Science Research · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Libby Sharrow examines the ways public policy has shaped understandings of gender, race, sexuality, disability and class in U.S. politics.

History of Title IX Politics of Sport Transgender Athletes Politics of Sex and Gender Public Policy and Disability

Narayana Kocherlakota

Lionel W. McKenzie Professor of Economics · University of Rochester

Professor Kocherlakota's research includes theoretical and empirical contributions to many fields in economics

Central Banks U.S. Federal Reserve Dynamic Games/Contracts Financial Economics Economics of Money and Payments

Deborah Stienstra

Professor · University of Manitoba

author, researcher, advocate, speaker on inclusion, accessibility, gender-based analysis, disability policy, and global development

Disability Rights Disability Access and Advocate Gender analysis Women International Development

Kelly Welch, PhD

Professor of Sociology and Criminology; Program Director, Criminlogy | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Kelly Welch, PhD, is an expert on racial and ethnic profiling, racial disparities in school discipline and public punitiveness toward crime.

Criminology Racial Profiling School-to-Prison Pipeline Race and Justice Social Justice

Lorrie Faith Cranor

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Lorrie Faith Cranor has authored over 150 research papers on online privacy, usable security, and other topics.

Engineering and Policy Privacy Cybersecurity and Privacy Computer Science Usable Security

Ganesh Sitaraman

New York Alumni Chancellor's Chair in Law · Vanderbilt University

Expert in constitutional law, the regulatory state, economic policy, democracy and foreign affairs.

Public Option Institutional design Regulation Foreign Relations Law Constitutional Law

Elaine Hyshka

Assistant Professor, School of Public Health · University of Alberta

Professor Hyshka is a health services and policy researcher focused on reducing the health, social, and economic costs of substance misuse.

Harm Reduction Opioids Cannabis Drug Policy Substance misuse

David Arsen

Professor · Michigan State University

Professor Arsen's research focuses on school finance, school choice policies, and education governance

Education Policy School Facilities School Finance School Choice Governance

Maurie Cohen

Professor, Humanities · New Jersey Institute of Technology

Maurie's research is centered in the field of environmental/sustainability social science

Socio-Technical Transition Management Sustainable Consumption Sustainability Science Environmental Social Science Environmental Policy

Jamie Hartmann-Boyce

Assistant Professor of Health Policy and Management · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Jamie Hartmann-Boyce's works to synthesize evidence and apply it to health policy, in areas including tobacco control and e-cigarettes.

Smoking Cessation Tobacco Regulatory Science Health Policy Tobacco Control E-cigarettes

George Loewenstein

University Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

George Loewenstein helped to found the fields of behavioral economics and neuroeconomics.

Neuroeconomics Behavioral Economics

Tiffany Muller Myrdahl

Urbanist and Feminist Geographer · Simon Fraser University

Specializes in equity and inclusion. Uses policy analysis and collaborative research with women and LGBTQ people to examine urban change.

Geographies of social difference (with an emphasis on gender and sexuality) Municipal Social Inclusion Policy Qualitative and Mixed Method Research Oral history methods for research and policymaking

Lee Branstetter

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Lee Branstetter's research interests include the economics of technological innovation, and economic growth in East Asia.

East Asia and the Global Economy International Economics Business and Economics Economics Technological Innovation

Iglika Ivanova

Senior Economist and Public Interest Researcher · Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives - BC Office

Iglika Ivanova is Senior Economist and Public Interest Researcher at the BC Office of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.

Poverty Labour Economics Income Distribution Income Inequality Living Wage Policies

Stephanie J. Silverman

Bora Laskin National Fellow in Human Rights Research

Professor Silverman is an international expert on immigration control, particularly immigrant detention and community monitoring programs.

Immigration Policy Immigration Detention Refugee Studies Alternatives to Detention Public Policy Analysis

Jeffrey Bielicki

Assistant Professor | Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geodetic Engineering | John Glenn College of Public Affairs · The Ohio State University

Energy sustainability expert, focusing on the intersection of energy, environment, economics and policy

Consequences of energy development Evolution of Energy Systems Applied Energy Energy Policy

Lisa F. Clark

Research Associate · University of Saskatchewan

Political Scientist researching food politics and food policy

Food Agriculture & Environment Public Policy Analysis Governance & Regulation Innovation Food Safety and Security

Nicholas Muller

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Nicholas Muller works at the intersection of environmental policy and economics.

Economics Air Pollution Environmental Policy Freight Transportation Market Inequality