Vice President of Imaging · ChristianaCare

Kim Evans is an expert in medical imaging and is the vice president of Imaging at ChristianaCare.

Operations Radiological Technology Imaging Imaging Management Radiology

Youyou Tao, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Information Systems and Business Analytics, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University

Healthcare Analytics and Informatics Econometrics Latent Growth Modeling Bayesian Modeling

Ayesha Khalid

Chief of Otolaryngology Division · Cambridge Health Alliance

Ayesha Khalid is a practicing clinician who pioneered groundbreaking research in sinus inflammation and clinical outcomes in sinus disease.

Digital Health Clinical Trials System Analysis Clinician Surgery

R. Gregory Cochran

Associate Director, UCSF / UC Hastings Health Policy and Law Degree Program and Lecturer · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: / 415-581-8884 / Office 622-200

Health Care Fraud and Abuse Health Facility Licensing Peer Review Health Information Privacy Patient Consent