Tiffany Gooch

Public Affairs Consultant · Enterprise

Tiffany is a government relations, political organization, and communications professional based in Toronto.

Government Relations & Public Affairs Diversity & Inclusion Women & Leadership Political Activism

Manfred Ritschard

speaker, trainer, moderator · Manfred Ritschard & Partner LLC

Excellence in Service Quality and Sales - professionalism and friendliness can be managed!

Chantal Bossé

Visual communications and presentation expert · CHABOS inc.

Visual communications & presentation expert - MS PPT MVP

Communications Planning Key Message Development Powerpoint Presentation Design & Development Presentation Coaching

Promod Sharma

Insurance Actuary · Taxevity

an actuary talking about trust or insurance

Trust Insurance Literacy

Alessandro Acquisti

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Alessandro Acquisti’s research investigates the economics and behavioral economics of privacy, and privacy in online social networks.

AI Ethics Transition Economics Human-Agent Interaction Economics of Privacy Information Security

Jonathan Wilson

CEO · Soul Systems

Inspiring & leading edge content how to lead large-scale transformation, drawn from life and work among tribes, warlords and executives.

Leadership Organizational Soul Collaboration Team Purpose

Sarah Hill

Professor, Psychology · Texas Christian University

Dr. Hill specializes in research on women's sexual psychology, sex hormones, and the birth control pill.

The Birth Control Pill Mind-Body Interactions Menstrual Cycle Interpersonal Relationships Sex Hormones

Nick Whiteley

Chief Operating Officer · Innogise

CEO at Innogise Consulting, Author of Business Innovation

Think Like A Charity Innovation Culture

Kim SeelingSmith

Director · Kim SeelingSmith

There aren’t many people who can ignite a room like Kim Seeling Smith can, Australia's foremost expert on HR in the social age.

Employee Engagement Employee Retention Recruiting Recruitment Leadership

Scott Wallace

Associate Professor of Journalism · University of Connecticut

Scott Wallace is a bestselling author, photojournalist and educator who covers the environment and vanishing cultures worldwide.

Central America Amazon Rainforest Brazil Indigenous Cultures Uncontacted Tribes

David Schweidel

Professor of Marketing & Goizueta Chair in Business Technology · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Marketing analytics expert focused on the opportunities at the intersection of marketing and technology

Marketing Technology AI Social Media Political Marketing Customer Analytics

Kris Tuttle

Director of Research · SoundView Technology Group

Applied Technology Expert - emerging technology impact on business and investments

Computing Investing Software Cloud Big Data

Karen Shackleford, Ph.D.

Doctoral Faculty - Media Psychology · Fielding Graduate University

Media violence; Fandom and the construction of meaning from media; Media, race and gender.

Media Psychology Media Effects Social Psychology Gender Race

Lori Karpman

Founder CEO Lori Karpman & Associates Ltd · Lori Karpman & Associates Ltd

CEO, Lori Karpman & Associates Ltd.

Marketing Strategy for Small Business Financing for Growing Businesses How to Recruit Franchisees or Licencees Finding Alternative Revenue Streams in Your Business Professional Coaching and Sales Training

David Barry

President and CEO · Trust Company of America

If you're frozen by ice cold hospitality, let the warm breeze of Trust Company of America's service and employee culture wash over you

Fostering an Employee Culture At Work Managing Diverse Business Units Strategic Planning New Business Development Change Management

Louie Velocci

Partner, Advisory · KPMG

Seasoned and accomplished IT professional who has spearheaded forensic reviews of online gaming for both public and private sector clients

Cloud Computing Regulatory Compliance Assessment Green IT Operations Risk Management It Due Diligence and Integration/Separation

Rhianna Collier

Vice President, Software Division · Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA)

Stay above the Cloud and on top of new tech trends with strategic market research & analysis from SIIA's voice in the software industry

Program Management Business Intelligence Strategic Business Alliances Mobile Marketing Integrating Enterprise Saas With Mobile

Ian Scarffe

Ian Scarffe is a serial entrepreneur, investor, key opinion leader and Blockchain consultant with business experience from around the world. ·

Business Ambassador, Entrepreneur, Founder, Consultant, Business Analyst

Entrepreneur Start-Ups Strategic Consulting

Lee Fairbanks

Author · Pension Ponzi

Engaging, knowledgeable speaker on: government debt and pension reform; Creative writing; marketing & promotion; event management; diet

Public Sector Unions/Pensions Writing Non-Fiction Event Marketing Healthy Weight Loss Anti Smoking

Karen Billings

Vice President, Education Division · Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA)

Enabling the Wired Teacher! SIIA's industry thought leader helps educators utilize 21st Century tools for teaching tech-savvy students

Techtools for the Classroom Emerging Tech for School Librarians Mobile Learning Technology and Schools Technology-Based Assessment Tools