Elle Boag

Associate Professor of Applied Social Psychology · Birmingham City University

Elle Boag's research has an attachment-related basis, and covers topics that extend her PhD research on prejudice and discrimination.

Antisocial and Prosocial Behaviour Prejudice & Discrimination Diversity Relationships Attachment Theory

Sherry Pagoto, Ph.D.

Professor of Allied Health Sciences · University of Connecticut

Leveraging technology for health promotion and disease prevention

Health Behavior Sun Safety Skin Cancer Prevention Digital Health Social Media

B. Frank Gupton, Ph.D.

Floyd D. Gottwald, Jr. Chair in Pharmaceutical Engineering; Chair, Professor, Department of Chemical and Life Science Engineering · VCU College of Engineering

Professor Gupton's research is focused on the development of new technologies that will streamline organic synthesis

Cross-Coupling Catalysis Flow Chemistry / Continual Chemical Processing Organic Synthesis in Pharmaceutical Applications

Klaus E. Volpert, PhD

Associate Professor of Mathematics and Statistics | College of Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Klaus E. Volpert, PhD is an expert in mathematics of finance and economics, pricing of financial derivatives, and pedagogy of mathematics.

Mathematics of Income Inequality Mathematics of Finance and Economics Pricing of Financial Derivatives Pedagogy of Mathematics Differential Geometry

Aaron Rappaport

Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: rappapor@uchastings.edu / 415-565-4697 / Office 370-200

Criminal Law Sentencing Law Jurisprudence Moral Theory Telecommunications Law

Ken Foote, Ph.D.

Professor of Geography · University of Connecticut

Ken Foote has studied sites associated with individual murders, as well as those associated mass murder and many other events.

Genocide Individual Murders Memorials Violence and Tragedy Natural Disasters

Rosemary Coates

President · Blue Silk Consulting

Reshoring: It's Time to Bring Manufacturing Back from China

Reshoring: How and Why to Bring Manufacturing Back to the Us Building High Performance Teams High Performance Field Service The Art and Science of Business Negotaitions Expert Witnessing

Kevin Asbjornson

Managing Director & Global Executive Coach · Inspire Imagine Innovate, Pte. Ltd.

Master Facilitator and Global Executive Coach who inspires personal transformation, engages the imagination and evokes engaging leadership.

Leadership is A Performing Art Global Leadership; Global Mindset Creativity & Innovation in the Workplace Personal Centeredness & Well-Being Coaching for Performance and Potential

David Perry

Board Member Chief Talent Officer, CATAAlliance // Managing Partner · Perry-Martel International Inc.

Rogue Recruiter or Personnel Hit Man

Leadership Job Search Retention Employee Engagement Talent Acquisition

Steven Sheffrin

Professor of Economics · Tulane University

Steven Sheffrin’s research is focused on property taxation, state corporate taxation, tax fairness and compliance.

Tax Compliance Economics Policy-Oriented ISsues Property Taxation Tax Fairness

Ralph Carter

Piper Professor, Political Science · Texas Christian University

Professor Carter focuses on U.S. foreign, trade, and defense policy, with a particular emphasis on the roles played by members of Congress.

International Relations U. S. Foreign Policy in Film Middle East Russia North Korea

Jerusha Conner, PhD

Professor of Education; Program Coordinator, Graduate Education | Department of Education and Counseling · Villanova University

Jerusha Conner, PhD, is an expert on student engagement, student voice, youth activism, and education policy.

Student Engagement Student Voice Youth Activism Urban Education Education Policy

Eric Kirby

Assistant Professor of Management and Business Law · Southern Utah University

Specializing in student success strategies, civil litigation, and student retention and first year experience in higher education

Non Traditional Students in Higher Education Second Year Retention in HIgher Education Student Success Strategies Student Retention in Higher Education Political Science

Ilia Delio, OSF, PhD

Josephine C. Connelly Endowed Chair in Theology| College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Sister Ilia Delio, OSF, PhD, works to find a new unity and synthesis in science and religion.

Theology Neuroscience Artificial Intelligence and Becoming Culture and Religion Catholicity

Robert O'Toole

President · National Eldercare Professionals Network

Eldercare in an Age of Scarcity: Who Will Care and Who Will Pay?

Navigating the Complex Health and Long-Term Care System Building an Elder Services Business Without Dependence On Billable Hours Uncovering Elder Financial Abuse and Taking Action Against the Perpetrators Developing Elder Care Support Programs Adding Services to Elders and Caregivers to Community Bank Marketing Programs

Palmo Carpino

Speaker - Keynotes & Workshops · From Pen To Platform

Humourist • Presenter • Master of Ceremonies • Coach

David Takacs

Professor of Law, Harry & Lillian Hastings Research Chair · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: takacsd@uchastings.edu / 415-565-4845 / Office 329-200

Climate Change Law Environmental Law Earth Systems Science Biodiversity Law International Environmental Law

Sharon Mooney

Associate Professor, Film and TV Production · Loyola Marymount University

Sharon A. Mooney, MFA, Associate Professor in the School of Film and Television teaches post-production at LMU

New Media Short Film Production Post-Production Video Art Mutilmedia/Web TV

Aileen Anderson

Director of the Sue and Bill Gross Stem Cell Research Center · UC Irvine

Dr. Anderson is an expert on stem cell research, with a focus on spinal cord and traumatic brain injury.

Glioblastoma Stem Cell Biology Stem Cell Research Spinal Cord Injury

Jim Kukral

CEO · JFK Services, LLC

Web Business & Marketing Entrepreneur/Speaker - With A Motivational Touch!

Internet Marketing & Sales Motivational & Inspriational Small Business Internet Success Entrepreneur