Farhang Rouhani

Associate Professor of Geography · University of Mary Washington

Associate Professor, Department of Geography

Gender Studies Queer Theory Cultural Geography Iranian and Muslim Diaspora Human Geography

Laila Hlass

Professor of Practice · Tulane University

Professor Hlass focuses on law, policy and practices that affect access to justice within the immigration law regime.

Experiential Learning Asylum Law Children Access to Justice Immigration Law

David Berri

Department Chair and Professor of Economics · Southern Utah University

Specializing in evaluations of players and coaches in sports, gender issues in sports, and competitive balance in sports

Distrubution of Wealth and Power Unpaid Athletes in the NCAA NBA Salary Caps Sports Economics NCAA

Amira Elghawaby

Communications Director · The National Council of Canadian Muslims

Amira Elghawaby leads the NCCM’s media relations, public engagement and strategic communications.

Ethnic Media & Diversity Anti-discrimination Civic Engagement Human Rights Civil Rights

Kevin Saunders

Professor of Law & The Charles Clarke Chair in Constitutional Law · Michigan State University

Expert in free speech, violence in the media

Comparative Free Expression Constitutional Law Free Expression

Ivona Hideg

Assistant Professor of OB/HRM · Lazaridis School of Business & Economics, Wilfrid Laurier University

Professor Hideg examines issues of equality and diversity in the workplace, focusing on gender, culture, accent, and socio-economic status

Gender and Cultural Diversity in the Workplace Social Effects of Emotions Effects of Culture on the Social Effects of Emotions Industrial Psychology Organizational Psychology

Laura Dickson

Executive Director · Women in Need Society

Non-profit leader, Social Entrepreneur and Social Justice Advocate

Social Enterprise Women & Nonprofit Retail - Thrift Poverty Alleviation Social Services

Leslie Kern

Director, Women's and Gender Studies Program · Mount Allison University

Expert in urban social issues, including gentrification, gender, and inequalities.

Gentrification/Displacement Gender Cities Urban Affairs Enviromental Justice

Rosanna Perotti

Professor of Political Science · Hofstra University

Professor Perotti's expertise is in American politics, including Congress, elections and political parties.

American Politics Congress Media and Politics American Political Parties American Elections

Elizabeth McRae

Associate Professor · Western Carolina University

Elizabeth McRae’s teaching and research interests include the intersection of race, gender and politics in America and in the modern South.

American History American South Race and Politics Gender and Politics Modern South

Munene Mwaniki

Associate Professor · Western Carolina University

Sport Racism Sociology Anthropology Immigration

Sylvia Zamora

Associate Professor of Sociology · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Immigration Comparative Race and Ethnicity Latin America U.S. Latinos

Robert Foster

Professor of Anthropology and Visual and Cultural Studies, Richard L. Turner Professor of Humanities · University of Rochester

Robert Foster is an expert on globalization and material culture. His focus has been on Papua New Guinea

Lewis Henry Morgan Melanesia Commercial Media Globalization Material Culture

David Smilde

Charles A. and Leo M. Favrot Professor of Human Relations and and Senior Associate Fellow at CIPR · Tulane University

David Smilde is an expert in the sociology of culture, sociology of religion, social movements, political sociology and Latin America.

Human Rights Social Movements Sociology of Culture Sociology of Religion Political Sociology

Anna Esselment

Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science · University of Waterloo

Anna Esselment research interests include Canadian institutions, campaigns and elections, and intergovernmental relations.

Canadian Politics Partisanship Political Parties Campaigns Canadian Institutions

Emily Hunter, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Management, Hankamer School of Business · Baylor University

Negotiation and conflict management expert, revolutionizing the fundamentals of workplace psychology

Negotiation and conflict management Work-Family Issues Stress Work-family conflict and balance Workplace Deviance

Katrina S. Rogers, Ph.D.

President and Doctoral Faculty, School of Leadership Studies · Fielding Graduate University

Executive, consultant, board member, and teacher in the educational and nonprofit sectors

Sustainability Leadership International Environmental Policy Climate Change Energy Law European History

Patricia G. Martínez, Ph.D.

Professor of Management, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University

Human Resources Management HR Practices as Signals About Employment Conditions Recruitment & Selection Effects of Perceived Overqualification on Hiring Decisions Paternalism in Employment Relationships and Leadership Styles

Bill Maurer

Dean of the School of Social Sciences and Professor, Anthropology and Law · UC Irvine

Bill Maurer is an anthropologist and expert on money’s artifacts and technologies, from cowries to credit cards and cryptocurrencies.

Payments Industry Law Anthropology Cryptocurrencies Money and Finance

Sanford Drob, Ph.D.

Professor Emerit - Clinical Psychology · Fielding Graduate University

Philosopher & Forensic Psychologist

Psychological Assessment Forensic Psychology Philosophy of Psychology History and Systems of Psychology Psychology and Religion