Dr Katie Tonkiss

Senior Lecturer, Sociology and Policy · Aston University

Dr Tonkiss is concerned with critically interrogating the relationship of citizenship and national identity.

Membership Identity Citizenship HM Sociology Immigration

Nadine Wathen

Professor · University of Western Ontario

Nadine Wathen is committed to developing and mobilizing knowledge to improve the lives of women and children exposed to family violence.

health information Knowledge Mobilization violence against women/gender-based violence Child Maltreatment Domestic Violence

Jana Steele

Partner, Pensions & Benefits · Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP

Partner at Osler in Toronto with extensive knowledge and experience with shared risk, target benefit and other innovative plan designs.

Pension and Benefits Pension Plan Shared Risk and Target Benefit Plans Pension Plan Structure Pension Plan Governance Pension Plan Compliance

Lynn Gehl

Indigenous/Indigenist Cultural Critic, Writer, Author · Independent

Indigenist Cultural Critic

Sex-Discrimination in the Indian Act Treaty and Land Claims Process Indigenous Knowledge Algonquin Anishinaabeg Indigenous Affairs

Veena Dubal

Associate Professor of Law · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contact: dubalv@uchastings.edu / 415-565-4860 / Office 364-200

Critical Race Theory Sociology of Social Movements Legal Anthropology Work Law Law and Social Change

Jennifer Shinall

Professor of Law · Vanderbilt University

Expert in discrimination, particularly in the areas of gender and disability.

Employer Rights Workplace Rights Gender Discrimination Disability

Kate McInturff

Director · Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

Kate McInturff is director of the CCPA's initiative on gender equality and public policy, Making Women Count.

Gender Equality Policy Analysis Family policy Labour Economics Budget and Tax Policy

Holly Chang

Curator · Middlebrook Prize Winners

Holly Chang is an emerging artist, curator and researcher from Toronto, Ontario.

Photography Art

Stephanie Nawyn

Associate Professor and Co-director of Center for Gender in Global Context · Michigan State University

Stephanie Nawyn specializes in migration and refugees, human trafficking and migrant labor exploitation.

Gender Immigration Refugees Resettlement

Paolo Pedercini

Associate Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Paolo Pedercini's artistic practice deals with the relationship between electronic entertainment and ideology.

Environmental Justice Internet Folk Art Social Issues Video Games Digital Art

Alexandra Shakespeare

Senior Lecturer in Publishing · University Alliance

Alexandra Shakespeare is Senior Lecturer in Publishing and Journalism for the Oxford International Centre for Publishing.

Lifestyle Media Consumer Media Digital Transformation of Media Journalism Media

Dr Neha Prashar

Research Fellow · Aston University

Dr Prashar has worked in the areas of development, entrepreneurship, SMEs and productivity since joining the ERC in 2017.

Job Destruction Labour SMEs Productivity Development

Penelope Simons

Professor, Faculty of Law · University of Ottawa

Penelope Simons has been engaged in research on corporate human rights accountability for over a decade.

Business and Human Rights Corporate Social Responsibility International Human Rights Law Transnational Corporations Human Rights and International Economic Law

Fred Headon

Assistant General Counsel · Air Canada

For insight on how the legal profession is changing or the latest in labour and employment law , Headon offers world-class insight.

Employment Law Labour Law Labor Law Human Rights Law Privacy

Karla Thorpe

Director, Leadership and Human Resources Research · The Conference Board of Canada

It's not always about money: Learn what it takes to not only attract and retain employees but to increase employee commitment

Labour Relations Workplace Health and Wellness Compensation and Benefits

Elle Boag

Associate Professor of Applied Social Psychology · Birmingham City University

Elle Boag's research has an attachment-related basis, and covers topics that extend her PhD research on prejudice and discrimination.

Antisocial and Prosocial Behaviour Prejudice & Discrimination Diversity Relationships Attachment Theory

Dr Mirjam Röder

Associate Professorial Research Fellow, Energy and Bioproducts Research Institute (EBRI) · Aston University

Dr Röder's research interests focus on bioenergy and related sustainability implications.

Sustainability Negative Emissions Bioenergy and Bioeconomy Climate Change Bioenergy and Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS)

Bern Grush

Strategy | Vice President Innovation · Grush Niles Strategic | PayBySky

Transportation innovator, writer, speaker. Deployment and social policy: automated vehicles, parking, mobility as a service, & road tolling.

Autonomous Vehicles Self-driving cars Driverless cars Parking Reform Road Tolling

Sylvia Bawa

Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology · York University

Dr. Bawa teaches sociology at York University

Human Rights Women's Empowerment postcolonial feminisms African feminisms Development Theory

Amy Kishek

Lawyer and Executive Director · Canadian Intern Association

Advocate for policy and law reform in areas of workplace law on behalf of precarious and young workers

Human Rights & Workplace Law Human Rights Labour Law Employment Law Youth Employment