Henny Admoni
Assistant Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Henny Admoni directs the Human And Robot Partners (HARP) Lab, which develops assistive and collaborative robots and AI.
Cognitive Psychology Robotics Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) Healthcare Human Assistance
Zhen Bai
Assistant Professor of Computer Science · University of Rochester
Bai is an expert in human-computer interaction, augmented reality, and artificial intelligence (AI)
Artifical Intelligence Human-Computer Interaction AR / VR Computer-Supported Collaborative Work AI
Michael Brodie
Visiting Scholar Harvard University · Harvard University
Michael Brodie is an expert in research and industrial practice in data science and databases.
Data Science Databases Multi-Disciplinary Problem Solving Industrial Practice Distributed Systems
Zachary Lipton
Associate Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Zachary Lipton's research spans machine learning methods and their applications in healthcare and natural language processing.
Machine Learning Machine Intelligence Natural Language Processing (NLP) Deep Learning
Hoda Heidari
Assistant Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Hoda Heidari is broadly interested in the Ethical and Societal Aspects of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
Elections Fairness and Accountability Artificial Intelligence Ethics Machine Learning
Zico Kolter
Associate Professor and Director of Machine Learning · Carnegie Mellon University
Zico Kolter researches how to make deep learning algorithms more robust, safer, and understand how data impacts how models function.
Elections Large Language Models, Generative AI Neural Networks Deep Learning Machine Learning
John Bukowy, Ph.D.
Associate Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering
Dr. John Bukowy's area of expertise include software development and machine learning.
Eric Feron
Professor, Aerospace Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE
Eric Feron uses fundamental concepts of control systems, optimization and computer science to address problems in aerospace engineering.
Flight Mechanics & Controls Air Traffic Control Systems Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Aerospace Software Systems
Pang-Ning Tan
Professor · Michigan State University
Pang-Ning Tan is an expert in Knowledge discovery from data
Spatio-temporal Analysis Data Science Data Mining Machine Learning Network Analysis
Laurent Michel, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering · University of Connecticut
Professor Laurent Michel is an expert in the areas of constraint programming, voting technology and cybersecurity
Computer Science Voting Technology & Security Cybersecurity
Eric Nyberg
Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Eric Nyberg builds software applications that can understand and process human language.
Automatic Text Translation Processing Human Language Automated Qustion Answering IBM Watson Information Retrieval
Rita Singh
Associate Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Rita Singh works on core algorithmic aspects of computer voice recognition and artificial intelligence applied to voice forensics.
IoT Security and Privacy Formal Methods AI and ML for Security Cryptography Emerging Applications Security
Sheila Ross, Ph.D.
Professor, Department Chair · Milwaukee School of Engineering
Dr. Sheila Ross is an expert in the areas of universal design and engineering education.
Russell Schwartz
Professor and Department Head · Carnegie Mellon University
Russell Schwartz works in computational biology and the use of algorithms, AI, machine learning, and simulation in biomedical science.
Cancer Biology Biophysics Population Genetics Computational Genomics Machine Learning
Jodi Forlizzi
Professor and Associate Dean · Carnegie Mellon University
Jodi Forlizzi is responsible for establishing design research as a legitimate form of research in human computer interaction.
Human Robot Interaction Design Theory Artificial Intelligence Human Computer Interaction (Hci)
Christopher Kanan
Associate Professor of Computer Science · University of Rochester
Christopher Kanan's research focuses on deep learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
AI and Machine Learning Applied Machine Learning (e.g. Medical Computer Vision) Language-guided Scene Understanding Artificial Intelligence Deep Learning
Kyle William Bishop
Chair and Professor of English Department · Southern Utah University
Specializing in British Gothic literature, film and television studies, cinematic adaptation, and pop culture
Video Games Visual Literacy Saxophone American Studies Music
Tom Mitchell
Founders University Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Tom Mitchell is a longtime researcher in AI, including new systems that can improve healthcare, education, climate and more.
Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence Computational Neuroscience
Preetam Ghosh, Ph.D.
Interim Chair and Professor, Department of Computer Science · VCU College of Engineering
Professor Ghosh researches complex networks and systems biology, using modeling and simulation, applied-AI and network science.
AI Wireless Networking and Mobile Computing Systems Biology Stochastic modeling and discrete event simulation Mobile ubiquitous and grid computing
Reza Azarderakhsh, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, I-SENSE Fellow, Founder of PQSecure · Florida Atlantic University
Reza Azarderakhsh's primary research interests are in cryptography and security.
Side-channel and Physical Attacks on Cryptography Blockchain Security Quantum-Safe Cryptography Cyber Security Cryptographic Engineering