Bryan Strawser

Principal Consultant & CEO · Bryghtpath LLC

Experienced dynamic speaker & trainer. A leading expert on organizational resiliency, crisis management, & business continuity.

Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Crisis & Emergency Management Enterprise Risk Management Crisis Communications Crisis and Issues Management

Julie Downs

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Julie Downs studies social influences on decisions, particularly the impact of social norms.

Social Norms Decisions Processes Public Policy Social Psychology Judgement and Decision Making

Kristin Bennett

Professor, Mathematical Sciences and Computer Science & Associate Director, Institute for Data Exploration and Application (IDEA) · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Extracts information from data using novel predictive or descriptive mathematical models

Bioinformatics Data Visualization Machine Learning Data Mining Health Informatics

Ruth Braunstein, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Sociology · University of Connecticut

Dr. Braunstein is a cultural sociologist interested in the role of taxes, taxpaying, religion, and morality in American political life.

Taxes and Taxpaying Religion Politics & Culture Faith-based Communities Religious Studies Cultural Sociology

Gretchen Chapman

Professor and Department Head · Carnegie Mellon University

Gretchen Chapman's research combines judgment and decision-making with health psychology.

Health Behavior Decision Research Field Experiments‎ Decision Processes Risk Preferences

Chris Jones

Professor, Economics, Finance and Entrepreneurship · Aston University

Professor Jones maintains primary research interests in various areas of international economics and international business.

MNEs Foreign Aid Tax Havens FDI International Trade

Jacqueline Kennelly

Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology · Carleton University

Professor Kennelly's work encompasses youth cultural studies, critical educational studies, urban sociology, and social movements

Youth Cultures Citizenship Democracy Social Inclusion and Exclusion Globalization and Neoliberalism

Sean Valles

Associate Professor · Michigan State University

I study the interplay of ethics and scientific evidence in population health, including race and migration issues and climate change issues.

Philosophy of Population Health Race in Science Health Justice Climate Change Philosophy Population Health Ethics

Jonathan Brown

Author · Buffalo Consulting

Family, life and values told in humorous eclectic stories about famous people, technology, government, America, and some surprises.

Tax Policy Public Policy Analysis and Advocacy Nonprofit Management

Jackie Bailey

Practice Development Specialist · Emerald City Consulting

Energetic and informative speaker that defines and develops the leadership characteristics of business teams

Leadership/Communication Team Collaboration Conflict Resolution

Ludmila De Faria

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Dr. Ludmila De Faria specializes in increasing access and decreasing mental health disparities among minorities and underrepresented groups.

Anxiety Disorders Women's Mental Health College Mental Health Diversity and Health Equity Gender Affirming Psychiatry

Raj Rajkumar

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Raj Rajkumar researches ways to safely bring your vehicle to life with information technology.

Wired/Wireless Networking Cyber-Physical Systems Autonomous Driving Embedded and Real-Time Systems

Edward Timke

Assistant Professor · Michigan State University

Edward (Ed) Timke is a disabled scholar and activist focused on diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) in advertising.

Communication Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Cultural Anthropology

Anna Errore

Assistant Professor in the Practice of Information Systems & Operations Management · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Experimental Design Six Sigma Business Statistics

Leslie E. Papke

Professor of Economics · Michigan State University

Leslie Papke is an expert on public retirement systems, savings behavior, and school finance in Michigan.

Teacher Retirement Systems School Finance Public Retirement Systems

J. Tony Oliver

Dean of College of Health Sciences · Southern Utah University

Specializing in higher education administration, sport administration and physical education.

Study Abroad Higher Education Administration High School Athletics Sport Law Sports Marketing

Gustavo Vejarano

Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering · Loyola Marymount University

Seaver College of Science and Engineering

Multimedia Communications

stef shuster

Associate Professor of Sociology of Medicine and Gender · Michigan State University

stef shuster's research explores how evidence is a social artifact that is constituted through social, cultural, and historical contexts.

Inequality Gender Gender Affirmative Care Medical Sociology Social Movements

Leonardo Vivas

Director - LATAM Initiative, Carr Center for Human Rights Policy at Harvard Kennedy School · Fair Observer

A Fair Observer: Latin American politics, culture & human rights are research interests for Harvard University's Director, LATAM Initiative

Latin America Freedom of Expression in Latin America Journalism and the Media in Latin America The Future of Information in Latin America New Media in Latin America

Angie Kennedy

Associate Professor of Social Work · Michigan State University

Angie Kennedy's research focuses on different types of victimization among adolescents and young adults.

Mental Health Partner Rape family violence Victimization Among Young Adults Victimization Among Children