Yushan Yan

Henry Belin Du Pont Chair of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering · University of Delaware

Prof. Yan is an expert in electrochemical engineering for sustainability.

Electrochemical Energy Engineering Energy Conversion and Storage Fuel Cells Electrolyzers Flow Batteries

Kasper Klaarenbeek

development partner, public speaker and change agent · Kasper Klaarenbeek

challenger of reality in corporate branding and HRM

Corporate Branding HRM Retail Branding Merk-Waardig Gedrag

Bernadeen McLeod

Owner & Principle · Mentor Works Ltd.

Expert in matching Canadian government funding opportunities to solve business challenges related to hiring, R&D, business expansion, & more

Canadian Government Funding for Businesses Organizational Development Sme Resources Strategic Planning Project Management

David Harlow

Principal · The Harlow Group LLC

Health care thought leader on the bleeding edge - Engaging speaker, expert insights

Health Reform Social Media for Regulated Industries Accountable Care Organizations Privacy and Security of Health Information Digital Health

Andrea Phillips

Transmedia Writer & Game Designer

A Creator's Guide to Transmedia Storytelling. Expert transmedia designer Andrea Phillips shows you the future of digital marketing

Transmedia Storytelling Experience Design Interactive Design Game Design Digital Culture

Johannes DeYoung

Assistant Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Johannes DeYoung is an internationally recognized artist and filmmaker who works at the intersection of computational & material processes.

Animation Art Future of Work Design Cinema

LaShanda Korley

Distinguished Professor of Engineering · University of Delaware

Prof. Korley's research is focused on the plastics value chain, from synthetic design and manufacturing processes to life cycle management.

Bio-Inspired Systems Sustainable Materials Polymer Recycling and Upcycling Strategies New Fiber and Composite Manufacturing Strategies

Veronika Sonsev

CEO & Founder · inSparq

An inspirational personality in the mobile and digital technology field who is pioneering new business opportunities for women entrepreneurs

Startups and Investment Management Entrepreneurship Mobile Technology and Wireless Financial Forecasting and Planning Operations Management

Forrest W Breyfogle III

President and CEO · Smarter Solutions, Inc.

An enhanced business management system

Lean Six Sigma Voice of the Customer Scorecards Strategic Planning Predicitive Measurement System

Christopher Kanan

Associate Professor of Computer Science · University of Rochester

Christopher Kanan's research focuses on deep learning and Artificial Intelligence AI

AI and Machine Learning Applied Machine Learning (e.g. Medical Computer Vision) Language-guided Scene Understanding Artificial Intelligence Deep Learning

Jun Yao

Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Jun Yao has made international news for his discovery of how to create power from the humidity in air.

Synthesis of Nanomaterials Green Electronics Nanoelectronic Devices and Sensors Bioelectronic Interfaces and Wearable Devices Electricity from Air

Shayne Piasta

Associate Professor | Teaching and Learning · The Ohio State University

Expert in reading and literacy in early and middle childhood education.

Child Development Early Childhood Education Childhood Literacy Literacy Reading and Literacy

Allison Sekuler

Associate Vice President and Dean, Graduate Studies · McMaster University

Dr. Sekuler is a Professor of Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour with expertise is in vision, aging, higher education, & diversity issues.

Aging Face and Object Recognition Perceptual Organization Pattern Vision Motion Perception

Karen Clay

Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Karen Clay’s research examines the growth of the U.S. economy, including energy issues, air pollution, and the impact of climate change.

Energy Economics Public Policy Business and Economics Energy Environmental Economics

Andrea C. Johnson

Partner · Dentons Canada LLP

Lead counsel on many of the largest VC financings in Canada. Invaluable insight for startups, IPOs, technology & emerging growth companies.

Private Equity & Venture Capital Securities & Corporate Finance Tech Companies and Venture Capital Mergers & Acquisitions

Peter Blacklow

President, WorldWinner and Executive Vice President, GSN Digital · GSN

Don't roll the dice with your conference speakers! Cash in with this digital gaming industry expert and mentor to internet-enabled startups

Online Gaming

Jeffrey Rummel

Associate Professor in the Practice of Information Systems & Operations Management · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Manufacturing planning and control Project Management Service operations and strategy

John Henson, MD

Professor of Medicine, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Pediatrics · Augusta University

Dr. Henson practices neuro-oncology in the MCG Brain Tumor Program and manages patients with neurofibromatosis and related genetic disorders

Brain Tumors Spine Tumors Neuro-Oncology Genetics Hereditary Cancer

Simon Medcalfe, PhD

Professor · Augusta University

Dr. Simon Medcalfe is an economist with an emphasis on sports economics, social determinants of health, and the local economy.

Community and Economic Development Sports Economics Social Determinants of Health

Scott Yaphe

Managing Director · Schooner Capital

Scott Yaphe is an expert in private investments, focusing on opportunities in venture growth-stage companies.

Entrepeneurship Corporate Development Venture Capital Investments Private Equity