Michael Gaeta

President · Gaeta Communications

Visionary clinician and inspiring speaker in the fields of healing, wellness and nutrition

Wellness & Healing Nutrition: Diet and Supplementation Preventative Medicine Whole Food Nutrition Business

Abhik Roy

Professor Emeritus of Communication Studies · Loyola Marymount University

College of Communication & Fine Arts

Intercultural Communication Communication Theory Rhetorical Theory and Criticism

Sarah Pressman

Professor, Psychological Science · UC Irvine

Dr. Pressman's research focuses on the interplay of emotions, social relationships, and health, with a focus on physiological processes.

Social Relationships and Health Emotion and Emotion Regulation Stress and Coping Mental Health & Wellness Physiological Measurement

Jodi Short

Professor of Law, Honorable Roger J. Traynor Chair · UC Hastings College of the Law

Contacts: shortj@uchastings.edu / 415-703-8205 / Office 310-200

Administrative Law Government Processes Labour and Environmental Standards Global Supply Chains Regulatory Reform

Marc Freedman

CEO and Founder · Encore.org

An award-winning social entrepreneur, frequent commentator in the national media, and the author of multiple books

Retirement Baby Boomers Aging Careers

Yongsun Paik, Ph.D.

Professor of Management, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University

Director, Center for International Business Education and Center for Asian Business

Regional Economic Integration Global Trade International Joint Ventures International Human Resource Management Business Ethics

Karen Low

Owner · Coach Me Now!

Put SPARK into your life and business!

Stress Less for Success Networking Effectively Smart Goals and Action Plans Achieving Work/Life Balance

Shana Poplack

Distinguished University Professor and Canada Research Chair (I) in Linguistics · University of Ottawa

Sociolinguist specializing in vernacular speech, with a focus on bilingual and minority contexts

Language Ideology Language Prescription African American Vernacular English French in Canada Language Contact

Brooke Flammang

Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences · New Jersey Institute of Technology

Professor Flammang specializes in functional morphology, biomechanics, and bioinspired technology of fishes, including sharks and remora.

Marine Biology Physiology Biomechanics Biology Biomechanics of Animal Locomotion

Peter J. Bergerson, Ph.D.

Expert in national and Florida politics and public policy · Florida Gulf Coast University

Peter Bergerson focuses on U.S. campaigns and elections, the presidency and congress.

U.S. Census Florida Politics Florida Elections Florida's role in national elections U.S. Politics

Naoko Wake

Professor · Michigan State University

Naoko Wake is a historian of gender, sexuality, and medicine in the Pacific region.

Gender, Sexuality, and Medicine in the Pacific Region Scientific Approaches to Sexual Diversity

Tammy Anderson

Professor, Sociology and Criminal Justice · University of Delaware

Professor Anderson's work focuses on the sociology of deviance, substance abuse, criminology and social problems.

Substance Abuse Opioid Epidemic Criminology Social Problems Deviance

Professor George Lodorfos

Dean of School · Leeds Beckett University

Professor George Lodorfos has extensive practical and academic experience in the field of Strategic Management.

Adoption of New Technologies Strategic Management Enterprise and Change Innovation Consumer Behaviour

Edie Dullaghan

Head, Target Validation · Centre for Drug Research and Development

Striving for excellence through mentoring people and by fostering creative/critical thinking,

Drug Development Infectious Disease Biology Molecular Genetics of Gene Expression Immunohistochemistry Antibiotic development

Fernando Guerra

Professor of Political Science and International Relations and Chicana/o Latina/o Studies and Director of the Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Center for the Study of Los Angeles · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Political Science Chicana/o Latina/o Studies Electoral Politics Public Opinion Research Los Angeles Politics

Charles H. Hennekens, M.D., Dr.PH

Sir Richard Doll Professor · Florida Atlantic University

Charles Hennekens is the first Sir Richard Doll Professor and senior academic advisor.

Cardiovascular Disease Strengths and Limitations of Descriptive and Analytic Studies Prevention and Treatment of Chronic and Acute Diseases Preventive and Internal Medicine Epidemiology

Anna Siefken

Former Executive Director · Carnegie Mellon University

Anna Siefken's focus is on moving energy and climatetech innovation from the research lab to market.

Energy Efficiency Energy Resources Climatetech Innovation Building Performance Climate Change

Linda Sayed

Assisstant Professor of Comparative Cultures and Politics · Michigan State University

Linda Sayed's research focuses on the politics of citizenship as it relates to marginalized communities.

Muslim Studies Muslim Mental Health European Jewish History Holocaust Studies Global Studies

Martha Terris, MD

Witherington Distinguished Chair, Urology · Georgia Cancer Center at Augusta University

Dr. Terris specializes in urologic cancers, including prostate cancer, kidney cancer, adrenal masses, bladder cancer and testicular cancer.

Oncology Cancer Prostate Cancer Kidney Cancer Bladder Cancer

Jason Keath

CEO · Social Fresh

Social Media Speaker and Analyst

Social Media Marketing Facebook Marketing Influencer Outreach