Samuel Redman

Professor of History and Director of Public History Program · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Sam Redman is best known for his work on the history of museums, especially the history of anthropology and archaeology.

History of Museums Public History Oral History Historical Research Methodology Memory and Cultural Heritage

Paul Kramer

Associate Professor of History · Vanderbilt University

Expert in modern U. S. history, with an emphasis on transnational histories, American social thought and the politics of inequality.

Refugees Immigration U.S. History Foreign Policy

Jennifer Rea

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Jennifer A. Rea’s research explores the intersections between ancient Rome and modern science fiction and fantasy.

Reception Studies: Science Fiction and Fantasy Augustan Age Rome Daily Life in Ancient Rome

Bethany Lacina

Associate Professor of Political Science · University of Rochester

Bethany Lacina is an expert in civil and ethnic conflict.

Migration International Relations Territorial Autonomy Civil Conflict Ethnic Conflict

Kerstin Fisk

Associate Professor of Political Science and International Relations · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Conflict Processes Refugees Civil Conflict and Violence Preventive Force and Drones International Relations

Kathy Newman

Associate Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Kathy Newman is a popular and mass culture expert primarily interested in the relationship between media and political formations.

Consumer Behavior Literary and Cultural Studies Film and Visual Media Humanities Analytics History of Technology

Andrena Sawyer

CEO/Founder · P.E.R.K. Consulting

Nonprofit professional, program development consultant, personal development trainer, and author. Passionate about people and progress.

Personal Development Faith and Culture Christian Entrepreneur Women's Empowerment

Jose Sainz

Director · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Sainz focuses on education abroad program development and international student recruitment and support services.

Curriculum Development Foreign Language Teaching International Student Recruiting Education Abroad Program Development International Education

Ha Tran

Owner · Hope Empowered

Hope and Empowerement ...It comes from experience and profound respect for all life.

Jessica Millward

Associate Professor of History and African American Studies · UC Irvine

Her research focuses on comparative slavery and emancipation, African American history, gender and the law.

Anti-Black violence African American History Humanities U.S. History Juneteenth