Kurt Rohloff
Associate Professor, Computer Science · New Jersey Institute of Technology
Professor Rohloff focuses on encrypted computing, homomorphic encryption, lattice-based and applied cryptography and cybersecurity
Contact Tracing Software Engineering Cryptography Computer Security and Privacy Cybersecurity Cryptography
Genevieve Weber
Associate Professor of Counseling and Mental Health Professions · Hofstra University
Dr. Weber is a licensed mental health counselor, with a specialty in LGBTQ inclusion/cyber-bullying and substance abuse/heroin addiction.
Addiction Substance Abuse Cyberbullying Homophobia LGBT Inclusion
Tia Barnes
Associate Professor, Human Development and Family Sciences · University of Delaware
Professor Barnes is a leading researcher on social-emotional learning and minoritized populations.
Special Education Social-Emotional Learning Guidance and Behavior Culturally Responsive Pedagogy
Mark Greenfield
Web Accessibility Officer - University at Buffalo · ExpertFile
Higher education web professional, consultant, keynote speaker, future, educational technologist
Web Accessibility Usability Web Design Accessibility Mobile Technology
Deborah Stienstra
Professor · University of Manitoba
author, researcher, advocate, speaker on inclusion, accessibility, gender-based analysis, disability policy, and global development
Disability Rights Disability Access and Advocate Gender analysis Women International Development
Carlos Castano, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering · VCU College of Engineering
Professor Castano specializes in tailoring surface properties of materials for applications in energy, transportation, and manufacturing.
Surface Engineering Functional Coatings Nanomaterials Engineering Corrosion Engineering Thin film deposition and characterization
Linda Naiman
Founder & President · Creativity at Work
Design Thinking, Arts in Business, Leadership Development, Creativity and Innovation skills development, Coaching, Training, Facilitating
Creativity Innovation Design Thinking arts based learning Leadership Development
Manisha Sinha, Ph.D.
Draper Chair in American History · University of Connecticut
Dr. Sinha is an expert in Civil War and Reconstruction
Feminism Abolition Slavery
Arni Rao, PhD
Director and Professor · Augusta University
Director of the Laboratory for Theory and Mathematical Modeling and professor at the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University.
Artifical Intelligence Infectious Disease Mathematical Analyses Complex Dynamics,
Antonio Barrenechea
Professor · University of Mary Washington
Antonio Barrenechea is a scholar and teacher of literature of the Americas and cinema.
Comparative Literature Cinema Studies Literature of the Americas
Douglas Johnson
Managing Director · Cranganore Inc
Investment Banker and Portfolio Strategist
Emerging Markets Islamic Finance Behavioral Finance Venture Capital Cryptocurrencies
Susan Prentice
Professor · University of Manitoba
Professor Prentice's primary specialization is contemporary and historical childcare policy and advocacy
Social Inequality Social Change Systemic Discrimination Historical Sociology Childcare Policy
Bernardo Javalquinto
Economist · Humanizing the Economy
Humanizing The Economy, The new global industrial revolution and the role of social business
Bioceanic Corridors Asia-Eu Latin America Integration Latin America Business Economic Polititics Social Business
Laura Stack
President & CEO · The Productivity Pro, Inc.
Laura Stack is The Productivity Pro! America's Premier Expert in Productivity (TM) helps audiences achieve Maximum Results in Minimum Time
Leadership Development Time Management Life Balance Employee Productivity Implementing Employee Engagement in Your Organization
Michael Barnathan
Founder · Polymath Foundation
Educational and Medical Visionary, CS Ph. D., Former Googler
Technology Education Medicine
Denise Barreto
Author, Managing Partner, Trainer and Speaker · Relationships Matter Now, LLC
Relationship Revolutionist - Changing the World, One Relationship at a Time
Relationships Marketing Leadership Customer Service Corporate Partnerships
Rasmus Goksor
Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer · BISON Alternatives
Pitching industry-leading cleantech business solutions and technologies to your audience, you can raise your glass to a successful event
Entrepreneurship Private Law Theory Non-State Law European Integration American Federalism
Dr. Ilse Treurnicht
This extraordinary CEO and Rhodes Scholar leads an organization dedicated to developing the next generation of Canadian growth companies
Venture Capital Management Advanced Technologies Emerging Technologies Entrepreneurship & Innovation Innovation & Economic Development
Sue McGill
Executive Director & Co-founder · JOLT Accelerator at MaRS Discovery District
The Kickstarter! Moving from idea through to planning and then on to successful implementation, Jolt's Executive Director makes it happen
Digital Media Mobile Technology Emerging Technologies Entrepreneurship
Tony Kmetty
Clinical Associate Professor of Management, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University
Academic Director, MSM
Career Development Curriculum Career Advising Workplace Recruitment Job Application Competitiveness University Administration