Caspar Berry

Motivational and Keynote Speaker and Trainer · Caspar Berry Ltd

Keynote and Motivational Speaker and Trainer on the subject of Risk Taking and Decision Making

Risk Decision Making Uncertainty Change Motivation

Shem Malmquist

Instructor | College of Aeronautics · Florida Tech

Shem Malmquist is an international Boeing 777 captain and experienced accident and safety investigator.

Aircraft Operations Accident Investigation System Safety Engineering Safety Analysis

Dan Work

Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering · Vanderbilt University

Expert in self-driving cars and traffic management.

Adaptive Cruise Control Traffic Inverse modeling Connected and autonomous vehicles Traffic estimation and control

Jon Rogers

Associate Professor, Aerospace Engineering · Georgia Tech - COE

Jon Rogers has developed groundbreaking new technologies in the areas of rotorcraft, smart weapons and stochastic optimal control.

Robotics Flight Mechanics Systems Design and Optimization Flight Control

John David N. Dionisio

Chair and Professor of Computer Science (Sabbatical, Fall '24) · Loyola Marymount University

Seaver College of Science and Engineering

Computer Science Interaction Design Computer Graphics

Curtis Brinkman

Database & Web Administrator · Cleveland Clinic

Database & Web Administrator

Web Development

Gaines Kergosien

Application Architect

Senior Solutions Architect and Speaker on Software Development

C# .Net Enterprise Architecture

Rattan Lal

Associate Professor, Soil Science | Environment and Natural Resources · The Ohio State University

Rattan Lal is a Professor of Soil Physics in the School of Environment and Natural Resources at The Ohio State University .

Soil Science Environment Natural Resources

Justin Velthoen

I Build Leaders Who Drive Change · Ink Your Dreams

Turning Managers Into Leaders | Lean Management | Value Chain Strategy

Management Consulting Supply Chain Management Value Chain Management Inventory Control Barcoding

Richard Milton

Principal lecturer · The PR Training Centre

Experienced writer and journalist, author of six books and social media expert

Social Media Strategy Online Digital Media Relations Electronic Publishing

Neil Maher

Professor · New Jersey Institute of Technology

Neil Maher studies environmental and political history in the 20th century, urban history and the history of environmental justice.

Environmental History History of Environmental Justice 20th Century US Environmental and Political History US History Urban History

Eric Weaver

CEO · Transparent Path

Bringing IoT, blockchain and AI together to reduce risk, loss and waste in the food supply.

Social Business Consumer Behavior Social Media Social Media Analytics Big Data Analytics

John Moss

President · Interactive Business Technologies, LLC

Technology Solution Maker - Teaching businesses how to make technology increase revenue and productivity.

Clean Up Your Network and Increase Your Revenues? Productive Employees

Jeff Levin, Ph.D.

University Professor of Epidemiology and Population Health · Baylor University

Dr. Levin’s current research and writing are focused on the historical and contemporary intersections of faith and medicine.

Coronavirus Social and Epidemiologic Research on Judaism and Population health Theories of Healing and the Work of Healers Role of Faith-Based Initiatives in Public Health and Healthcare Policy Religion and Health

Mark D. Weinstein, M.S.

Executive Director of Public Relations · Cedarville University

Mark D. Weinstein has worked in higher education since 1988. He began his tenure at Cedarville University in 2010.

Public Affairs and Communications Organizational Leadership Higher Education Public Relations Marketing

Andrew Ellis

Professor of Optical Communications/Deputy Director of the Aston Institute of Photonics Technology (AIPT) · Aston University

Professor Ellis researches optical superchannels and advanced passive optical networks for the delivery of Tbit/s class broadband.

5G Broadband Optical communications Photonics Signal Processing

Oleg Komogortsev

Computer Science and Engineering · Michigan State University

Expert in STEM, with research focus in muscle structure of the eye as a basis for identification.

Bioengineering Human Computer Interaction Biometrics Cybersecurity eyetracking

Amy Woodson-Boulton

Professor of History · Loyola Marymount University

Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts

Environmental History British History Anthropology Imperialism Museum Studies

Tarun Chordia

R. Howard Dobbs, Jr. Chaired Professor of Finance · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Chordia's research interests include empirical asset pricing and market microstructure.

Empirical Asset Pricing Market Microstructure Liquidity High Frequency Trading

R. Helen Zha

Assistant Professor, Chemical and Biological Engineering · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Develops biohybrid and bioinspired materials for applications in human healthcare and sustainability.

Biomimetic and Bio-inspired Materials Biomolecular Engineering and Self-assembly Sustainable Materials and Plastic Upcycling Drug delivery and Nanomedicine Nanostructured Soft Matter