Angela Danyluk

Biologist/Sustainability specialist · local government

Ecologist who connects information and people to make change, solve problems and find solutions within the local government sector.

Reducing greenhouse gases Fish Ecology Agriculture Climate Change Adaptation

Lauren Herckis

Librarian · Carnegie Mellon University

Lauren Herckis' field research applies anthropological and archaeological methods and theory to analyze human engagement with the world.

Human-Computer Interaction Implementation Science Future of Education Anthropology Digital Archaeology

Brad Bushman

Rinehart Chair | Department of Mass Communication · The Ohio State University

Media and social psychology expert, focusing on the problem of human aggression and violence

Violence in Society and Media Social Psychology Advanced Research Methods in Communication Communication in Society

Tracie O. Afifi

Associate Professor, Community Health Sciences · University of Manitoba

Dr. Afifi's research interests are in the areas of child maltreatment and problem gambling.

Problem Gambling Domestic Violence Physical Punishment Child Maltreatment Sociology

Eamon Hoey

Managing Partner · Hoey Associates Management Consultants Inc.

How do organizations capture opportunity created by the unequaled, violent, global, tectonic transformation in our world order?

Change Management Business Transformation Entrepreneurship and Innovation Competitive Analysis Culture Change

Claire Kamp-Dush

Associate Professor of Human Development and Family Science | Department of Sociology · The Ohio State University

Human sciences and sociology expert, focusing on family science

Intimate Relationships Marriage Cohabitation Demography

Caesar Keluro


A thinker and dynamic speaker promoting enlightened enterprise

Web Journalism and the Future of Work

Andrius Siaudinis

CEO · Peritus Consulting

Public procurement, Green procurement, Fundraising, Project Management, E-procurement, Centralized procurement, PPP, Public finance

Public Finance Concession Public Procurement Green Procurement Centralized Public Procurement

Paul Meade

President · Thought Leader Select

Innovative leader in healthcare, promoting thought leadership in medicine

Key Opinion Leaders Thought Leadership Public Health Medicine Sunshine Act (Ppsa)

Bert Cregg

Professor · Michigan State University

An expert in horticulture industry trends and carbon sequestration by trees.

Trees and Weather Tree Selection Fall Color Christmas Trees Tree Care

Francis Beckwith, Ph.D.

Professor of Philosophy & Church-State Studies, Affiliate Professor of Political Science · Baylor University

Nationally recognized philosopher and legal expert in the areas of religion, jurisprudence, politics and ethics.

Faith Law Church and State Issues Philosophical and Theological Ethics Ethics & Values

Robert Rabil, Ph.D.

Professor · Florida Atlantic University

Robert Rabil is an expert in political Islam, terrorism, U.S. foreign policy, and U.S.-Arab relations.

U.S. Foreign Policy Reform in the Arab world U.S.-Arab Relations Terrorism Political Islam

James McCommons

Associate Professor · Movable Type Management

All Aboard! On this trip, you'll rekinkle an appreciation for effective, efficient and passenger-friendly mass transportation policies

High-Speed Rail Transportation Policy Mass Transit Public Policy Passenger Rail

Taryn Allen

Associate Professor · Texas Christian University

Taryn Allen researches the educational experiences of traditionally under-represented students, particularly Latino, in higher education.

Qualitative Research Methods Inclusion in Higher Education Diversity in Higher Education Equity in Higher Education Higher Education Leadership

Clare Beckton

Executive Director · Carleton University Centre for Women in Politics and Public Leadership

Author, researcher, motivational speaker, consultant, coach and leader

Women's Leadership Strategic Planning Risk Management Aboriginal Policy Issues Inclusion and Diversity

Erin Devlin

Associate Professor of History and American Studies · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Devlin focuses on race, public memory, and social justice

American Studies Social Justice Race Public Memory American History

Shobha Gurung

Professor of Sociology · Southern Utah University

Specializes in gender and labor, comparative family and community, migration, globalization, and transnationalism, and civic engagement.

Global Civic Citizenship Human Rights and Social Justice Gender and Labor Studies Immigrant, Migrant, and Refugee Community Gender and Society

Katrina S. Rogers, Ph.D.

President and Doctoral Faculty, School of Leadership Studies · Fielding Graduate University

Executive, consultant, board member, and teacher in the educational and nonprofit sectors

Sustainability Leadership International Environmental Policy Climate Change Energy Law European History

Kelly Mack, Ph.D.

Faculty Fellow - Office of the Provost · Fielding Graduate University

Advocate and expert in advancing and empowering women and underrepresented groups to pursue STEM disciplines.

STEM Research Research Administration Physiology STEM Education policy STEM Education

Woochoel Shin

Associate Professor · University of Florida

Woochoel Shin is an expert in online advertising, media platforms, online reviews, as well as distribution channels and store brands.

Distribution Channels Media Platforms Competitive Product Policy Internet Advertising Advertising Strategy