Michael Sattler

Senior Technology Consultant, Speaker, Author · MichaelSattler360 Advisors

Technology Consultant, Startup Advisor, Speaker, Author

Start-Ups Application Development Social Good

Glenn Daehn

Fontana Professor, Materials Science Engineering | College of Engineering · The Ohio State University

Materials science engineering expert, revolutionizing impulse-based manufacturing

Metallurgical Engineering Impulse-based manufacturing Materials Science Intersection of Academia and Industry

Pascal Perry

University Lecturer // Java Programming · University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis

Head, Online Findability / Enterprise Search Optimization (ESO) / Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Enterprise Search Natural Language Processing NlP Machine Learning Digital Marketing

Hala Beisha

Working with organizatons at the intersection of sound strategy, foresight and inspired leardership · Resilience Factor Inc.

Strategy Futures Leadership

leading in uncertain times work trends stategic communications futures thinking, branding, leadership thinking, design thinking Strategic & Business Planning

Roelf Woldring

Lead · WeCRUT3.com

E-Learning Champion, Performance Contracting Champion, E-Author, Entrepreneur, Workplace Psychology Expert

Talent Management Innovation in Hr Changing Hr

Dayle M. Smith, Ph.D.

Dean, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University

Contact Dean Smith at dayle.smith@lmu.edu.

Leadership and Team Development Organizational Behavior Design Thinking and Innovation Culture Executive Coaching Organizational Communication

Ralph Russo

Program Director, Professor of Practice, Applied Computing · Tulane University

Ralph Russo is an expert on technology in the homeland security and public safety domains.

Software Development Computer Science Emergency Management Public Safety Emergency Operations

Parshati Patel

Science Communication · Stellar Dreams

An astrophysicist turned science communicator, space educator, author and space artist with a passion to bring space to the public!

Sci Art STEM Education Astrophyics Astronomy Planetary Science

Pam Moore

Founder & CEO · ZoomFactor

Social Media Marketing, Best Selling Author, Brand & Business Expert ready to help your business bear fruit! We don't win until you win!

Social Media & Marketing Website Development & Design Brand & Identity Development and Execution Reputation Management Facebook & Twitter Best Practices for Attorneys