Arezoo Najibzadeh

Women in Politics Advocate · Young Women's Leadership Network (Femmepower)

Arezoo works on addressing the barriers against young women's involvement in grassroots and institutional politics.

Women in Politics Canadian Politics Politics & Public Policy Women's Rights Young Women

Bud Stumbaugh

Founder and retired CEO · AssuranceAmerica Corporation

Mired in mediocrity? Forget the cliché, "Do the best you can." Pay no fee if I don't inspire and instruct how to "Do the best you can't!”

Marketing & Corporate Strategy Politics & Government Politics & Public Policy Sales

Barbara Mink, Ed.D.

Program Director, Education Programs · Fielding Graduate University

Expert in managing large scale organization and community change

Adult Learning Design Team Development and Effectiveness Managing Large Scale Organization and Community Change Action Research Consultation and Interventions Networked Organizations

Steve Przymus

Associate Professor of Educational Linguistics & Bilingual Education · Texas Christian University

Dr. Przymus uses applied linguistics to influence positive language ideologies about culturally and linguistically diverse youth.

Language Planning & Policy Assessment in Bilingual Special Education Bilingual Education Models Sociolinguistics Identity

Paolo Spadoni, PhD

Associate Professor of Political Science · Augusta University

Dr. Paolo Spadoni is a widely recognized expert on Cuba and its international relations.

Cuba Latin America International Relations Costa Rica U.S.-Cuba Relations

Amanda Bullough (Workman)

Professor of Management & Global Leadership, Co-Founder & Research Director of Women’s Leadership Initiative, GLOBE 2020 Principal Co-Investigator · University of Delaware

Prof. Bullough's expertise spans global and women’s leadership and entrepreneurship, societal culture, and organizational behavior.

Adverse Environments International Business Women's Leadership Societal Culture Global Leadership

Janine Davis

Assistant Professor of Education · University of Mary Washington

Dr. Davis' research focuses on teacher persona development.

Educational and Research Policy Curriculum Development Instructional Design Student Development

Raymond Hill

Associate Professor Emeritus in the Practice of Finance · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Project Finance Macroeconomic and Monetary Policy Energy Economics and Finance

Lily Khadjavi

Professor of Mathematics · Loyola Marymount University

Seaver College of Science and Engineering

Social Justice & Mathematics Racial Profiling & Mathematics Public Policy and Mathematics The ABC Conjecture Cryptography

Bro. John H. Grever, C.F.M.M.

Emeritus Professor of History · Loyola Marymount University

History of Foreign Policy Education History European History

John Taylor

Associate Professor of Biology · Southern Utah University

Specializing in bat research, collegiate program development, STEM education, and professional development

Herpetology Impact of Biological Problems on Human Affairs Collegiate Program Development STEM Education and Policy Biological Education

David Winchester

Professor · University of Florida

Dr. David Winchester practices general cardiology with a focus on noninvasive imaging.

Health Policy and Advocacy Overuse of Tests Cardiac CT scans Cardiac Stress Tests Echocardiogaphy

Glenn Bracey, PhD

Assistant Professor of Sociology & Criminology | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Glenn Bracey, PhD, is an expert on race and social movements and race and the law.

Activism and Social Justice in Sports Race and Law Social Movements Critical Race Theory Black Lives Matter

Theo Liebmann

Clinical Professor of Law · Hofstra University

Professor Liebmann has directed the interdisciplinary Hofstra Youth Advocacy Clinic since its inception

Trial Advocacy Child Welfare Youth Advocacy Immigration Juvenile Delinquency

Peter Berg

Professor · Michigan State University

International expert on Collective Bargaining and the Aging Workforce

Work-Family Flexibility Policy Domestic and International Labor Policy Collective Bargaining Aging Workforce

Jill McCorkel, PhD

Professor of Sociology and Criminology | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Jill McCorkel, PhD, examines the social and political consequences of mass incarceration in the United States

#SayHerName Prison Education Programs Race, Class and Gender Inequality Prisons and Punishment Law and Criminal Justice Policy

Kathryn Bender

Assistant Professor of Economics · University of Delaware

Research focuses on the economic pedagogy as well as the economics of food waste, experimental economics and consumer behavior.

Food Marketing and Policy Economic Pedagogy Taylor Swift Data Visualization Data Analysis

Mark Thompson, PhD

Dean of Hull College of Business, Professor of Economics · Augusta University

Mark Thompson, PhD, dean of the Hull College of Business, is an economist in business conditions, risk analysis, energy and health care.

Economics Energy Healthcare Industry Risk Analysis

Robert Richardson

Associate Professor · Michigan State University

An expert in ecological economics, ecosystem services, food security, and sustainability.

Natural Resource Management Writing and Editing Sustainability Food Security Rural Development

Mariana Brussoni

Associate Professor · University of British Columbia

Brussoni's research focuses on child injury prevention, including risky play, parents' perspectives on safety, and Aboriginal injuries.

Injury Prevention Child Development Parenting Outdoor Play Higher Education