Aldo Martinez

Founder · AJM Advisory Services (NYSE - VP retired)

Been described as a captivating and motivating speaker explaining and influencing in the field of Market Surveillance detecting proving trad

Market Regulation and Investor Confidence Leadership Management and How to Motivate A Workforce Adjunct Professor of Market Derivatives; Investment Analysis and Corporate Finance Life Coaching - the Role of Education and Perseverence in Making Life's Decisions

Marti Spiegelman

Founder & President, Awakening Value™ · Technologies of Consciousness

Marti Spiegelman a leadership advisor, executive mentor, and business consultant

Conscious Business Consciousness Executive Coaching Organizational Intelligence Corporate Culture

Kristin Arnold

President · QPC Inc. - The Extraordinary Team

Elevating Workplace Team Performance by facilitating high-stakes meetings, speaking/EmCeeing at events, & moderating panels.

Teamwork & Collaboration Communications Presentation Skills High Stakes Meeting Facilitation Panel Moderation

Douglas Bowman

Professor of Marketing · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Bowman is an accomplished researcher in marketing, award-winning educator, and proven consultant.

Marketing Strategy Customer Behavior Brand Management Product Management

Parshati Patel

Science Communication · Stellar Dreams

An astrophysicist turned science communicator, space educator, author and space artist with a passion to bring space to the public!

Sci Art STEM Education Astrophyics Astronomy Planetary Science

Edward Leach

Associate Faculty - School of Leadership Studies · Fielding Graduate University

Edward Leach is a community college professional who has expertise in program development, higher education, and leadership.

Athletic Training Brand Marketing Community Colleges Teaching Marketing

David Johnson

Visiting Professor · University of Newcastle

Business and entrepreneurial psychology

Corporate Entrepreneurship Business Psychology

Nicholas de Wolff

President · de Wolff Advisors

Internationally recognized Social Business Strategist and Brand Builder

Business Building Corporate Social Responsibility Sustainability Social Media Internet

Ralph Russo

Program Director, Professor of Practice, Applied Computing · Tulane University

Ralph Russo is an expert on technology in the homeland security and public safety domains.

Software Development Computer Science Emergency Management Public Safety Emergency Operations

Michael Goldstein, JD

Public Trustee · Fielding Graduate University

Higher Education Education Law Community Outreach Staff Development Mergers & Acquisitions

David Ulrich

Partner · The RBL Group

Professor, researcher, consultant, human resources guru, and bestselling author who advises organizations and leaders on delivering value

Results Based Leadership Organizational Capability Human Resources Management The Future of Human Resource Management Leadership and Management

Daniel Silke

Director · Political Futures Consultancy

Acclaimed presenter of outstanding keynotes on Global Future Trends for corporates, conferences & conventions around the world.

Global Future Trends Consumer of the Future Emerging Brics Economies Africa South Africa

Gareth James

John H. Harland Dean and Professor of Information Systems & Operations Management · Emory University, Goizueta Business School

Data is the sword of the 21st century, those who wield it well, the Samurai. -Jonathan Rosenberg, adviser to Larry Page & former Google SVP

Statistical Problems in Marketing Functional Data Analysis Statistical Methodology High Dimensional Regression