Lisa A. Costello

Professor, Writing and Linguistics & Director, Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies Program · Georgia Southern University

Lisa Costello researches writing, gender and the Holocaust.

Rhetoric and Public Memory Genocide Studies Women's and Gender Studies The Holocaust Writing and Linguistics

Almut Winterstein

Distinguished Professor · University of Florida

Almut Winterstein is an expert in drug safety and ways to improve medication use.

Medical Marijuana Healthcare Quality Drug Use in Maternal and Child Health Medical Marijuana Safety Pharmacoepidemiology

Robert M. DeConto

Professor of and Earth, Geographic, and Climate Sciences and Director of the School of Earth and Sustainability · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Rob DeConto is one of the world's leading experts on modeling polar ice sheets, sea level rise and ocean response to climate change.

Ice Sheets and Sea Level Antarctica Glaciology Climatology Earth System Modeling

Richard Dees

Associate Professor of Philosophy and Bioethics · University of Rochester

Richard Dees' research and teaching interests are in public health ethics, neuroethics, and political philosophy.

Neuroethics Public Health Ethics Political Philosophy

Steve Chermak

Professor of Criminal Justice · Michigan State University

Steven M. Chermak is a professor in the School of Criminal Justice at Michigan State University.

School Violence White Supremacists Crime Media Coverage Domestic Terrorism

Marley Rave

Vice President, Communications, Marketing, and Development · Meals On Wheels Association of America

Enid Borden, President and CEO of Meals On Wheels Association of America

Caitlin Barry, JD

Professor of Law; Director, Farmworker Legal Aid Clinic; Co-Director, Community Interpreter Internship Program | Charles Widger School of Law · Villanova University

Caitlin Barry, JD, is an expert in immigration law and enforcement, farmworker rights and advocacy for working conditions in the food chain.

Food Justice Farmworkers Immigration Ice Immigration Enforcement

Jeff Watson

IRA Investor · Law Office of Jeff Watson

Self Directed IRA

Self Directed Ira

Katie Peek

Coastal Research Scientist · Western Carolina University

Katie Peek researches coastal vulnerability, climate change impacts, and natural hazard resilience using GIS.

Hazard Mapping Climate Change Adaptation Sea-Level Rise Coastal Processes Natural Hazard Vulnerability Assessments

Young-Rock Hong

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Young-Rock Hong is a health services researcher and medical sociologist.

Scoial Determinants of Health Palliative Care Value-based care Cancer Screening Preventive Care Services

Kimberly West-Faulcon

Professor of Law · Loyola Law School, Loyola Marymount University

James P. Bradley Chair in Constitutional Law

Impeachment Constitutional Law

Tim O'Donnell

Associate Provost for Academic Engagement and Student Success · University of Mary Washington

Dr. O'Donnell specializes in communication and debate.

Debate Public Speaking Argumentation Rhetorical Theory and Criticism

Charles Owens

Director, Center for Public Health Practice and Research · Georgia Southern University

Charles Owens researches health care access and across the continuum of care

Emergency Medical Services Physician Practices Federally Qualified Health Centers Rural Health Care Access & Delivery Health Care Access & Delivery

Laura Hernandez, J.D.

Professor of Law · Baylor University

Expert litigator, focusing on immigration law, insurance law, Civil Rights Actions, and separation of Church and State

Immigration Law Insurance Law Civil Rights Actions Separation of Church and State DACA

Nicholas Reich

Professor of Biostatistics / Director of COVID-19 Forecast Hub / Director of Influenza Forecasting Center of Excellence · University of Massachusetts Amherst

Nicholas Reich's research focuses on infectious disease modeling and optimizing design and analysis for cluster-randomized studies.

Infectious Disease Modelling Flu forecasting COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Biostatistics Influenza Pandemics

Daniel A. Smith

Professor · University of Florida

Daniel A. Smith examines how political institutions affect political behavior across and within the American states.

Election Administration Voting Ballot Measures Florida Politics State Politics and Elections

Laurel Franzen, Ph.D.

Professor of Accounting, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University

Chair, Department of Accounting and Paul A. Grosch Professor of Accounting

Equity Valuation Financial Distress Bankruptcy Forecasting Financial Accounting

Patricia Snyder

Professor/Chair/Director · University of Florida

Patricia Snyder is regarded for developing, validating and evaluating early interventions for children with or at risk for disabilities

Early Childhood Education

Charles Taylor, PhD

John A. Murphy Endowed Chair Professor of Marketing; Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Marketing and Consumer Insights | Villanova School of Business · Villanova University

Charles "Ray" Taylor, PhD, is a go-to source on advertising, international marketing, branding and consumer behavior

Business Black Friday Big Event Advertising Marketing Advertising

Jeffrey Gale, Ph.D.

Emeritus Professor of Strategic Management, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University

Business and Corporate Strategy Global Business Strategy Regulation Strategic Management Legal Environment of Business