John Bennett, Ph.D.

Public Trustee · Fielding Graduate University

Professor, business and behavioral science + director of graduate programs at McColl School of Business/Queens University. Fielding Trustee.

Coaching Human and Organizational Systems Business and Behavioral Science

Henry Juszkiewicz

Chairman and CEO · Gibson Guitar Corp.

Hittin' The Best Note! Gibson's CEO plucks just the right strings as an experienced & energetic speaker on consumer branding, marketing

Fan Based Marketing How to Grow A Company How to Deal With A Government Investigation Marketing Your Brand Strategies for Leadership

Daniel Silke

Director · Political Futures Consultancy

Acclaimed presenter of outstanding keynotes on Global Future Trends for corporates, conferences & conventions around the world.

Global Future Trends Consumer of the Future Emerging Brics Economies Africa South Africa

Lynda Gratton

Founder & CEO · Hot Spots Movement

One of 2011's top 50 business thinkers and internationally recognized global authority on the people implications of human resource strategy

Human Resources High-Performing Virtual Teams Flexible Working Valuable Cross-Business Networks and Relationships Corporate Culture