Barry Setlow
Professor · University of Florida
Barry Setlow focuses on understanding the neural and behavioral mechanisms of substance use disorders and aging.
Aging Neuroscience Impulsivity Memory Animal Models
Sara Smith
Associate Professor · University of Florida
Sara Smith is an expert on emerging technologies for language learning, including digital environments and immersive virtual environments.
Virtual Reality (VR) Augmented Reality Learning Differences Language EMI
Bruce Compas
Patricia and Rodes Hart Professor of Psychology and Human Development, Professor of Pediatrics, Co-Director of Clinical Psychology Training, and Director of Psychology at the Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center · Vanderbilt University
An expert on how stress affects the physical and mental health of children and families, and the power of coping and preventative measures.
Neurocognitive Deficits Depression Stress Coping and Resilience Huntington Disease Childhood Cancer Survivorship
Avery Closser
Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Avery Closser studies how students think and learn in online environments to inform the design of education technology.
Open Science Experimental Design Cognition Educational Technology Quantitative Methods
Alicia Domack, Ph.D.
Department Chair and Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering
Dr. Alicia Domack has a research background in cognition, learning and development.
Learning and Development Educational Psychology Cognition
Rebecca Spencer
Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences · University of Massachusetts Amherst
Rebecca Spencer is one of the nation's leading researchers exploring the relationship between sleep and brain function.
Children and Napping Sleep and Learning Learning and Memory Children and Sleep Cognition
Lisa Fazio
Associate Professor of Psychology and Human Development · Vanderbilt University
Expert on how people process true and false information, and how to mitigate the effects of reading and sharing false information.
How to prevent sharing false information online Lies Fake News Developmental Science Cognition
Pulkit Grover
Associate Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Pulkit Grover is interested in interdisciplinary research directed towards developing a science of information for making computing systems.
Biomedical Systems Neuroengineering Computing Systems Neuroscience Information Theory
Barbara Shinn-Cunningham
Professor · Carnegie Mellon University
Barbara Shinn-Cunningham's research explores such issues as how do we make sense of speech and other sounds.
Non-Invasive Brain Monitoring Mathematical & Statistical Methods Computational Cognitive Neuroscience Characterization of Neural Circuits
Kelly Herd, Ph.D.
Associate Professor · University of Connecticut
Professor Herd focuses on creativity and product design as they relate to social cognition, identity, and emotions
Emotions Product Design Social Cognition Consumer Behavior Creativity
Christopher Cappelli
Assistant Professor of Health and Human Sciences · Loyola Marymount University
Seaver College of Science and Engineering
Diet and Cognition Substance Use in At-Risk Populations Neurocognitive Processes Appetitive Health Behaviors Neurobiological Processes
Joseph Hellige
Professor Emeritus | Psychological Science · Loyola Marymount University
Bellarmine College of Liberal Arts
Research Methods for Consumers Left- and Right-Handedness Human Cognition Brain Asymmetry Cognitive Neuroscience
Douglas Scharre
Professor of Clinical Neurology and Psychiatry | College of Medicine · The Ohio State University
Dr. Scharre specializes in cognitive disorders and dementias, including Alzheimer's disease
Neurology Neurobehavioral Manifestations Lewy Body Disease Dementia, Multi-Infarct Amnesia, Transient Global
Robin Coulter, Ph.D.
Department Head, Professor of Marketing · University of Connecticut
Professor Robin Coulter is an expert in consumer behavior issues with strategic marketing implications.
Visualization Consumer Research Numerical Cognition Branding Cross-Cultural Consumer Behavior
Richard Petty
Professor | Department of Psychology · The Ohio State University
Distinguished psychologist, revolutionizing understanding of prejudice, consumer choice, political and legal decisions, and health behavior
Social Psychology Attitudes & Persuasion Social Cognition Decision-Making
Lisa Taylor
Assistant Research Scientist · University of Florida
Lisa Taylor researches biodiversity and the extravagant and brilliantly colored displays that arthropods use to communicate.
Animal Behavior Animal Cognition Animal Coloration Animal Communication Spider Biology
Erin Westgate
Assistant Professor · University of Florida
Erin Westgate studies boredom, interest, and thinking (...and why it's so hard for so many people).
Happiness Boredom Emotion Social Psychology Social Cognition
Marcus Crews, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship and Strategy, College of Business Administration · Loyola Marymount University
Microfoundations Entrepreneurial Cognition Strategic Cognition
Cassandra Estep
Associate Professor of Accounting · Emory University, Goizueta Business School
Social Cognition of Professionals Auditing Behavioral Decision Making
Norbert Ross
Associate Professor of Anthropology · Vanderbilt University
Expert in child centered anthropology, including children and violence.
Central America Culture and Cognition Children and Violence Child Anthropology Theatre and Social Science