Alisa Dodds
Senior Lecturer in Health and Human Sciences · Loyola Marymount University
Seaver College of Science and Engineering
Nutrition Counseling Intuitive Eating Nutrition Science Health at Every Size Recovery from Chronic Dieting
Robert Richardson
Associate Professor · Michigan State University
An expert in ecological economics, ecosystem services, food security, and sustainability.
Natural Resource Management Writing and Editing Sustainability Food Security Rural Development
Jennifer Cooper
Holistic Health Counselor · ORs & OMs Wellness
It's time to shake things up a bit!
Health & Wellness Mental Health Stress Management Re-Invention Nutrition & Lifestyle Changes
Lee Fairbanks
Author · Pension Ponzi
Engaging, knowledgeable speaker on: government debt and pension reform; Creative writing; marketing & promotion; event management; diet
Public Sector Unions/Pensions Writing Non-Fiction Event Marketing Healthy Weight Loss Anti Smoking
Wendy Dahl
Professor · University of Florida
Wendy Dahl's current research interests focus on the relationships between fiber, diet quality, probiotics and the gut microbiome.
Dietary Fiber Nutrition and Disease Treatment Nutrition and Older Adults Probiotics
Bob Cousins
Eminent Scholar/Director · University of Florida
Bob Cousins’ research focuses on understanding the nutritional significance of zinc and how it acts as a signaling molecule.
Food Science & Human Nutrition Micronutrients Vitamins Zinc
Michael Lara, MD
Michael Lara, MD - Private Practice Psychopharmacology · Michael Lara, MD
Alternative and Functional Medicine Specialist
Nutrition and Mental Health
Dr. William E. Reichman
President and CEO · Baycrest
Overseeing one of the leading academic healthcare organizations specializing in complex specialized geriatric care and brain research.
Nutrition and the Aging Brain Mental Health and Aging Strategies for Remembering The Interactive Impact of Fitness and Brain Health Maintaining Autonomy: the Brain Fitness Movement
Shuresh Ghimire, Ph.D.
Associate Cooperative Extension Educator · University of Connecticut
Shuresh Ghimire conducts an extension education and research program in vegetable crop production and practices.
Plastic Mulch Climate Adaptation Horticulture Agricultural Sciences Biodegradable Materials
Justina Ray
President and Senior Scientist · Wildlife Conservation Society Canada
Justina Ray's research is focused on evaluating the role of shifting landscapes in biodiversity decline and/or change in forested ecosystems
Conservation Planning Forested Ecosystems Biodiversity Wildlife Ecology Wildlife Conservation
Todd Thrift
Associate Professor · University of Florida
Todd Thrift is a beef cattle specialist with expertise in cow/calf management and feedlot management.
Beef Quality Assurance Cow Calf Management Feedlot Management Beef Cattle Breeding Ranch Management
Brian LaPointe, Ph.D.
Research Professor at FAU’s Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute · Florida Atlantic University
Brian Lapointe’s research interests include algal physiology and biochemistry, marine bioinvasions and marine conservation.
Marine Bioinvasions Coral Reef Ecology Algal Physiology Biochemistry Seagrass Ecology
Rajiv Garg
Associate Professor of Information Systems & Operations Management · Emory University, Goizueta Business School
Expert on Estimating Economic Value of Information and Algorithms
Economics of Information Social Media Digital Marketing Mobile Economy Business Analytics
Sherry Granader
Sports Nutritionist, National Speaker, Author and Writer ·
Nutritionist, Writer and National Speaker
Throw Out the Diet Prepare to Live Longer Ad Do It Well
Monique Mitchell Turner
Chair of the Department of Communication · Michigan State University
Monique Mitchell Turner is trained in persuasion and employs that expertise in health and risk communication.
Risk Perception Persuasion Cognitive Processing Social Influence Emotion
Debbie Delaney
Associate Professor, Entomology · University of Delaware
Prof. Delaney researches evolutionary biology and population genetics of honey bees.
Population Genetics Honey Bees Evolutionary Biology
Peter Adams
Vice President · Vielight
Innovation commercialization, Innovation acquisition, innovation community creation
Neurological Technology Mobile Health Technologies Healthcare Efficiency and Technology Healthcare 2.0 Life Sciences
Professor Paul Gately
Carnegie Professor of Exercise and Obesity and Co-Director of the Applied Centre for Obesity Research · Leeds Beckett University
His main research interest is in childhood obesity - and the treatment strategies for obesity across all age ranges.
Eating Disorders Exercise Treatment of Obesity Childhood Obesity Weight Loss
Dave Hubbard
Founder · America's Fitness Coach®
Entertaining and unforgettable presentations that inspire audiences to improve the quality of their life!
How to Better Manage Your Body
Sophia Scattaglia
Lecturer in Health and Human Sciences · Loyola Marymount University
Seaver College of Science and Engineering