Sara Seager

Professor of Planetary Science, Physics, and Aerospace Engineering · Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Sara Seager is an astrophysicist and planetary scientist, and is an expert in theory, computation, and data analysis of exoplanets.

Exoplanet Habitable Zones Exoplanet Atmospheres Exoplanet Interior Composition

Dr. Marianne Mader

Managing Director, Earth & Space/Fossils & Evolution, Royal Ontario Museum · Co-Founder & Board Member, STEAMLabs Community Makerspace

Cultivating curiosity. Inspiring passion for exploration. Empowering people to engage with science & tech.

Space Exploration Planetary Science Science Communication Maker Culture STEAM Education

Karyn Rogers

Assistant Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences · Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Focuses on the relationships between microbial communities and environmental conditions in extreme ecosystems

Geobiology Geological & Environmental Sciences Geochemistry Geomicrobiology Astrobiology

Tanya Harrison

Fellow · Outer Space Institute

Professional Martian who has worked on rocks and robots on the Red Planet.

Space and Astrophysics Climate Change Satellite Based Remote Sensing of the Earth/atmosphere System Earth Science Women in STEM Careers

Edward Guinan, PhD

Professor of Astrophysics and Planetary Sciences | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences · Villanova University

Edward Guinan, PhD, an expert in astronomy and space science research explores the sun, stars, planets, extraterrestrial life potential.

Severe & Hazardous Weather / Global Warming Interstellar Travel Potential Pulsating Stars and Stellar Evolution Exoplanets and the Suitability of Exoplanets for Life Astrobiology/Exobiology

Adam Frank

Professor of astrophysics, science commentator, and popular author · University of Rochester

Frank is a leading expert on how stars form and how they die, as well as civilizations before humans

Extraterrestrial Life Space Discoveries Life on Other Planets Civilizations and climate change Theoretical Astrophysics

Manasvi Lingam, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor | Aerospace, Physics and Space Sciences · Florida Tech

Dr. Lingam's research interests are primarily within the transdisciplinary areas of astrobiology.

Planetary Science Plasma Physics Astrobiology Astrophysics

Stephen Elardo

Assistant Professor · University of Florida

Stephen Elardo's research focuses on early planetary formation and evolution, specifically in the geological evolution of the moon.

Artemis Magma Apollo Planetary Exploration The Moon

Parshati Patel

Science Communication · Stellar Dreams

An astrophysicist turned science communicator, space educator, author and space artist with a passion to bring space to the public!

Sci Art STEM Education Astrophyics Astronomy Planetary Science

Emily Hawkins

Assistant Professor · Loyola Marymount University

Seaver College of Science and Engineering

Rotating Turbulence Experimental Planetary Science Fluid Physics Space Physics Geophysical Fluid Dynamics

Rhiannon Mayne

Oscar and Juanita Monnig Endowed Chair of Meteoritics and Planetary Science · Texas Christian University

Museum curator and researcher specializing in the study of meteorites and planetary science, as well as education and public outreach.

Planets Meteors Astroids

Dr. PANKAJ DHUSSA (- Ph.D. & Sc.D. -)


Research Scientist & iNaturalist

Astronomy iNaturalist Futuristic Thinking Research & Development Technology & Innovation