Jay Rappaport
Director · Tulane University
Rappaport is an expert in HIV/AIDS and nonhuman primate models of diseases in biomedical research.
COVID-19 Hiv/Aids Neuroscience Coronavirus
Paola Marignani PhD, MBA
Professor · Dalhousie University, Faculty of Medicine
Dr. Paola Marignani is a scientist dedicated to developing personalized precision medicine that will improve human health.
Breast Cancer Research Lung cancer Research Gene Editing CRISPR-Cas9 Transgenic mouse models of cancer
Donna Thomson
Author, Caregiving Activist · McMaster University
Author and Leader in family caregiving - disability and aging Instructor, McMaster University Vice-Chair, Kids Brain Health Network
Health Care Navigation Family Caregiving Resilience Strategic Advocacy Teaching, Coaching
Leon Davies
Professor of Optometry & Physiological Optics · Aston University
Professor Davies's research is focused on presbyopia and the restoration of ocular accommodation to the ageing eye.
Visual Function Following Stroke Ophthalmic Instrumentation Intraocular Lens (IOL) Technology Presbyopia Ocular Accommodation
Dr Emily Christopher
Lecturer, Sociology and Policy · Aston University
Dr Christopher's research has explored the ways in which UK state policy is mediated through workplace policies and cultures.
Gender Divisions and the Relation Between Paid and Unpaid Work Sociologies of the Family, Relationality and Kinship Men and Masculinities Visual Methodologies
Dr Hayley James
Senior Research Fellow, Accounting · Aston University
Dr James's research interests concern sociological perspectives on money, finance and value, and how they intersect with the lifecourse.
Lifecourse Economic Sociology Financial Wellbeing Gender and Finance
Paticia Fletcher
Chief Strategy Officer · ElderCare Buddy
Credentialed Gerontologist and Professional Certified Marketer
The Next Four Decades: the Older Population in the United States: 2010 to 2050 Communicating With Older Adults
Cliff Bailey
Emeritus Professor, College of Health and Life Sciences · Aston University
Professor Bailey's research is mainly directed towards the pathogenesis and treatment of diabetes.
Diabetes Endocrinology Insulin Therapy Diabetes Treatments Surrogate Beta-Cells
Henry J. Donahue, Ph.D.
Alice T. and William H. Goodwin, Jr. Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering; BS, San Diego State University; Ph.D. UC Santa Barbara · VCU College of Engineering
Bone, mechanobiology, regenerative medicine, effects of space travel on bone and muscle, gap junctions, osteoblast, osteocyte, osteoclast
Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering Musculoskeletal Mechanobiology Space Biology and Bioengineering
Kerri Raissian, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Public Policy · University of Connecticut
Public administration expert, focusing on child and family policy
The impact of early childhood investments on child well-being Role of policy in family violence and contraception subsidies How policy generates family complexity, data collection and decision making in the child protective system
Dawn Bowdish
Associate Professor, Pathology and Molecular Medicine · McMaster University
Understanding why changes in immunity that occur with age and how this predisposes us to infection and chronic inflammatory diseases.
Immunology Microbiome Immunosenescence Aging Immune System Pneumonia
Dr Hannah Bartlett
Reader, Optometry Optometry & Vision Science Research Group (OVSRG) Aston Research Centre for Healthy Ageing · Aston University
Dr Bartlett's research portfolio is broadly based around the role of nutrition in ocular disease.
Clinical Education Ophthalmic Instrumentation Low Vision Ocular Nutrition Macular Pigment
Joseph F. Coughlin
Director, MIT AgeLab · Massachusetts Institute of Technology
You're not getting older, you're getting better! MIT's AgeLab Director explains how changing demographics will impact business & government
Aging Social Innovation Gerontology New Technology Understanding the Impact of Place On Well-Being