Allan Zarembski

Professor of Practice Civil and Environmental Engineering; Director, Railway Engineering and Safety Program · University of Delaware

Prof. Zarembski has expertise in railroad track engineering and railroad safety.

Railroad Track Engineering Railroad Safety Derailment Analysis Wheel-Rail Interaction Rail Inspection

Granger Morgan

University Professor · Carnegie Mellon University

Granger Morgan's research addresses problems in science, technology and public policy.

Quantitative Policy Analysis Risk Analysis Environmental Systems Climate Change Adoption of New Technologies

Mohammad Mahinfalah, Ph.D.

Professor, Program Director MS Engineering · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Mohammad Mahinfalah is an expert in impact testing and vibrations.

Impact Testing and Vibrations Experimental Mechanics Mechanical Engineering Composite Materials

Cato Laurencin, M.D., Ph.D.

Chief Executive Officer, Connecticut Convergence Institute · UConn Health

Dr. Laurencin is a world renowned engineer, physician and scientist who is known for pioneering the field of Regenerative Engineering.

Stem Cell Science and Technology Nanotechnology Polymeric Materials Science Tissue Engineering Regenerative Engineering

Marie E. McAllister

Professor of English · University of Mary Washington

Dr. McAllister currently works on the intersections of literature and medicine.

Literature and Medicine Eighteenth-Century Literature Jane Austen British Literature Health Humanities

Eric Corey Freed

Founding Principal · OrganicARCHITECT

Green architect, author and visionary

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) ESG Investment Strategies Green Buildings Green Architect Carbon

Brenda Sims Blackwell

Department Chair, Criminal Justice & Criminology · Georgia Southern University

Brenda Sims Blackwells' work focuses on how gender can influence crimes and the legal and social issues that arise from it.

Law and Society Sentencing Gender, Crime, and Justice Criminal Behavior Corrections

Peter Weyand

Professor & Chair of Kinesiology; Director of the Locomotor Performance Lab · Texas Christian University

Peter Weyand is an internationally renowned biomechanist and physiologist.

Human Speed Human Performance Physical Performance Biomechanics Locomotion

Paul Michael

Director of Fluid Power Institute · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Paul Michael's area of expertise is in tribology: the science of friction, lubrication and wear.

Condition Monitoring Engine Oils Machine Failure Analysis Lubricant Formulation and Testing Tribology

Aaron Kupchik

Professor, Sociology and Criminal Justice · University of Delaware

Prof. Kupchik focuses on juvenile justice and the punishment and policing of youth in schools, courts, and correctional facilities.

Crime and Inequality in Schools Crime and Incarceration Crime Rates Juvenile Justice Correctional Facilities

Wujie Zhang, Ph.D.

Professor · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. Wujie Zhang is an expert in biomaterials, tissue engineering, stem cell-based medicine, micro/nanotechnology, and drug delivery.

Biomaterials Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering Micro/Nano-technology Drug Delivery Stem Cell Research

Steve Holland, Ph.D.

Professor, Program Director · Milwaukee School of Engineering

Dr. Steve Holland's areas of expertise include electromagnetics, antennas, and microwave/radio frequency circuits.

Antennas Electromagnetics RF/Microwave Engineering Analog Electronics Engineering Education

Marisa De Silva

Senior Lecturer and Applied Instructor of Music (Voice) · Loyola Marymount University

Applied Instructor of Music (Voice)

Vocal Performance Early Music Performance Alexander Technique & Movement

Mehrdad Aghagholizadeh

Assistant Professor of Structural Engineering · Loyola Marymount University

Seaver College of Science and Engineering

Performance-Based Design Structural Health Monitoring Earthquake Engineering Structural Engineering Structural Dynamics

John Di Frances


Motivational keynote speaker, business strategist, author. Engaging presentations deliver useful and actionable knowledge. A blueprint for p

Innovation Creativity & Ideation Marketing Sales & Customer Service Leadership

John Hatem

Professor · Georgia Southern University

Renowned Financial Expert

Security Analysis Finance Investments Global Finance

Lynn Lewis

Professor, Biology · University of Mary Washington

Lynn Lewis is a professor of biology at the University of Mary Washington.

Biology Microbiology Virology University Teaching Academic Advising

Paul Langridge, PhD

Assistant Professor · Augusta University

An acclaimed scientist specializing in morphogenesis, CRISPR, synthetic biology, signal transduction, and cell and molecular biology.

Molecular Mechanisms of Notch Activation‎ Signal Transduction Endocytosis Synthetic Biology Cellular Biology

Betsy Lewis

Professor, Modern Languages · University of Mary Washington

Betsy Lewis is a professor of modern languages and literatures at the University of Mary Washington, specializing in Spanish literature.

Spanish Literature Women's Studies Digital Humanities University Teaching Academic Administration

Dr. Sanjeev Sharma

Medical Director and Board Certified Cosmetic Surgeon

Dr. Sanjeev Sharma is an experienced medical professional with a long list of affiliations and certifications.

Cosmetic Treatments Cosmetic Surgery Family Medicine Medical Care